
10 Reviews
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Very though provoking
31 August 2022
I think that some people will not understand this documentary and fall into a victim-blaming mentality. You cannot not take a 16/17 year old child to be your "Girlfriend" when you are a fully grown man ... often with a wife already .... AND be in a position of power, such as many teachers have. It requires a lot of grooming on their part. These ladies were children when this happened. The series touches on the historical sexualisation of young girls, the "Lolita" aspect, and how a predator can turn that into grooming. I'd like to see a follow up episode when Heaven Rubin gets through the next hurdle, which she has been waiting wayyyyyy too long for. Cheryl Nichols' bravery is astounding. I hope she get's the closure she needs.
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The Rookie: In Justice (2021)
Season 3, Episode 2
A good 2nd episode for S3
11 January 2021
After ALL the craziness of the S3 opener, this episode was really solid. So glad they are introducing some new characters too. I think Brandon Routh's story arc will be quite interesting if this episode any anything to go by. I really hope to see more of Arjay Smith too.
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Carol's Second Act (2019–2020)
Oh ... that laugh track
27 September 2019
I hope this gets better. 1 episode in and it's a dumpster fire. So much talent going to waste ... I'm sad :(
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
9 August 2019
I can't think of a film in recent history that I disliked as much as this. I adore Elton and had one of his songs for the first dance at my wedding. I can't pinpoint what turned me off so much, I just hated the film.
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So poor
11 March 2019
Bad acting, bad script, horrible formulaic plot! Unwatchable
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Operator (II) (2016)
21 March 2017
This movie is amazing. Beautifully written and acted.

Sadly it suffers from being put in the "comedy" genre like Lost In Translation and Birdman. Yes they are funny in parts, but ultimately the story is so sad it rips your heart out and does a little tap dance on it.

That said, this dark (and sometimes funny) tale is really interesting, and I did wonder which direction the film was headed in.

It was like a very long episode of Black Mirror. So if you like your viewing beautiful, emotional, moving, hard to watch and a little bit depressing at the end ... This bad boy is for you!

Honestly - It's REALLY good. Enjoy :)
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2 September 2015
I'm not sure how this film snuck past me until now. It's an absolute masterpiece.

Isabelle Blais' performance is amazing. My heart was breaking watching her, she was so good. I really felt her pain. I really wanted to hate Braff's character, he's not necessarily the most stellar human being – but he's oddly likable.

I loved the quietness of the film. Its character driven, and reminded me of the Hal Hartley films I loved when I was younger.

I'll be looking out for Deborah Chow's next offering. This has gone into my favourite all-time films.
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Thought Provoking
21 February 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching the film and wondered "What sort of man marries someone else when his wife is barely cold in the ground?" By the end my heart was a little sadder and my soul much wiser.

It was a fantastic, and beautifully candid, piece of film making.

I really hope that by the end Doug realised (and I hope feels) that his father, Mike, really did/does love him, and was very proud of him.

The thought this has left me with is - At what point do you call your failing relationship quits? Mike and Mina's relationship appeared to be incredibly complex with Mina's affairs of the heart, and the mind, being a hugely impactive factor on the overall tone of the relationship.

From it outside looking in it appeared that Mike spent 54 years doing what was right by his wife and his family regardless of his own feelings.

It proves that you cannot judge without the facts, and in fact should not judge at all.
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Love it, love it, love it
15 January 2006
This film is so underrated it is upsetting. It brings such classics as "Big Bar Hair" & "Heaven Knocking On My Door" which are fantastic!!! But all joking aside this is an excellent film and a real gem which has been passed by, maybe for it's kookiness. Yes, Sandy Bullock in a onesy may scare a few of you, but in country music, how else do you expect the pain to come through. It is a tender film filled with a sense of compassion & togetherness, it is way up there in my all-time fave film list.... it will make you want to stand on top of a building in Nashville & scream "Look out music city - here I am and I ain't ever leavin"

Excellent performances from River Phoenix, Samantha Mathis & Sandra Bullock & Dermot Mulroney's portrayal of Kyle will have you squirming in your seat for all the wrong reasons. This is out on DVD soon .... order it, you'll be glad you did......
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One Cool Kitty
10 May 2005
This is an excellent DVD collection of Steve's work, the interviews and interesting and informative & is a must have for not only fan's of Steve's work but fans of his models. During the interviews, including Dita, Midori, not only do you get to get a glimpse of the process, but it also refers back to particular shoots and pictures.

The main thing that comes out is what a talented and unassuming man Steve is. He is unbelievably good at what he does & does not appear to take it for granted.

The extensive galleries are fantastic, but the only downside is that the galleries are a little slow and i'm not too sure about the background music. (Tres porno!)

However, it is a very well presented DVD and finished to a very high standard.

8/10 from me!
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