
20 Reviews
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Such a shame
25 October 2023
This was gruelling.

Why oh why oh why so bl**dy long?! I was hooked at the beginning and the end.

It's a tough but interesting and powerful subject matter.

The neverending depression wore me down.

DiCaprio was solid but basically his usual, just with false teeth. De Niro's the same - really well played but nothing new. Lily Gladstone was a pure force and carried the 3 & 1/2 hours, (despite being laid up for most of it).

It would've been so much more impactful if it was 90 minutes shorter.

It's disappointing and frustrating because I'd love to watch it again, but just don't have it in me. Eurg.
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Profile (I) (2018)
Clumsy handling of a powerful narrative
9 July 2023
Firstly the female lead for me was almost unwatchable. I didn't connect with any versions of her; unbelievable and unlikeable.

The male lead was incredible - he sold the entire concept. He also reminded me of many men I know who are incredibly successful at deceiving, because of their charisma and apparent authenticity. Such an incredible insight into the process of seduction - religious, political, romantic, etc.; that side was brilliantly portrayed. I'm so glad the 360 degree character and toxic narcissistic dynamic was shown.

Sparky the dog was a standout performance and the only bit of light relief in a relentless series of weak acting, clicking and screen shots. Thanks Sparky!
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The Deep End (2022)
What a true example of psychopathy
8 May 2023
This documentary is an up close and personal study of psychopathy and it's effects on individuals, groups and society. What an insight. This individual is an empty vessel of a person using people for her goals. I wouldn't have any issue with this whatsoever if the people being used were empowered to leave if they wanted. Otherwise it's abuse. She's just another in a long line of cult leaders, not the first or the last. This documentary is so comprehensive in showing how cults are born and maintained, off of the backs of well-meaning and vulnerable people.

I'm glad she seems to have helped some people by being so open about her own pain. I'm a huge fan of speaking about mental health, mental illness, suicide, trauma and healing... In. A. Safe. Space.

This documentary shows what happens when it's not safe.
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I really don't get the hype
11 February 2023
Was it good? Yup, decent script, unexpected laughs and visually appealing. It didn't have me gripped though. One guy even walked out half way through.

Yes, I went for the happy ever after and it delivered, but I found it a struggle to stay with despite the short runtime. I felt it laboured the 'legend' point way too much, and yes I get that it's a kids movie and needs to be somewhat obvious, but I LOVE Dreamworks and Pixar - this is usually my sweet spot, but it was still over cooked.

Full disclosure, it would've helped if there weren't parents talking non-stop near me, (please, please, please don't behave as though the cinema's your living room, even if you have kids - who were actually quiet).

The part I loved the most was the depiction of mental health and coping mechanisms. It just added to the wholesome message of the film, which was about the value of relationships and how to cherish them. This for me was it's' biggest success.
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You People (2023)
Doesn't work on any level for me
29 January 2023
I didn't care about any of these characters or what happened to them. It wasn't funny so it wasn't even entertainment.

The longer it went on, the worse it got.

Nothing felt real or authentic, maybe it's the LA way to talk about authenticity without being authentic? This was miles away from being relatable, despite having some of those painful conversations and awkward moments in real life, they felt nothing like this.

The comedy's somehow tortured and try-hard as well as lazy and obvious.

I liked the premise of the film, lost the point of it very quickly.

It felt super long even though I zoned out after 20-30 minutes, even on a low-expectation Sunday afternoon.
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Style over substance
22 January 2023
  • Pretty, very pretty.

  • Addresses some important issues of diversity.

  • 3D was used nicely, although could've been more regular.

  • Overly long. I was prepared for the length but found my mind drifting from the beginning and completely zoning out in the last half an hour.

  • Weirdly boring and repetitive despite the stunning visuals and constant action.

  • Despite exploring issues of diversity, women were secondary, supportive characters.

  • Didn't add anything to the first. Just a re-telling of the same conflict.

Overall: A nice experience but could've been meaningful, interesting and enjoyable if it focussed on a proper narrative. There were so many surplus scenes about so many things, I was left numb.
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Would've been interesting if it was about other people
19 January 2023
A biased documentary about a classic narcissist who preyed on others' beauty, wealth, talent and kindness because he lacked any of his own.

This would've been a really interesting watch if they didn't shoehorn Warhol into other peoples' (more interesting) narratives. Such a great insight into the 60s and 70s scene in NYC, it's a shame it's ruined by the monotonous voiceover of a self aggrandising and woeful fake. The mystery he successfully created by lacking anything real is actually quite impressive. The unoriginal and plagiarised art he produced is almost laughable.

The Emperors New Clothes on hallucinogens.
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Reasonable Doubt (2022– )
Love the premise
4 January 2023
I love that it's a majority black cast. I love the diversity within that representation. I love the wardrobe choices, even though they're a bit ridiculous. I love the dialogue that gets really real at times! I love that Jax as a main character can be selfish, vulnerable, caring and just generally dissatisfied. Anyone saying that she's un-likeable is right, the difference is that the main character can usually get away with it when they're white and male.

What I struggled with was the pacing - it slowed down so much it lost my attention after about 4 episodes. Then it turned into background noise instead of something I was invested in.

I stopped loving it or caring at all.
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I should love this
1 January 2023
I'm passionate about make up, I love watching the process and I like the format of the show, BUT...Is it me or is the talent getting worse every season??

I watch this to be inspired and blown away by new techniques and trends. Every season the skill and originality seems to get thinner on the ground; they're coming in with pre-made prosthetics, they're each repeating previous themes like 'ultramarine blue alien', 'fire/lava', 'moss/mud/tree evolution/growth as a person' and stippling, etc., but more messily.

These are the best, most creative MUAs that the UK has to offer? Hard to believe when there were much more skilful participants in other seasons.
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Amsterdam (2022)
How can such an interesting story be made so boring?
1 January 2023
This film had all the goods - great actors, a big budget, an incredible true story, aesthetics of stunning era of style, a great script...And yet...I was bored and distracted by the half-way mark. I wanted to fast forward to the end.

The message is beautiful and important but by the end I was just relieved that the film was over to remember it.

I so wanted to love it, and I should've, but it was too long, slow, drawn out, almost self indulgent. It might be a slightly complicated plot but please give the audience more credit and get there quicker without the surplus quirks. Too try-hard to connect with, in my opinion.

I'm just glad I waited for it to be free on Disney.
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Film of two halves
18 December 2022
I really really enjoyed the first half, it's brilliant for so many reasons (and not my usual genre). Beautiful and clever and mysterious and delicious.

It lost me after that. It became boring, repetitive, messy, lost, disconnected.

I'm not sure what the narrative was but I didn't follow. Whose narrative was it? None of them were strong enough to muster any type of emotion from me. I lost all interest. It became a series of music videos with one droning sound. I just wanted it to end.

That's aside from perpetuating the dangerous misconception that gay men are paedophilic (schoolboy scene) and incestuous (blowing an older brother reference) predators. As if it's comparable to promiscuity. For me this took the Dorian Gray influence too far because we still live in a very real world where the queer community isn't safe.

Overall I'm glad I watched it because of the sensory trip, the cult following, the snapshot of culture, the Wilde world view. I wouldn't watch it again.
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Female empowerment personified
21 October 2022
Faults aside, I have NEVER and I mean NEVER felt so empowered as a woman and that in itself deserves a 10. Thank you! I will never forget that feeling.

I understand the problematic historical accuracy, but to say that this is the first or last film to tell a different version of a controversial issue is laughable. I haven't seen this type of vitriol aimed at the other films.

This was more important to me than any other film I've seen in presenting an army of fierce women as true soldiers in every way. Real fighting, real struggle, real loyalty, real triumph over adversity. I felt it viscerally, emotionally, physically and psychically, I loved the boundaries broken. This is so needed in so many ways for so many people right now, I really hope the repercussions continue for generations to come.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Lazy, overrated and pretty offensive
16 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Are we still saying 'committed' suicide in 2022? Especially in a film all about trauma and mental illness and...suicidal themes?? It perpetuates the shame of when suicide was a crime. I can't believe this was so normalised here of all places. Also, what's the overall message? That trauma is insurmountable and insidious and it's hopeless to try and overcome it? Bloody hell, that's depressing at the very least.

Ok, I had to get that out before I drill down to why I give it a 4.

Did it make me jump? Yes, at least a few times, which is saying something. However, was it worth the thrills against the obvious, the cliches, the cringeworthy and the unrealistic (and super fast) decline of the main character? In my opinion, nope. The main character has about 80% screen time and oh my god is she annoying! I very quickly wanted her to give up and get killed off. The behaviour of SO many of the characters was laughable for the wrong reasons and given that it takes itself so seriously, the irony of the title wasn't lost on me. Swing and a huge miss in my opinion. What a wasted opportunity and potentially hugely damaging to those struggling with mental illness.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Such mixed reviews! Just see it for yourself
25 September 2022
This film really has stirred up controversy hasn't it? Silencing and degrading women, despite their central roles; pitting them against each other under the veil of men being powerful, omniscient figures of authority. Funny how patterns replicate and life imitates art or vice versa?

Anyways, enough of the ponderings. I really enjoyed this as a cinematic experience. Florence nailed everything, (even though I'm not usually a fan, she has me converted). It seems like her hard work was undermined by Harry's cringey performances (sorry dude), so much so that I felt I had to 'start again' after every scene that he appeared in. For me it made it quite 'bitty' and ruined the build up of tension and suspense, which was a key part of what kept me hooked. And it did keep me hooked. For the most part. Even if my mind drifted at times because some scenes lingered too long in parts for my liking, I think it could've been shorter, (she says, rambling).

Yes, Stepford wives, blah, blah, blah...What film isn't either an adaptation, an inspired by or even a blatant gratuitous remake of something else? I don't understand the vitriol aimed at this film because of it's premise. In my humble opinion, it has enough freshness, energy and relevance to stand alone as a creation in its own right. Or at least to be seen for people to make up their own minds.

Definitely worth a watch.
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The Associate (1996)
The Associate
4 September 2022
I was pleasantly surprised by the no-nonsense vibe of this film. It's a shame they resorted to overdoing the slapstick (e.g. Hotel foyer scene), it was funny enough without the hammy extremes. For me those are the parts that didn't age well. Other than that, a charming, upbeat film telling an important message that's unfortunately still accurate.

Solid acting performances from the ladies and good enough chemistry between the two main characters. LGBTQIA+ friendly and highlights the 'othering' that can happen in certain exclusive environments.

Overall, the comedy may not have aged well but the message is still as strong and relevant as ever. Worth a watch!
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Possibly the most boring film ever made?
23 August 2022
The only thing I was grateful for were the naps I got whilst watching this gratuitous waste of everything. I love films but this might be one the laziest ones I've ever seen. It's almost offensive that it was made, never mind released at cinemas. What happened??
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Virgin River (2019– )
Season 3??!
25 July 2022
Season 3 is what I thought the whole series would be like, but when I first tried it, I was nicely surprised with season 1 & 2. Gave it a surprising 8 but season 3 gave me no choice to knock it to down to a 1.

What was the point? Money I'm guessing. Just depressing drivel.
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The Women (I) (2008)
One of the most misogynistic films ever made?
26 June 2022
It has to be at least one of them. That's aside from the p*** poor acting, script writing, wardrobe, blah, blah, blah............................................
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The Shack (I) (2017)
9 January 2022
Pretty film with solid acting, but talk about labouring a point. So many messages were problematic and potentially dangerous from my point of view. Taking responsibility for one's actions? Nah don't worry about it, god loves ya.
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Just ouch
25 January 2020
This is painful to watch, despite low expectations of a hungover afternoon.
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