
1 Review
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Along the Way (2007)
I cry for Hollywood...
3 May 2004
What has happened to make Hollywood so spineless? They will release Gigli because it has the name and nothing else. But The Haven has everything but name appeal, and can't get distributed. This film is a STAR MAKER. Andrew Bowen crafted an amazing story as both writer and director, and then personally gives one of the most electrifying performances I've seen in the last ten years. The power of Penn, the charisma of the Rock. The rest of the cast, from the 3 co- stars to the smallest bit part, turns in wonderfully crafted performances. The visuals are amazing, the music was perfectly chosen, the editing and pacing were seamless, hell, even the credits were a joy to watch.

This is a delicately crafted masterpiece of friendship, loss, and redemption. You won't escape this movie without sore ribs from laughing or damp cheeks from crying.

Okay, forget the flowery talk. This is Steel Magnolias for 20-something guys. Someone is Hollywood is eventually gonna figure that out and make a helluva lotta money distributing this film. Too bad they all seem to forget that here in the real world, we care an awful lot more about story than we do about tabloid friendly names. And if you are in Hollywood, I beg you to remember, once upon a time, none of us had ever heard of Frank Capra, Spencer Tracy, or even Steven Spielberg. Take a chance.
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