
3 Reviews
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Avatar (2009)
A for effects, D for hackneyed story and dialog
9 January 2010
Just got back from watching Avatar and I have to say I was impressed with the 3d and the digital characters. The story, on the other hand, was comically bad.

The 3d didn't work for everything, but it work the best when it was used for dust and particles. It really drew you into the image. The digital characters were better visually than Gollum in the LOTR films, though the "character" Gollum had nothing in Avatar that was even close.

Visually, probably the best I've seen. Story, characters, and dialog, among the cheesiest films I've seen. (and not good cheese, like Army of Darkness) I don't know if it was worth the $ to see in the theater, but sure as heck wouldn't bother to rent or buy the DVD.
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George Lucas is a boob.
21 May 2005
Warning: Spoilers
George Lucas is a boob, but he is a very rich and canny boob. The dialog and acting in the movie was, for the most part, terrible. The effects and sound were up the to the usual high standards of Lucasfilm and ILM. There were some great bits in the movie, but they were few and far between.Yoda, to me, looked better than ever. Seeing the early versions of various ships and uniforms was a treat. Palpatine's turning of Vader was done very well I thought.

The bit that really ruined it for me though, was Darth Vader lurching off the table like Frankenstine's monster, and then doing a Shatneresque "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!".

Once was enough for me, thank you!
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10.5 (2004)
Execrable.. bad.. dumb.. etc.
5 May 2004
Taped it, since I had my doubts beforehand. Good thing too. Just zapping the ads out knocked about 45 minutes off the 4 hour run time. Fast forwarding through some of the drek knocked another hour off.

The science was retarded. If their stupid little idea of nukes would have had half a chance of doing what they said it was doing, it would have required hundreds of them, not 6, and they would have had to been thousands of feet under ground, not hundreds. I don't know why I should be bothered about that as it makes as much sense as arguing the "science" in Star Trek.

Phones that still worked when convenient to the "plot".

It had every cliche known to man and monkey. "Marshal Law" (Is that Jude Law's brother?)

I gave it a 2 instead of a 1 because the little bit of footage they had of things falling down was done pretty well.
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