
13 Reviews
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A bad taste in my mouth
6 February 2024
The Zone of Interest is a film that is uncomfortable to watch even though what you actually see is not particularly uncomfortable. It relies on what you hear, and most of all, what you already know.

The film is shot in a way that makes everything seem very real. Some of the shots even looks like they could be restored original footage from the 1940s, providing an insight in the way of life. A life that, perhaps, seems boring in some ways. This is what really emphasises the contrast to the grim reality that exists just outside the shot.

This film left me feeling like I had eaten something bad and didn't have anything to cleanse my mouth with. This reflects the despair and hopelessness in this dark chapter of history.
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Enjoyable and fun
26 September 2023
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is an entertaining and light-hearted film that makes for an enjoyable watch. It is filled with humour and incorporates a lot of things known from the Super Mario game series. This is sometimes done with an ironic approach, which is welcome.

Parts of the film might be overly silly, and not all of the jokes land completely. Also, the plot develops a little fast, which feels a bit rushed at times. Still, this is a movie aimed at kids after all, so one shouldn't expect much more.

Being familiar with Super Mario games, all of the references to different games, characters and soundtracks was very enjoyable. People that are not familiar with the games will miss out on this, which in my opinion makes up a big portion of the movie. Being a Super Mario fan will surely enhance the experience.

All in all, an enjoyable and fun film.
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Simply put, a good film
9 May 2023
Starting this film, I didn't have many expectations, besides from an interesting story about a historical event. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how good it was.

The film doesn't rely on big spectacles or big shots, but I still found it beautifully shot. The emotions of the characters are conveyed in a great way, which is also thanks to a great cast. This is especially true for the performances by Hauser and Bates, who really shine.

The film has got a lot of heart and despite being a rather tragic story, there are several comedic moments throughout. This adds depth to the emotion in the film, and left me feeling content after watching it.

Eastwood did a great job here.
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21 February 2023
Top Gun: Maverick is a surprisingly good action film. It has got great action-sequences, good actors, and a well-written plot that echoes its predecessor.

I have been sceptical towards modern sequels to classic blockbusters, which also affected my initial attitudes towards this film. However, I was pleasantly surprised at how well the film honoured its source material and built on the story.

The film really feels like Top Gun. This is of course intentional, but it never feels cheesy or out of place. The character dynamics, the shots, and of course the soundtrack works to really set a familiar tone.

The plot builds on the original film in a good way, adding emotional weight. It doesn't feel forced, but it creates a good link between the two films.

It is a very "clean" action film, and it could have benefited from some more dramatic moments. Still, the film makes for a fun, engaging ride which might actually outshine the original.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
Long, but enjoyable
17 February 2023
Damien Chazelle's latest film is an enjoyable, and sometimes intense, ride through the early days of Hollywood. It packs a complex plot, many fun characters and a fantastic production design that really adds to the immersion, while also highlighting the foundations of modern cinema.

The film feels like a mix between "The Wolf of Wall Street" and "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood", due to the Hollywood-based historical setting and some intense and explicit scenes. It also feels like Brad Pitt and Margot Robbie are reprising their roles from "Once upon a time..." as the characters they play are somewhat similar.

The strength of the film, in addition to its visuals and sets, is a complex plot that provides both laughter, tears and contemplation. Although I found most of the film funny, there are certain scenes that add a serious and emotional tone to the film.

It does, however, go on for a little too long. Although it doesn't get boring, I found myself expecting the film to end several times. The runtime serves the plot, but it also makes the film heavy to digest and sometimes tiring.

Either way, the film makes for a good and enjoyable experience (if you have 3 hours to spare).
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Black Adam (2022)
"Another DC-movie"
28 December 2022
Black Adam is an okay superhero movie that contains a lot of action, some unique characters, and a refreshing anti-hero perspective. Sadly, it is burdened by several flaws.

The movie has some good action sequences which are enjoyable to watch. Although they are CGI-heavy (which most of the movie is), it is executed decently. Johnson does a good job portraying his character, although it would be nice to see a little more emotion at times. He does crack some jokes, but they often feel forced and a little out of place compared to the otherwise serious tone of the movie. His character lacks some depth on which to properly base his actions.

However, some characters provide comic relief that works (even though it is painfully clear that they are present almost solely for this purpose).

While the roster of characters in the movie are unique and interesting, they are not properly established before being thrown into the story. These characters have not appeared in any previous DC-movie, which diminishes the weight of their presence and the stakes they face in this movie. It's hard to really care about them. Still, their different traits and characteristics do add to the story.

To me, Black Adam comes across as a "typical DC movie". It has a somewhat serious tone, an okay story and characters, and a lot of CGI-action sequences. Of course, some DC-movies stand out, but Black Adam positions itself amongst those movies that attempt to reach somewhere but doesn't quite get there.
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Emotional and decent
15 December 2022
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever is an emotional story that delivers a lot of action, while also feeling a bit rushed.

A general theme in the movie is the passing of T'Challa, and it pays tribute to late actor Chadwick Boseman. This is done in a good way, adding a lot of emotional depth to certain scenes. I was quite emotional watching this movie, knowing that the sorrow portrayed on screen is in fact real.

The cast is very good, and Angela Bassett provides a powerful performance in particular. Letitia Wright also does a good job at the forefront of the plot. The story also introduces some new characters that are interesting, but feel somewhat rushed. There was at least one character I felt was thrown into the story without being properly established, which weakens the impact of the plot.

Tenoch Huerta provides a good portrayal of Namor, and the character is fleshed out to enrich the story. It's sad that we'll never see him on screen with T'Challa.

The soundtrack is great, and so is the sets and costumes. It really portrays Wakanda as a genuine culture with a rich history. The underwater city of Talocan looks good. However, the movie relies a lot on CGI which is painfully evident in certain scenes. It sometimes feels like visual "noise" and becomes tedious at times.

Overall, the movie provides a good and deeply emotional story, though it is burdened by an unstable plot. It works hard to fill the gap left by Boseman, and it partially succeeds in this. The lack of a strong, established lead makes the movie seem to lack a direction at times. Still, it deals with some tough issues and further builds on the story of Wakanda and the characters.

A decent addition to the MCU.
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An OK Christmas flick
1 December 2022
This movie is a typical romantic christmas drama. It's not much more than that, but it's not trying to be either. While the story is okay, some lazy writing and odd plot-choices keeps it from standing out.

The movie relies on some of the typical clichès found in romantic dramas. While this adds some charm to the movie, there are still aspects of the plot that seem rather odd. Certain choices the characters make or things that happen are hard to ignore, which lessens the impact of the overall story.

The plot moves very quickly in the final act of the movie, and it ends rather abruptly. One of the major plot-lines is not resolved in a satisfactory way, which leads to a feeling that something is missing as the credits roll.

Overall, this is an ok movie that can be enjoyed if you are able to ignore its flaws.
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A Christmas snack
30 November 2022
The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is a funny and sweet christmas story. It has both the wacky humor we've come to known from the previous "Guardians"-entries, but also a lot of heart. Despite a short runtime, it packs a fun story that makes us eager to see these characters again.

Unexpectedly, it is Pom Klementieff's Mantis and Dave Bautista's Drax that take the lead roles in this special. As these characters bounce well off each other, as we have seen sometimes in previous movies, it was great to see this dynamic explored to a greater extent. This made for some really great and funny scenes that don't seem forced. Klementieff really shines in her role.

The plot is wacky and fun, just like a Guardians story should be. By bringing in Kevin Bacon, it traces back to elements from the first movie, which creates a great connection to the rest of the franchise. Bacon also adds a fun element to the plot.

While the special contains a lot of humor, it also pulls at the heart strings. Some of the deeper plot points are very relatable, which actually results in some quite emotional scenes. Some might find certain things a bit clichè, but that's what I like about this special. It makes you laugh and leaves you with a smile, just like Christmas stories should!
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Elvis (2022)
Good, with a dose of too fast
28 November 2022
This is an interesting and entertaining portrayal of the life and career (mostly the latter) of Elvis Presley. Butler provides an astounding performance alongside good actors in supporting roles. The set pieces are great, as they add a lot of immersion to the movie.

The story is told from an interesting perspective, which adds more detail to certain characters and the overall story. However, this time could have been better spent focusing on the king himself.

The editing of the film shows off some impressive visuals. Although they are cool, they are thrown out at such a high rate that the story is sometimes hard to follow. This can be said about the overall pace of the movie, which is very fast, causing the film to loose its footing sometimes while running.

There is a lot of good music throughout, of course, as Elvis provided some of rock'n roll's greatest hits. However, I found some soundtrack choices strange. Making use of modern beats and music was off-putting, and broke the immersion at times. It reminds you that this is an act, and diminishes the effect of the beautiful set-pieces that reflect the era.

While not perfect, it is a good movie that depicts many aspects of Elvis' career. It certainly made me more interested in Elvis and his music, and I find the movie a good addition to the roster of recent artist biographies.
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Powerful but tedious
9 November 2022
This is a good WWI movie that portrays the horrors of war through the eyes of a young, German soldier. It effectively captures the transformation from a young, excited and carefree boy to a man rendered broken by war. Good performances from the actors create som really powerful scenes throughout the movie.

The movie is beautifully shot and contains some really magnificent scenes that properly display the environment in which the story takes place. The cinematography and detailed set pieces really add to the immersion of the movie.

However, the movie spends too much time on these visuals, as well as scenes that extend longer than needed. While this helps establish the setting and portray the war, it also slows the trajectory of the plot. This makes the movie feel tedious at times. This time should have been spent on developing the characters more, as they seem somewhat anonymous throughout the film. This also lessens the impact of some scenes.

While the movie lacks pace and character development, it is still a good movie that succeeds in telling the story of the WWI frontlines from a soldier's perspective. A good reimagining of a classic story.
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A great multiversal family-drama
31 October 2022
Even though the term "multiverse" has become more common in today's movie-landscape, this movie takes a different and more subtle approach to it. Focusing on Thomas who is a researcher, the concept of the multiverse becomes a backdrop and a tool used to reinforce the story.

The different versions of Thomas (seemingly from other universes) create some really funny situations, but also add a lot of depth to the character and his struggles with himself as he is torn between his work and his family.

Underneath the comedy and multiversal elements, a deeper and more serious tone is found, focusing on family and the relation between father and son. This is cleverly shown on several levels and is the strength of the movie.

Along with great acting performances, especially by lead Arthur Berning, this movie really sticks the landing.
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Backpackers (2022)
A weak plot with a magnificent view
30 October 2022
This film mainly suffers from poor writing. The story is predictable and it moves forward very quickly, failing to properly establish the characters. Even though the actors do a decent job, the plot is predictable and the dialogue seems stiff and forced. This takes away from the realism in the film, making the characters seem somewhat dumb at times.

However, the main take-away from this film is the beautiful views and landscapes in Peru which is heavily showcased. I was wowed several times during the film as it seems that it was actually filmed on location.

While the film offers good emotions and a sweet love story as well as magnificent views, it is not enough to make it a good movie.
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