
12 Reviews
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Secrets in the Snow (2020 TV Movie)
Made me laugh
2 September 2021
It's so bad it's funny. The acting is bad, the plot weak and predictable. But I assure you it makes for a good laugh.
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Some fun
15 July 2021
Well, if you don't have anything better to do... I only watched because of the greatdane, and I had some fun. And the greatdane is beautiful.
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Not a horror movie
7 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have never seen a horror movie last so long, nor has one ever made me laugh so much. I found it amusing. But the ending reminded me of the Procession Of Shame, from What We Do In The Shadows. I couldn't help laughing a lot.
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Ava (IV) (2020)
2 December 2020
Good entertainment. The action scenes could be better. Don't expect too much from the script: the movie is full of clichés, poor dialogue and totally predictable. But still, it's a movie that doesn't bore so much. Good for those hours when you have nothing to watch.
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Don't Listen (2020)
Scary :)
29 November 2020
Spanish productions hardly disappoint me, and this film is another example of that. With a simple plot, it can be scary and interesting at the same time, it holds your attention and doesn't disappoint. There are some cliché scenes, but it doesn't really ruin the film. Do not turn off the TV after the initial credits, there is still another quick scene.
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It's worthy only to see Maria Bakalova's performance
23 November 2020
I loved Maria Bakalova. And only this. The film is not as funny as the first one - nor as profane. Humor too forced even for a Borat film.
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Didn't like it
22 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I didn't appreciate it very much. I'm big fan of terror/horror and thrillers, and I was disappointed because I did not watch this one yet while everyone was saying it was worth it. The movie is very slow, there are no scares, and the ending is predictable. They could've used several night scenes to create something more frightening or even interesting. Below average in my opinion, I do understand people who liked it, but I prefer something scarier than sitting on the bed listening to strange noises or standing for hours.
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The Witches (2020)
Well, not so bad
14 November 2020
I didn't see the original, so I found this one funny. Maybe when I watch the original I'll change my mind... but for now it's ok and entertaining.
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Good version
9 November 2020
I didn't understand the bad reviews. It was the best retelling of this tale that I have ever seen. The film has dark elements and striking scenes, the soundtrack and cinematography are characters and they are fantastic. Put the bad reviews aside and give the film a credit. I think it's worth it.
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Not so bad
8 November 2020
I'm brazilian, and I don't usually like Brazilian films. But this film came out of the stereotype that I am used to see in our soap operas and our films of the genre. Although I did not like some performances, I found the film very well thought out, with scenes that are part of the life of all brazilians who have already rented a super house on the beach, and when they got there they saw that it was nothing like that. Great laughs. Worth it.
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The Pyramid (2014)
Not sooo bad
10 May 2020
Way better than watching La La Land. It's awful actually, but I spent 01:30 of pure fun. Don't take it so serious.
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Best soundtrack ever
13 August 2019
I won't talk about the movie: watch it. I just came to talk about the soundtrack: spectacular.
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