
14 Reviews
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Pack (1997)
Season 1, Episode 6
A Different Opinion
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I found this to be a very disappointing episode was very surprised to learn J. Whedon considers this to one of his favorite episodes. Using such a cheap plot point like killing the mascot to illicit an emotional response is embarrassing. It's understandable (if not even forgivable) that young writers, early in their career, would resort to something like this because they haven't yet developed their skills but, to hold onto any level of affection after so many years is kinda sad. This is the kind of episode that "real" writers look back on and cringe. Embarrassed that they ever resorted to such elementary plot development. "How can we show that this character, that fans know is a good guy, has suddenly turned? I know! We'll introduce a mascot that nobody has ever seen. We'll make him cute and then our character can kill it!" You can find half a dozen similar stories at any community college creative writing class across the country. I realize that it's just one episode and, in the grand scheme of things, doesn't really matter but, it makes me wonder: could a better writer have kept a show like Firefly on the air for more than half a season?
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The Orville: Twice in a Lifetime (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Great As A Stand-Alone Episode But...
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the reviews here have been very positive and I agree, it is a fascinating story on it's own but, in conjunction with the other 35 episodes, it completely contradicts the characters they've spent the entire season establishing. Throughout the series they have firmly established that the entire crew is willing, if not eager, to break from protocol and disregard rules in order to adhere to their own code of morality. Following that logic one can only assume that essentially murdering Gordon's entire family is well within what they deem acceptable behavior. Leaving Gordon in the 21st century where it is clear he has truly found happiness and, is also clear his impact on the past is less than minimal, seems as though it would be a simple choice for them to make and, would align with the established characters that have been developed over the course of the series. By forcing Gordon to return and erasing his family the series changes the perception of the two main characters and essentially transforms them into the worst type of selfish villains. It is impossible to move forward with the series seeing them as anything other than hypocrites who act to satisfy their own selfish needs. I would argue that this episode above all others plays a significant part in why the series appears as though it won't move beyond a third season. Pity, too. This was a wonderful and, while the episode is brilliant, within this established universe, it just doesn't work.
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Respect Greatness
8 March 2024
This was a very fascinating, informative documentary that allowed life-long fans to relive amazing moments while at the same time educate those unfamiliar with the greatest sports dynasty of all time. From humble beginnings, through controversies both real and imagined all the way until the bitter, inevitable end this series provides the viewer with a front row seat to all the ups and downs. My only disappointment is with many of the reviews disparaging this phenomenal documentary. To be a fan is natural and to "hate" a team that displayed consistent success at the expense of ones own team is understandable but, being unable to see past your own fandom to appreciate true greatness is unforgivable. True football fans will see the documentary for what it is: a recording of greatness as it rose and fell. Ignore the negatively of some of these reviews. They were written by fake football fans and bandwagoners who have allowed their bitterness to cloud their judgement.
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Looks Like I Got Here Early
21 October 2023
At the point of this writing there was only one other review posted and I completely disagree with there opinion. I actually really enjoyed this movie. Unlike the other review I was immediately hooked. I found this movie, while I admit is fairly predictable, to be unique and original. It was quirky and poignant with a healthy dose of heart. Both main characters were relatable and, more importantly, likable. The acting was great. Production was fantastic. Music was spot on. Honestly, I have no complaints. Listen, this movie isn't going to be studied in film school anytime soon and it probably won't win many awards but, at a time when it seems like every movie is either a sequel or a remake or based on a toy from the 80's it's nice to see something different. I enjoyed it.
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3 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The people putting this episode down are not, repeat NOT, true Star Trek fans! The original series had plenty of "gimmicky" episodes. That's what made is so great! TNG definitely approached the Star Trek universe from a much more serious point of view (which was great. The show is an absolute classic) but this series has 100% taken inspiration from the original. Episodes like this (and the cartoon crossover episode) are what make this show special. They have serious episodes and an overall story but it's nice to take a break every once in awhile and watch the captain sing and dance on the bridge. Don't listen to the detractors! This episode is great!
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30 July 2023
Just ugh. Not even an exclamation point at the end. That's how little energy I'm willing to expend on this movie. It also appears to be the amount of energy the writers put in as well. Listen, I realize one can't expect too much from the 15th sequel in a series but this really hits an all time low. Gone are the big name actors, the models, the professional wrestlers and even the has-beens looking for a paycheck. All that remains is a thin plot, weak action sequences, poor acting and a surprising amount of racism. It's like they sat down, googled "racial stereotypes" and then built their script around that. Thank God I waited for this to premier on Paramount instead of paying for this. It's probably time for this franchise to be mercifully put down.
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The Idol (2023)
I'm Bored....
10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Never thought I'd be saying that about a show where Lily Rose Depp is apparently allergic to clothes but here we are. So, the show started off interesting. Depp's daughter doing a photo shoot while her "team" deals with a social media crisis. If that was the show it would have been good but, it seems they only had about 15 minutes of decent material. After that it was a 10 minute dance routine followed by a flashback(?) of pretty people dancing at a club. Here we meet The Weekend which is a dumb name that I refuse to type repeatedly so, from here on out, I'll refer to as Bob. Bob owns the club and can't act so, of course, Depp falls madly in love with him immediately. After that, she goes home and masterbates (like you do) and then the whole thing devolves into an even worse version of 50 Shades of Grey(Gray?) which, considering how bad that movie was is actually kind of impressive. Was Bob the cause of her social media crisis? Doesn't matter because Depp doesn't own a shirt. Who were all the creepy guys the director went out of his way to showcase at the club and then never referenced again? Forget about that and watch Depp repeatedly wake up in various states of undress. Listen, I am in no way a prude. I enjoy attractive women in little to no clothing as much as the next guy but, honestly, I've seen more plot in porno films. Even Depp looked bored. I've been watching HBO for years and I've never seen them miss this bad. Maybe the writers will get around to giving us a story in the coming episodes but, if they do, I'll never know. I won't be coming back.
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Quantum Leap (2022–2024)
Supporting Cast Almost Sinks Potentially Solid Show
22 January 2023
I enjoyed the first episode and plan to watch more. I liked the fact that they approach this as a "continuation" of the original serious which allows them to expand the universe. I also enjoyed the main character. I thought he was well written and interesting. On the other hand, I think making the updated "ziggy" character his romantic interest could be a bit of a misfire although I'm reserving judgement to see how they develop that part of the storyline. For me, the biggest issue (and the reason I only rated it a 5) is the supporting cast. Other than Ernie Hudson (who is phenomenal in everything he does and horribly underused here) the rest of the cast is a miss. The afore mentioned "ziggy" has zero chemistry with anyone she shares the screen with and her acting is wooden. The non-binary character is, at best, consistantly annoying in every scene and a complete distraction. It seems as if the goal for this character was to be the cool, hip genius but instead plays as an androgynous mess. The character is a complete disaster that almost destroys the entire show. As I said, I plan to keep watching. My hope is that this character is slowly phased out.
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Hellraiser (2022)
Boring "Me Too" Garbage
22 October 2022
Hey, pinhead is a girl now! See how progressive we are!?! See!?! Please don't pay any attention to the boring plot, lost storyline, unlikable characters, silly monsters and cardboard acting! Also, don't in any way remember the original and compare this movie to that because you'll be sorely disappointed. Please, just focus on the fact that we're progressive and modern and cast a girl in a role that originally went to a guy! I mean, how crazy is that!?! Right!? Remember, by Hollywood law, any remake that does that is automatically good, right? Please just focus on that and nothing else. Please!?!
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Lazy Writing
31 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie literally opens with the "bad guys" killing a bunch of animals. That's how you know they're the bad guys. Lazy writing that uses every cliche in the book to elicit a false emotional response. This series has completely fallen off the rails. Such potential wasted in the hands of "writers" who have nothing to say. Seriously guys: at this point we're all just bored.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
Every Once in a While...
16 April 2021
There are already plenty of reviews that talk about the story, the acting, the writing, etc so I won't rehash what's already been said. Instead, I'll simply say this: I am 42 years old and in my time I have seen a lot of great shows amd movies. I, like everyone, have my favorites. Shows amd movies I watch over and over and I love them all. But, every once in a great while something comes along that can't be described as merely great. It's hard to explain but you feel it when you're experiencing it. It feels special. This doesn't happen very often. Even with shows I love. But when it happens you feel that you'll remember it. I felt this way watching the series finale of Scrubs. I felt this way when I watched Jojo Rabbit. I feel this way watching Ted Lasso. Simply put: it's the best show I've seen in 10 years. Enjoy.
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Patty Jenkins Sets Women Back w/ This Rubbish
27 December 2020
The first WW movie was amazing! It clearly demonstrated that a woman super hero can be strong, smart, funny and, most of all, can easily hold her own with her male counterparts. It was a monumental step forward for super hero movies and women in general and I couldn't wait for the sequel. It was very disappointing to see the direction Mrs. Jenkins took this character. The WW in this movie represents and displays all of the stereotypical cliches so many serious actresses have worked for years to dispel. In the first WW she was a badass who fought with passion against evil and stood up for her convictions. In WW84, when she's not pining for her lost love (because we all know a woman is lost without her man, right?) she's winking at little kids while she fights campy bad guys who are literally tripping over themselves to get caught. The female supporting cast isn't much better. Kristen Wiig is the embodiment of the frazzled, clingy stereotype that went out of style in most movies years ago. The only 2 strong women (Connie Nielsen amd Robin Wright) are gone after the first 10 minutes and we are left with weak, campy garbage. The WW in the first film was Christian Bale's Batman. In WW84 we get the Adam West Batman. Such a disappointment.
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Scrubs: My Finale: Part 1 (2009)
Season 8, Episode 18
Perfect Finale to an Amazingly Original Show
13 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There have been a lot of amazing shows over the years but few have been able to come to a conclusion with the same high level of brilliance that they were able to achieve in their prime. Think: How I Met Your Mother. The Scrubs finale not only reaches that brilliant level but I would argue manages to surpass it. The 2 part finale manages to display the high level of absurdist comedy that fans have come to expect while at the same time reminds us all of the huge heart that made the show amazing (and grossly underrated!). Scrubs is a show that can be researched over and over without losing much (if any) enjoyment and this finale is something to look forward to as fans enjoy old episodes. Highly recommended as a perfect ending to a fantastic ride.
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Great 90s Movie
29 September 2018
It basically The Replacements it just happened to come out 20 years earlier. Great movie for the whole family. Slapstick humor for the kids, football action for sports fans, a bit of romance for mom and Kathy Ireland in shorts for dad! You can't go wrong!
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