
15 Reviews
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Dilbert (1999–2000)
God I miss this show!
4 May 2008
This was one of the only comedies I've ever seen that has ever been able to successfully blend such ridiculous premises with such clever humour. Especially for a cartoon, most of which are so mind-numbingly idiotic that you feel insulted watching them.

The characters, all outlandish and over-the-top, are well developed and larger-than-life in their own individual ways, as opposed to clones of one weird character that might make the show boring and repetitive. Dogbert in particular stands out as a shining example. Even guest characters like Bob Bastard (one of my personal favourites) and Lena the Warrior Engineer are superbly fleshed out and captivating.

The plot lines are all so far-fetched and zany that they could easily slip into the 'Family Guy' genre but the writers, goofy as their ideas may be, infuse the madness with smart jokes, witty dialogue, and even some well-executed slapstick. And they can pull off both kinds of comedy in such a way that they compliment, rather than clash with, each other.

Unfortunately, this sort of humour was just too much of an acquired taste for the average audience to grasp. The failure of Dilbert and the success of cartoons such as Family Guy are proof that there really isn't much of a future for intelligent comedy - the general TV- watching masses are simply, sorry to be so blunt, too thick.

Too bad. I miss this show a lot.
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Riven: The Sequel to Myst (1997 Video Game)
Arguably the Best Game Ever Made
17 May 2005
What do you get when you combine brilliant graphics, intriguing puzzles, mysterious scenery, great acting, and watertight storyline? Riven: The Sequel to Myst.

I do not think I would be stretching a point in saying that this is the best game ever made. Truly. It is a good length, the puzzles are suitably hard, and the acting is superb (better than some movies I've seen). The sage Atrus made a great character, and the diabolical Gehn made a great villain.

The atmosphere in Riven was perfect as well. It's one of those things you can't quite put your finger on...spooky, shall we say? Sort of, spooky, beautiful, and ever-intriguing at the same time.

Cyan has conquered the gaming world. 10/10
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A Bug's Life (1998)
Far Too Predictable
21 February 2005
Warning: Spoilers
In all fairness, A Bug's Life is probably an immensely entertaining film for kids. I know when I was a kid I loved it. And even now, I find a few moments in the movie amusing.

HOWEVER: The biggest problem with this movie was that it was far, far, FAAR too predictable! I can give you some examples. Right from the get-go, you can predict Princess Ata will become Queen at the end. As soon as you see Princess Dot trying and failing to fly, you know she will be able to do so by the end. When you see everybody hating Flik and his inventions, you know that by the end everyone will love them both. The second you discover Hopper's fear of birds, you know that that is how he will meet his demise. You can also tell that Heimlich will become a butterfly before all is over.

I honestly cannot believe how this movie beat "Antz" in popularity, when the latter film was an altogether funnier, cleverer, and more entertaining film with a more engaging storyline and characters. I give this movie 5/10, because I don't want to be too harsh on it when it has several redeeming features. But I do not think that it was nearly as good as Antz, and certainly too predictable.
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King Arthur (2004)
Awesome New Take on the Legend!
3 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard about this movie, I was expecting another remake of the old legend. Which was fine with me, as I am a great fan of the legend. I went and saw it, and was completely surprised. What we have here is not a fairy tell brimming with completely selfless men in shining armour, doing their duty to protect peace without a thought for themselves. No. This is a much more realistic take on the legend, in the sense that it shows the actual harshness of the period in which it takes place. Nobody (Romans and Arthur aside) wears flawless armour and carries a jewel-encrusted sword. The knights are just ordinary men, taken from Sarmatia by the Romans to serve in the Empire as knights. They are not at all pleased to be fighting, and long to get back to home. Doesn't that sound so much more likely?

This movie takes place at the end of the fifteen years a group of Sarmatians (Lancelot, Galahad, Gawain, Tristan, Bors, and Dagonet) have to serve to Rome. They are eagerly anticipating returning home, when they are sent on one final mission. They are extremely displeased, as would be expected. They must rescue an important Roman family in the north from a massive Saxon invasion.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I don't actually care if the history was slightly off (Saxons and Romans at the same time), it was just a very entertaining film. The characters are interesting, the scenery is terrific, the battle scenes are brilliant, and the script can be funny even in such a serious plot. My only criticism would have to be that I found Arthur himself a little wooden. But that does not affect the movie in any way, because he is still an extremely cool character. All the knights were, in any case. Bors was hilarious, Tristan was just so stylish in his fighting, and Dagonet (my favourite) was a formidable fighter but turned out to be the soft one, when it came to children.

If you are expecting the traditional legend and seeing it differently will anger you, do not watch this movie. Myself, I actually liked this one more than the old one. I give it 10/10!

Bors: "Beautiful Sarmatian woman? Why d'you think we left in the first place? Moooo!"
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Thoroughly Enjoyable
24 December 2004
Despite what everyone says about this movie being 'awful', 'the worst movie ever', and such, I enjoyed it immensely. I thought it was very funny and the end was extremely heartwarming.

The best part, by far, is when Tim Allen gets a Botox injection; it is hilarious to watch him try and eat fruit salad when the peaches keep falling back from his mouth into the bowl.

People claim 'half the theatre walked out' when they saw the movie. However, when I saw it not a single person walked out. Don't listen. People have a habit of exaggerating a little (to put it lightly) to make it seem worse than it is.

Anyway, kids will adore it, and it is an excellent family film! 10/10
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The Funniest Horror Spoof Ever Made
31 October 2004
This was the second Mel Brooks film I ever watched, and I

positively reeled in laughter watching it. I do not understand how

this movie only achieves a 4.5 rating.

Among the many memorable moments there are several downright hysterical gags: when Dracula slips in the bat poop

trying to walk down the stairs, when Harker drives the stake and is

drenched in blood, when Dracula rises from his coffin and bashes

his head on the chandelier...the list goes on and on.

Also, Harvey Korman was extremely funny as the bumbling,

blubbering Dr Seward; as was Mel Brooks as Dr Van Helsing, and

Leslie Nielson as Dracula.

I give it 9/10.
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Benny & Joon (1993)
Heart-warming and Hilarious
15 August 2004
I absolutely adored this movie! It is one of those rare films that has

the ability to make you laugh, make you cry, and make you smile

all together.

Johnny Depp was the perfect actor to play Sam, of course. The

character has just too much of a 'peculiar' quality for him to have

ignored (and I do not mean that as an insult to mentally ill

persons). The scene where he puts twinkies on the ends of his

forks and dances around the cafe made me keel over with


One of the best family films ever. ****/*****
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Pitch Black (2000)
Scariest Sci-fi Ever
23 July 2004
This film is not one you would EVER see in the list for Oscars or

Emmys. It's one of those ones the critics would loathe. But if you're

in the mood for action, suspense, and a terrifying sci-fi, THIS


I cannot think of anyone who would have been better at playing the

role of Riddick than Vin Diesel. He's just cool about everything,

even when he's an inch from death. A bit like the characters Vinnie

Jones plays, but I cannot see Vinnie Jones playing Riddick.

I have seen scarier movies than this, but it is truly a scary movie, in

the style of the monsters leaping out of the darkness, and

dreading and not knowing who will die next. Definitely the scariest

science fiction I've ever seen.The aliens are truly brilliantly

animated, and you would expect them to shriek, but they do not.

The sound they do make actually makes it more frightening than if

they did shriek.

The only drawback is that if you have a favourite character, he/she

will most probably get slaughtered at some point.

I give it 9/10; it's a great popcorn flick!
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Hidalgo (2004)
Best Western Ever Made!
21 June 2004
I went to see this movie in the cinema, not knowing what I was in for. From the previews I thought that it looked rather enjoyable, but I was wrong. After watching it, I came to realize it was better than 'rather enjoyable', it was fantastic! I usually am not a great fan of westerns, but this one just got me to the edge of my seat. To me it was a sort of Indiana Jones (which I also love) with Viggo Mortensen instead of Harrison Ford. I cannot decide who is better!

I personally think Viggo looks cooler with long, black hair, but this makes absolutely no difference to the film.

I give it 10/10 - it's a wonderful film!
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King of the Hill (1997–2010)
What is the DEAL?
17 June 2004
OK, people, I'm going to be straight with you: this show SUCKS. I do not understand in the least why people think it's so funny. A bunch of hicks stand around all day guzzling beer and talking like idiots. I have only ever found ONE thing entertaining in the whole operation, and that is when someone tries to kill himself by jumping off his eight-foot high roof. Other than that, this is just a bunch of junk.

I cannot see how comedy could have gone so downhill from the glorious era of ONLY FOOLS AND HORSES, BLACKADDER, and FAWLTY TOWERS. It is a total disgrace.

This show has become so popular, yet it is one of the most idiotic things on the air. I hope you agree.
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Fifteen Minutes of Hilarity *Possible Spoilers*
25 May 2004
Warning: Spoilers
This short had me doubled-up with laughter, even more so than some of the episodes in the Blackadder series. If they are to be given ranks, Blackadder (Rowan Atkinson) is the King of Comedy, and Baldrick (Tony Robinson) is the equally funny Dung-Shoveller of Comedy.

Stephen Fry does a very good impersonation of Prince Charles in his role as King Charles.

There are some very good lines ("[Cromwell]'s got so many warts on his face it's only when he sneezes that you find out which one is his nose." - Blackadder). As always, of course.

Great fun!
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Only Fools and Horses (1981–2003)
Laughed 'Till I Cried
25 May 2004
This is possibly the funniest sitcom I have ever seen. It is marvellously written and acted. Some of the situations, stunts, and one-liners in the show will positively have you keeling over in laughter. My favourite character would have to be Del Boy, followed by Granddad. Some of the vocabulary exhibited in the show has been very helpful to me (plonker, twonk, etc.).

I think this deserves the title of "Most Popular British Sitcom" because it is just so irresistably funny. I think it even tops Blackadder, another of my favourites.

For lovers of British comedy, this is for you!
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Pirates of the Screen
14 May 2004
It really does steal the screen!

This is, without doubt, my favourite movie of all time. It was brilliantly written, performed, filmed, and put together. I cannot work out the mystery of why critics gave it such bad reviews. The special effects were excellent, as well.

I was very choked that it did not get a single Oscar award. I especially couldn't believe that Return of the King got best Makeup over it. I saw NO makeup in that (the Orcs were people wearing masks), and then in Pirates, in come Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) and Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) in spectacular makeup. I certainly think that Johnny should have gotten "Best Actor" for Jack Sparrow rather than Sean Penn.

A great movie for all pirate lovers out there, and well - any movie lover out there.
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Van Helsing (2004)
Move over Buffy, bring on Van Helsing
13 May 2004
This was a brilliantly exciting movie. The whole time it kept me guessing what was going to happen next. It incorporates my two favourite classic monsters, Dracula (Richard Roxburgh) and the Wolfman (Will Kemp). It throws Frankenstein's Monster into the mix as well, and the three stories are all very well combined.

I was surprised to find David Wenham in the movie, and even more so to find him providing the comic relief. He changed since LotR - from tall, elegant warrior to squat, eccentric monk - er, friar.

All the actors/tresses delivered smashing performances. Van Helsing (Hugh Jackman) was a very 1800's James Bond. Anna (Kate Beckinsale) was quite fiery. Dracula was perfectly evil. Carl (David Wenham) was great for a good laugh. Finally, Dracula's brides (Elena Alaya, Josie Maran, and Silvia Colloca) were spectacularly sexy, possibly the most so I've seen in cinema yet.

The previews make it out to have no plot whatsoever, but that is not the case. The plot was not *terribly* intricate, but juicy enough to disqualify the movie from the "mindless action" category. I recommend this movie to those who are looking for a pulse-pounding, dryly comic, and suspenseful ride.

Once again, this was a great film.
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Sleepy Hollow (1999)
Head-Chopping Fun
13 May 2004
Sleepy Hollow is definitely ranked among my five favourite films (and considering I could be ranked among the ten greatest cinema fans, that is saying something). Johnny Depp gives, as always, a brilliant performance in his spectacularly unique style of acting. The only minute flaw I find is that the plot is quite difficult to follow, and you probably won't get it the first time you watch the film (if you do, have you considered joining Mensa?). This film could more than likely rank as a classic Horror movie.

Oh yes, and Christopher Walken was tantalizingly fierce, and Miranda Richardson tantalizingly sinister.

For all Horror fans out there, this movie's for you.
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