
12 Reviews
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Twilight Saga Part 2 review
19 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Twilight has been about creating a hype from the book to the films and congratulations to Summit for achieving the set objective. I was impressed by the picture quality in comparison with other vampire films which are usually dark and dreary. This one has a few good points and a lot of no-so-good points.

One; after all this years Robert didn't bite Bella aided by suppressing his "desires". Two; these vampires are day-walkers for no apparent reason. Three; they look rather pale for vampires who get so much sunlight while socializing with the locals. Four; Bella's father's wannabe dumb act is hopeless. Wow! your adopted daughter has grown super quick in the last twelve months what're you feeding her? Five; that big promised fight between "good vampires" and "bad vampires" turns out to be a maybe it could happen. Six; the flashback in the end tells is more compelling than the whole film.
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Alex Cross (2012)
Alex Cross Review
12 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I went for a month of no movies just hoping and waiting that something spectacular would come along, no such luck I'm afraid. When I saw Perry on the poster I didn't know what to expect so I went in there really action desperate- disappointed. So here it goes.

Cross didn't bother itself with crossing the line it played it safe and we all know that safe is boring. My mistake, safe is just plain old desperation to gross. Firstly the name is dull for an action film, secondly the storyline lacks a background that's compelling enough to want to see it again. After all the trouble that he went through turns out the villain is not the real bad guy, and the bad guy "is clean." I absolutely hate such films they make you feel naive, and we see Hollywood doing this all the damn time. Mr.Assassin kills people and we don't know why plus he loves doing it.

Cross' wife takes a bullet while pregnant very clever let's give the hero motivation to hunt down 'o mr.Assassin, because wasn't already on the case? Everything about this film is too predictable.
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The Watch (I) (2012)
The Watch Review
10 September 2012
Every once in a while a comedy comes along and pushes the boundary just a little bit over board this is it. It got my blood pumping with some laughter, and then out of the blue an alien is on the loose. Not that I didn't know that a green extraterrestrial being would pop in at some stage. I just hate how there is no background provided about their planet and their method of arrival ie. spaceship. I guess comedy fans are dumb and naive. Hey let's laugh while an alien suddenly appears and kills people take pictures and dance under the moonlight with it, dude that's so cool.

This is not one for the kids the amount of explicit cursing is over the top and a surprise sex scene is not one to laugh at. The effort is good and the usual issues of society bring about unexpected humour plus you never get bored and lost in other things. A lot of films have things that the audience gets lost in not here. You should go see it really.
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The Expendables 2 Review
21 August 2012
The first one was about the hype and it worked well for the intended purpose. As you may know the hype doesn't usually last that long and so we're back to the real analysis of how a feature film should be made. Here it goes.

All the characters are not well developed they merely serve a certain purpose the rest of their lives is empty and lonely. I'm not watching Stallone or Li I'm watching the characters and what story they have to tell. You don't get that here at all- disappointing. They went on the hype and produced a very ambitious film, and it's overwhelming the number of superstars jam packed in it. I got the assembled part, but I don't get the plot it's very flat and straight forward. The only team member with a real story gets killed, off course you'll feel for him it's the oldest trick scriptwriters use to toy with the audience's emotions.

There are too many coincidences things just happen before you know it's over. The trilogy shall not work if they repeat themselves. I enjoyed it and that's how my analysis went.
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Abraham Lincoln Review
14 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What a year of incredibly bad films what's going on here? Come on not you too Stevie losing your touch? A former statesman used to be a blood sucker hunter really? I mean really? Lincoln is about giving a baseless story a fictitious base to stand on good, not so good because it doesn't work it's a lie nobody shall ever buy into. Please don't ever try this again. It got to the point where Lincoln was frustrated with himself stuck between president and hero who shall save me he wondered? Presidents have never played heros because in reality they're all so bad.

Lesson to Hollywood heayweights next time somebody walks in to pitch a script ask if they think it makes any damn sense to them or to the drunk man on the street. If the answer is a resounding yes, go ahead and fund them because that man knows for sure he won't be watching that crap.
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Batman Review
7 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Batman was always my favorite childhood superhero, but when you've grown a little it's not the same anymore. The cape and mask are ugly and how does Wayne's voice suddenly change when he's the bat beats me? They should do something real to Batman's costume, maybe his voice sounds different because the mask suffocates the poor guy.Speaking of masks why on Earth does Bane wear a mask? For people to take him seriously he claims. All he had to do was frighten some stockbrokers and free them within seconds, the act of a dumb villain no doubt.You won't make up a single word Bane says- irritating.

You can't help, but miss the bad o' villains from previous releases given the lack of enthusiasm displayed by Bane and company.False characters are plenty here for example, a cop amazingly makes detective simply because he knows Batman's identity wow! what would we do without him? 3000 cops are effortlessly lured into a tunnel. Bane's incredible strength is unknown his sister claims that it's because he can suppress pain and agony, you learn something new everyday. I can on and on but I'd spoil it for you.
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Spiderman Review
18 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I've always wanted to see a Spiderman film without sinking too much into the plot.Enjoyable merely as a superhero fan. Spiderman plays on the strengths of its predecessors and does a tough job covering up the weaknesses. It's clear to see that Marvel stretched its fingernails in saving their precious spider. Four films later you don't expect anyone to still ask Spiderman who he is, unless that person comes from another planet they don't belong in the story.

The amount of flying and experimenting that Peter does makes it seem as if this is the first ever Spiderman film. It's a weak point the film doesn't address; why does the story go back in time without moving forward at all? Will this be the case with all future releases or is this the last one? I like continuation in franchises and I didn't get it here, not enough to make me regret missing previous releases.
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Battleship (2012)
Battleship Review
9 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This one proves the point that many people have been making for a very long time now; this big budget American movies don't always work out. When will Hollywood learn that having a big budget doesn't automatically imply that audiences will jump at the first sight of a preview? Sure, we get it by now Hollywood has big money but the stories have all been done before, it's high time they looked outside their border (South Africa) for kiss-ass scripts ie. Distric 9.

We've been waiting patiently for that sequel but instead we get a flopquel in Battleship the concept of an old Navy ship taking on sophisticated alien ships doesn't make sense. How they expected it to work beats me? The aliens look too human to scare anyone plus they were tame if nobody provoked them. Unfortunately I enjoyed nothing about Battleship that's why I took so long to write a review. By the way what kinna aliens wear shades? The kind that like your granddaddy's pigs.
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Mad Buddies (2012)
Mad Buddies Review
6 July 2012
Not the funniest of Leon's movies and we've been given better before. An original script nonetheless even the jokes and stunts are a first such as,"Listen buddy somewhere down there's a dead poacher,but you can have this for a starter." There's a silly government minister busy tearing himself apart while two enemies become friends through chaos.

It relise strongly on the success of past films of this unlikely South African comedy franchise not creating a new fan base.It will grab you on its familiar cast alone, however if you're a foreigner simply look forward to a good laugh done the South African style.Overall, it pushed the boundary and I liked it plus there's a hot model in there.
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Safe House (2012)
Safe House Review
22 June 2012
Despite the sneak previews that were circulating around I honestly had no presumed notions about this film,and it usually works well in the end of the film for me. I walked away with a smile upon my face and it's not every film that leaves me with that feeling. So well done guys for a great film and a great story told in motion. This is my fourth Denzel film and the guy never disappoints he delivers every time and this time was no different.

Despite its typical name the film delivers pound for pound and will go down history as one of the best performed stories on camera,yet.I liked the old school action flavour we got in tonnes.The only person missing in action was Charlize Theron a Cape Town secret agent who falls in love with the hero,maybe a sequel will include her.
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Chronicle (2012)
Chronicle Review
22 June 2012
This one was supposed to be a sleeper hit,but has it achieved the desired effect? honestly I'm not sure. The opening is that of a typical American teen movie and will definitely appeal to audiences in this age group. Before you know it you're lost in the crazy action of cameras and boys exploring their childhood fantasy of flying. I enjoyed the modest amount of action this movie provided,especially Andrew a depressed and unpredictable character.In fact,Chronicle could have out performed most big budget films if the camera was used more smartly to capture some of the shots that we didn't get to see.Watch it yourself to see what I mean. Overall not a bad one beside I went to see it.
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Snow White and Huntsman Review
21 June 2012
I'm a big fan of epic films with a huge cast and mid-evil castles. I was very impressed with the quality of the production you can see that a lot of thought process,and planning went into this film. Charlize's performance in this film deserves an Oscar every scene was from the fountains of her heart,and because of this I watched Snow White twice. I am proud of Charlize being a South African and love her too,I hope she gets more roles like this.Overall, this movie lacked a hero who could face the evil queen and give her a tough fight to the death.I think Snow White was no match for the queen and it was disappointing to see how she easily killed the queen, that's a low point that could have been avoided with the Huntsman assuming that role.
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