
2 Reviews
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Huge waste of good talent
15 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I feel so sorry for Jason Mamoa thank god he also had the role in Game of Thrones to save his career cuz this movie is crap! Every actor in this was wasted on the horrible writing and bad production values. I'm amazed that Stephan Lang with his long and distinguished career even did this movie, he should have read the script a little closer. From what I can tell this production was simply a way for the dozen or so producers to make a payday for themselves and the director. The writers should removed from the writers guild and run out of Hollywood along with the director and should never be able to make another film. I'm sorry my revue jumps around between subjects but it's in keeping with this film. There is just so much wrong with this movie that there is no way to list it all. Every scene has problems and most of it comes down to the writing and direction, but I think this is true of most films these days. Poor writing shows!!! when are the suit and tie clowns in Hollywood going to realize this.
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Stargate SG-1: 200 (2006)
Season 10, Episode 6
Saw the "bad" review for this can't let it go
2 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First I will say this was a silly episode, and there have been a few in the series but why not. For those of you that take shows like this too seriously, get out of your momma's basement sometime and take a pill. This was fun, and stupid and a break from the more serious stuff that is happening in the last episodes. You gotta love Marty, great actor and fun to watch, perfect comedy relief. Then factor in all the references to other classic movies and TV and it makes for a fun episode. As a fan of Farscape I really liked the fact that they took the time to do a whole little take off on that, it was great and good fun. And bit with Wizard of Oz was funny as hell. Let's not forget the sons of Dom DeLuise work on this show and all those guys have a great sense of humor. Dom even played a fun character earlier in the shows run and he was lots of fun to watch, and the sons have had plenty of on screen time as well. So at this point half way through the last season and 200 shows in why not cut loose a little with the cast and crew and have some fun with it. For those that want only a serious show give it up and write your own and good luck with that. For the rest of us a little laugh now and then is fun and healthy for a show like this and I really enjoyed it, just watched it again on Netflix.
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