
2 Reviews
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Keeping Mum (2005)
Charming comedy, beautifully played.
3 December 2005
I thoroughly enjoyed this gentle comedy which as other reviews have mentioned is in the best traditions of British film comedy, pre "Carry On". The action is gentle paced and contains no surprises, as the plot opener spells out the likely twists and turns. The characters are stock British parts, almost "off the peg". It is not a film for belly laughs but the comedy is there, but not from Rowan Atkinson who plays the role of vicar with as straight a bat as one could wish. The other well knows actors all ham it up beautifully and the Isle of Man looks wonderful and, like the film, twenty years out of date. I particularly liked Patrick Swayze's reptilian lothario and Maggie Smith was her usual immaculate self.
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Rubbish science, cliché after cliché and boring
30 May 2004
I thought this was about as bad as it could get for a disaster movie. Totally unbelievable science and even more unbelievable characters. The plot is very derivative and you struggle to find anything you have not seen better in many other movies. Narrow escapes you know must happen, nasty politicians and even the hero's estranged doctor wife who is - a child cancer specialist! This move has absolutely no dramatic tension and the cardboard cutouts they use for characters have been recycled from the worst of "made for TV" dramas. I suppose the photography and technical details are professionally done, but what a waste of talent. And congratulations to Mexico for allowing all of USA to live in a 5 star refugee camp on their land. Drivel with a capital D.
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