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Monster (2023)
The monster is the Japanese society
30 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I saw tons of fantastic reviews for this movie, and I tried my best to enjoy it... But I just couldn't.

The movie starts with a mother seeking justice for her son, who gets hit by his teacher. As the story unfolds, we see two other sequences that shows the perspective of the teacher, and lastly the boy himself.

I get it, the moral of the story is that we shouldn't judge other people so easily because everyone has their own struggles. But here's the thing... The monster isn't miscommunication or being judgmental. The monster is the alcoholic dad and the other kids around them. That's it. Do they change for the better? Do they get consequences for ruining people's lives? NOPE! The monster continues to live freely while our protagonists lose their minds (and their lives, figuratively).

I just know this is meant to be a critique for the Japanese society for being overly polite, always on their "tatemae", not expressing their true feelings in fear of causing troubles for others around them. But that's exactly what I hate about this movie. All the characters, how they interact with each other, and the closure they get at the ending, makes me so sad and angry.

If the movie aims to make me feel depressed and uncomfortable, well, it succeeds.
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Poor Things (2023)
Finding beauty in life... in the weirdest way possible
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a fascinating take on feminism and liberation, all through the eyes of a newly reborn adult. Although Bella's got the brain of an innocent baby, I love that they don't make her stupid. Instead, she is sharp, confident, and brave. She's not afraid to explore new things in life for the sake of "experiment", which makes sense since she is raised by a scientist.

I think the men in Bella's life are meant to portray men and women's relationships: paternal (Godwin), sexual (Duncan), and platonic (Max). The fact that all of them are trying to "trap" Bella shows that love, no matter the form, can be possessive. The difference lies in the motives: Is it to control her or to protect her? In a world where women are often gaslighted and expected to be submissive, it's truly refreshing to see Bella unapologetically stands up for herself.

Although some viewers may find the sex scenes disturbing, I think it serves an important aspect to shows Bella's journey in finding pleasure in life, as well as discovering that life is not always fair. The brothel is where she deepens human connection and eventually finds herself.

Emma Stone delivers a top notch performance. Her mannerisms in the beginning of the film totally resembles a toddler, both the expression and the way she moves. Then we can clearly see how Bella has matured after the trip: she has felt anger and sadness, yet she moves on from her past, thrives to be a better person, and continues to find beauty in her life.

This is undoubtedly Yorgos Lanthimos' best work. It's brilliant, funny, relatable, and somehow wholesome - but still, in the weirdest way possible.
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Just a story about a spoiled kid
24 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a millennial watching this movie in 2024 so maybe I'm taking it differently, but... This movie just doesn't sit right with me because the bride is so, so spoiled. First of all, she just graduated college and started seeing this guy for a few months. That doesn't make sense but alright, I guess that's normal in the 90's. But then the wedding gets unreasonably expensive and I feel sorry for the dad who has to pay for everything. This movie portrays him as the crazy one for wanting to manage the budget. I just can't sympathize with the bride, the mother, and even the groom and his family. The groom is too perfect and I just wished they'd show a deeper backstory about him or their relationship. As the story goes on, I couldn't laugh anymore because everyone but the dad becomes extremely annoying.
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Too many things going on
25 June 2023
I honestly feel bad for giving a 7 out of 10, because the animation is truly out of this world. The first 30 minutes was great, I loved the parent-children dynamic and even cried during Miles' mom's speech at the party. When we got to the Spider-verse, things got super chaotic with new characters introduced at an extremely fast pace. There are too many things happening all over the place, and slowly I started feeling disconnected with the main characters. I know that a superhero is supposed to break the rules and everything, but I can only see Miles as an angsty teenager who refuse to respect his seniors. Compared to Tom Holland's Spider-Man who is the same age, Miles' character is so unlikeable. The movie dragged on with too many side characters, jokes, and repeated explanations about the multiverse (we get it already, it's literally in every Marvel movie by now) and failed to capture what's essential. When it was nearing 2h20m I finally realized there will be a cliffhanger, but I already lost interest and left my seat before there was an after credit.
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Awakenings (1990)
Best DeNiro performance ever
16 September 2022
I just saw this movie on Netflix in 2022 and I wonder why nobody has ever talked about this movie before! When we talk about DeNiro most people would praise him in Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, Goodfellas etc. All of them are great movies but Awakenings is a different one. It truly touched your heart and soul. At first I thought it was just another feel-good movie, but I was wrong. Towards the end it really makes you contemplate and realize about the simplest matters in life that we take for granted. "Work, play, friendship, family" as Dr. Sayer said. What an amazing story perfectly executed with outstanding performances from all the casts.
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Elvis (2022)
Amazing Tribute to Elvis' Life in the 70's
4 July 2022
I love Elvis and Baz Luhrmann, but I gotta be honest the first half of the movie feels very rushed and confusing because we see the story from the POV of Colonel Parker, Elvis' long-time manager who might be unknown to general audience, instead of Elvis' own POV.

Do not expect to see his initial struggle in details or even songwriting process like in Bohemian Rhapsody. In this movie, Elvis is portrayed as someone so talented and unique that he found success in no time. The movie instead focuses on the second half, where Elvis is struggling to rebuild his career in the 70's while also having to deal with drugs, divorce, and the financial abuse by Colonel Parker himself. Now here also comes the part that we've all been waiting for - The King of Rock 'n Roll in all his glory, dancing and singing on a big stage in Vegas.

Nevertheless, Austin Butler and Tom Hanks did a great job. Butler is surely to win an Oscar or at least a nomination. The cinematography is beautiful, every frame looks like a photo from a history book. I also love the make up and costumes because every decade from the 50's to the 70's has a distinguished look, especially on Olivia DeJonge as Priscilla Presley.

Overall it's a wonderful tribute to Elvis - and a heartbreaking one too, because we get to see how behind all that success is a man trapped in a golden cage.
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Empowering for all women!
13 May 2022
I'm not a fan of Bollywood so I can't compare this with other movies, but it tells a very important story from an unusual point of view: a prostitute. Who would have thought a tale about a woman who was forced to be a prostitute, who usually has a melodramatic or tragic ending, would be so badass and satisfying to watch? Gangubai is the definition of girlboss in her own terms. What a stellar performance from Alia, combined with beautiful costumes and production design. If you're a woman, you definitely will leave the theater feeling empowered and inspired.
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Elizabeth Olsen carried the entire movie on her back
7 May 2022
An interesting approach for a Marvel movie - darker, scarier, and more complicated. There are some surprising cameos, but let's be honest, no movie can top Spider-Man NWH. Instead, make sure you watch Wandavision beforehand because Elizabeth Olsen SLAYED. Everyone talked about Doctor Strange and Christine but for me personally, Wanda is what makes this movie meaningful. Her strength, anger and sadness were all flawlessly delivered.
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No subtitles? Really?
30 March 2022
I'm a fan of musical movies and I've never seen the 1961 version or the Broadway, so I was really looking forward to see this. Beautiful cinematography, great songs, pretty costumes, everyone can sing and dance really well too. It was a feast for the eyes. But somehow the whole story felt soulless. Was it the chemistry between Tony and Maria? The lack of backstory for Tony? Or Spielberg's decision to not make subtitles for Spanish? I'm from a country where nobody speaks Spanish. Honestly it ruined the whole experience because I really wanted to feel their passionate love for each other, but I couldn't understand what's going on.
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Cruella (2021)
Lives up to its hype!
26 May 2021
The trailer was amazing and I had high hopes for this movie. It really does live up to its hype. The extravagant costumes, the acting, the story, the characters, the 101 Dalmatians easter eggs - everything is so delightful and satisfying to watch. It's more of a heist movie instead of the usual dreamy, all-CGI Disney movie. Emma Stone delivers Oscar-worthy acting here. We can totally see her transition from Estella to Cruella, driven by anger, sadness and revenge. Emma Thompson is so charming as the villain, you can't stand her but you can't hate her either. Overall, best Disney stand-alone movie yet - even better than Maleficent. Unfortunately this movie might not be suitable for small kids.
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