10 Reviews
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
Probably the most conservative MCU show yet
22 June 2022
I have a feeling most of the low scores are from people that haven't watched and who think it's giving some leftist politics. Anything but. This show is all about faith, family, hard work, traditional marriage, etc. Very very conservative. These people need to actually watch and see they are wrong.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: The Mormon Advantage (2021)
Season 11, Episode 10
Bad end to mediocre season
28 December 2021
I love pretty much all things Larry David, so it brings me no pleasure to say that this was by far the worst end to a very mediocre season.

First off the season was based on a terrible terrible premise that I don't want to ruin, but its just depressing and sad.

By the end of the season they are not just getting into divisive politics that are completely based on political opinion, but also getting into complete religious bigotry against Mormons..

I am no Mormon, but straight up lying about a religion to make fun of them isn't something that is funny.
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Survivor: Do or Die (2021)
Season 41, Episode 11
Critical Race Theory lectures?
9 December 2021
... I guess they missed the memo. This was almost enough to make me stop watching the show. Am I to believe that all these people know all the right CRT terms?

A complete setup by CBS producers. This show is FAKE.
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Love this one
28 September 2021
It's comedy. Comedies aren't to be taken seriously. Ignore all the bad reviews of people that can't take a joke.
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Old (2021)
Great movie. Ignore bad reviews
25 July 2021
I can't comprehend these bad reviews. The acting was good. The camera work was beautiful. The plot was very interesting and the finale seemed like it would absolutely be real life.

I think these bad reviews have some ulterior motive.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Great fun just not like the book
1 May 2021
Just ignore the title. This isn't a Clancy film, but it is a pretty great fun film.
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WandaVision (2021)
Great for those who pay attention to details
16 January 2021
There is something mysterious happening. Clues everywhere. All hidden within an obvious mirage of classic American sitcoms. The acting within this setting is spot on...

It is possible obvious that the people that didn't understand this are either not paying attention or are only interested in non stop action.

For me, this continues Marvels run at shaking up the superhero genre.

DC better take notice. Marvel is now light years ahead of the curve.
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Us (II) (2019)
Well acted, looks great, stupid plot
24 March 2019
Peale and his actors make a fantastic movie for the first... half? Then the middle action scenes go on far too long... and I think it is only to lengthen the movie. The final 10% is ridiculously bad. Nothing makes any sense at all, and yes I understand what it was trying to say, but if you hold it up to any sort of light... it becomes clear the "plot" is nonsense.

Get Out was a great movie, with a bad ending, but that bad ending was 10/10 compared to the ending of this one.
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Awful - a good show can be ruined by one episode
19 April 2018
And this awful high school musical garbage is an episode that really really decreased my opinion of the overall show. Pure garbage.
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The Young Offenders (2018– )
The movie was good. This is better
13 February 2018
The movie was good. Funny, sad... real.

This dials down the sad a bit and makes it much more enjoyable.
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