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Great family movie.
22 July 2023
I remember watching this with my Family in 2012. Some scenes are still stuck in my memory banks so this qualifies for a high rating. I also remember the Oscar Myer wiener mobile was outside in the parking lot as it made its way cross country. 11 years ago and my kids at the time were 9 and 5 yet they too remember the time they spent with their cousins that live 1800 miles away. Memories are important for everyone imo. Coaching my sons ball teams, I always told them to take in the sights, the smells, and the persons there watching them today. Life is short. Life is precious. Take a kid fishing and take a kid to the movies.
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Beef: Figures of Light (2023)
Season 1, Episode 10
Best hopeful for a season 2!
10 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If there's ever been a chance for a season 2 I hope it happens here because I'd binge watch it 100% like I did these 10 episodes. Seriously hoping this wins some deserved Grammys. Darn thing punches you right in the feels. Loved it too. I've felt like this style, type, kind of, etc etc series has been lacking for a long time.

This series not only captivated life but the emotions felt in a multi generational gap understanding. Almost everyone while growing up or literally still growing up has stepped in the shoes we walked in once again with this show. Buried trauma or just what it felt like growing up came into focus. Let's not for a second deny the fact that the actors and actresses put on a show that we can't deny was flawless. Two thumbs up to everyone involved.
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That '90s Show (2023– )
Thankful for Red and Kitty's return.
27 January 2023
The young actors/actresses aren't to blame because they're doing the best they can. They simply got in over their heads. The young man that plays Jay Kelso is obviously the only one pulling his weight and the rest tried on shoes they can't fill. Great everything minus the casting. Teen Kelso will likely end up a sought after actor and the rest will likely end up finding their calling too. Fez was a distraction from a series he once thrived in. It was as if everything was thrown together on the first take. I tried my very best to like this renewal but it just doesn't work for me and I'm sure the producers have figured the same thing out a lil too late.
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Me Time (2022)
Perhaps more adlib could've helped?
27 August 2022
It felt borderline slapstick, as if they rushed to film, edit, and release it. To clarify, I'm a huge fan of both Wahlberg and Hart so this isn't a personal diss. Hart had little writing to work with and Wahlberg was just written in as a plot piece. I'm betting their adlib outtakes were funnier yet didn't make the edit. The story being done 1000 times doesn't bother me yet someone accidentally falls and goes wing suit skydiving then morphs into a sentimental moment immediately after hitting a flock of birds started me off confused just how quick they made this even bypassing the parental ratings society. Perhaps with the restrictions nowadays by example of backing over a turtle and it can only end up wearing a bandaid put too many limits on geniuses Hart/Wahlberg along with their "where did she come from" sidekick. I tried to laugh or at least smile, and literally couldn't.
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David Spade: Nothing Personal (2022 TV Special)
Spade rocks!
27 April 2022
I've been a long time follower of David Spade and his comedy is always on point. Listen to his memoir on audio to really get to know the guys backstory. Humble beginnings and a comic for the every day man and woman IMO.
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The Walking Dead: Dead or Alive Or (2018)
Season 8, Episode 11
Worth the watch...
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Worth watching just to see the look on Maggie's face when she learns Saddiq has medical experience. We all wondered why Carl was killed off and expected the young man to be going off to college in the real world or literally something else but later found out it was simply the writers decision. Carl's grave started the decline of one of my all-time favorite series yet I will watch the rest of season 11...eventually.
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Supernatural: Absence (2019)
Season 14, Episode 18
Overkill in overreacting...
25 May 2021
Huge SPN fan that's watched every episode and most all episodes 2-4 times. Lol. Jack did a mercy killing on a snake. (Snakes are a reference to evil in the Bible ya know but that's actually besides the point.) Dean flips the flip out that Castiel didn't tell the brothers that Jack is struggling with things inside his head. The Winchesters has been struggling with "inner voices" and/or "inner demons" for years and most times keeping them from each other over and over and over again. Jack didn't completely lose it until after he killed Mary because he knew he hurt the brothers. I simply can not understand why the writers/producers had Dean being so hard on Castiel especially how loyal he's been ever since he exploded after taking in all those souls years back. Yes, Jack did kill Mary and Dean shutting out Castiel the way he did still today makes no sense UNLESS they ran out/couldn't think of a direction to take after Mary's passing. Again.
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Saturday Night Live: Elon Musk/Miley Cyrus (2021)
Season 46, Episode 18
Preconceived notions before rating.
10 May 2021
A lot of folks leaving 1 Stars did so in their hatred for Musk. The show wasn't as bad as the rating and some skits were funny including Musk's attempt at acting. Lol He actually did pretty good with the materials he had written for him.
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Supernatural: Carry On (2020)
Season 15, Episode 20
After all, the brothers did reunite in Heaven.
23 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Isn't that what all of us want? After our time on earth has passed (for those that believe God has went to prepare a beautiful place for us and our Loved ones to reunite without sorrow or pain or tears of sadness. Where the streets is paved with gold and for where we'll spend eternity with nothing but happiness in our hearts) for those, we all hope we make it there when our time is up. I'm not too happy with how Dean died and it felt a little rushed at times in the finale and that's why I didn't give it a 10, yet the very final scene couldn't have been any better.
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Supernatural: Drag Me Away (From You) (2020)
Season 15, Episode 16
We learned 1 new thing, with 4 episodes remaining till the end of our beloved Supernatural.
31 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
We learned, from Billie, that Chuck has eliminated all the other dimensions/worlds and Sam & Deans world is next. This episode had a little of everything that makes Supernatural, Supernatural with: the brothers save the girl from a new type of monster that's found researching lore. Friction between the brothers intensifies as a kept secret is revealed once they've had time to realize there's nothing they can do to remedy the problem without joining forces. I'm perfectly fine with a "filler episode" of Supernatural, all because I'm a diehard fan, however we are getting very close to the grand finale and all we know is Jack is working on becoming a suicide bomber just as Chuck has the Winchester brothers world in his crosshairs as Billie uses her Ring Peephole Camera in anticipation. I haven't rated a episode with a 7 in a very long time but a filler episode this late in the game kinda felt like a slap in the face with my favorite series ending soon. This undoubtedly means there's going to be an explosion of great stuff coming soon.
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Timeless movie well deserved of watching multiple times.
9 August 2019
Donnie Darko is a timeless film that I'll continue watching far far into the future. I've probably watched this movie a dozenish times and each time it's as if I'm watching it for the very first time. 'Time' isn't being used as a pun btw. An 8.0 rating, in 2019, is surprisingly low in my humble opinion. Perhaps a majority pressed the rate button after watching for the very first time as this isn't the easiest movie to follow unless you give it 100% of your attention with 0 distractions. Even after being released 18 years ago, it'd be hard for a movie to come along and knock Donnie Darko out of my top 10 favorites of all time.
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Into the Dark: I'm Just F*cking with You (2019)
Season 1, Episode 7
Little slow at first, then...BOOM...
4 April 2019
Started a little slow, as a lot of thrillers do and then, BOOMSHAKALAKA, it grabs you and won't let go. I didn't want to like it because at first the bartender/comedian (lol) is a little annoying but then it all starts to make sense, or the lack thereof, which is what made it, for me, worth watching. IDK if everyone that is talking trash about this flick is perhaps trying to compare it to The Shining or some other timeless thriller but ya know what they say, trolls are everywhere nowadays and people like to unveil them. LOL 😂
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Family Guy: Bri, Robot (2019)
Season 17, Episode 12
New episodes still around, keep em coming. Gigity.
20 March 2019
Yet another funny episode as always. The same folks complaining now is the same folks that'll complain when FG is gone. Why would people diss on any episode that makes you laugh at any point is a question that has no answer. This will be the same people that'll complain when they pull the plug. Gigity. Keep it up with the terrible reviews on a perfectly fine episode and you'll get what you're asking for. I'm not saying give every episode a 10 but compare the laughter you get from FG somewhere/anywhere else. Exactly. You can't.
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Lucifer: A Devil of My Word (2018)
Season 3, Episode 24
Renew Lucifer, Fox! Great episode btw.
17 May 2018
Fox, Executive Producers have stated they have many more stories to tell. Look at your IMDb ratings for crying out loud, that in itself is a sign of how well it's excepted by many. Fire your marketing department (not the series) for not effectively reaching out to sponsors because you have the viewership to keep the series going and GOING STRONG for many more seasons. (If you keep the team you've assembled) Supernatural originally planned on ending the series at 5 seasons and look where they are today. Imagine if they stopped telling their story at Season 3 how many gaps there'd be. Give Lucifer 2 more seasons minimal so the writers may give the series a proper farewell TO US FANS. Thank you.
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