
2 Reviews
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Chained (I) (2012)
Mixed feelings
26 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I walked away from this movie with mixed feelings.

Vincent D'Onofrio's acting is (as always) strong, newcomer Eamon Farren looks like he lost quite a few pounds for this role and the director, whom i've never hear of before, did a excellent job.

The reason why i was, in the end, disappointed is one i cannot reveal in my always spoiler free reviews.

I do however, recommend this movie. It's tense, it's dramatic and has some gore without it being too much. Watch it when you want to see a horror flick without supernatural nonsense, or just for Vincent D'Onofrio's acting. Don't have high hopes in terms of plot though.

Oh and hang tight when the credits roll.
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I've seen worse
23 September 2012
I was wondering why Gary Oldman would appear in this film, which was one of the reasons i picked it up.

Christian Slater's stardom has long since faded, Dane Cook has yet to be funny in a movie and who's ever heard of Michael Winnick.

A 3.5 on IMDb also didn't bode well. But it was also not really a accurate representation of the quality of this movie. Don't get me wrong, this is still a B-flick in every way, but i've seen far worse. I found it to be mildly entertaining.

The movie doesn't take itself very seriously, acting's OK, a couple of jokes here and there.

If you have nothing to watch, you can rent this movie. Just don't pay/expect too much.
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