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The Keeper (2004)
Worse Than a Channel 5 Movie - Films cannot get as bad as this!
23 June 2004
Well yesterday I had the misfortune of watching this movie, a movie that I was looking forward to considering its 6-7 rating on this very site....Ohhhh how I was in for a surprise.

Not only do I have to go through life with this film logged in my brain somewhere, there is no way I can regain those precious few minutes I spent on this pathetic piece of .... make up your own word to go there.

The only good thing I can take from actually watching this movie is that I managed to fall asleep midway through. If I had watched the entire movie, you would have been seeing my suicide in the local newspaper.

So why is this film so bad? I'll try and explain whilst being as polite as possible.

Firstly the acting. Ohh it was bad, really bad in most places and at times it made me cringe, their acting was like fingernails down a chalkboard. This is probably made worse by the shoddy script though blame must also lie with the Director.

The sound effect editing and video editing are so poor they become noticeable. One scene to watch out for involves a Rat eating some cake on the floor. Hopper walks down the stairs, sees the Rat, Funniest Zoom in on the mouse I have ever seen, takes his gun out, shoots, It richochets on something, cuts to woman flinching, cut to rat running and then WHAM. AWFUL!

Another scene to look out for is when Hopper performs a kids puppet show.

Stay away from this movie, it offers you nothing at all, and what it might offer you, you have already seen it done better.

1 out of 10
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