
5 Reviews
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Not Quite
30 March 2024
The interesting thing is that the material is in the bible..the so called experts didn't seem to understand exactly what God was doing why He did it and how He accomplished it. The point God made is lost on these people they can't really interpret it and they don't understand what is LITERALLY right in front of them..the portrayal of Moses was very faulty he didn't show humility either and after all the miracles acted like a spoiled child like the rest they tried to portray him like they behave but God would have chosen him because he was a good man a good leader in fact the one time the bible records his petulance that they probably drove him to by their constant disobedience he didn't get to enter the Holy Land..because a leader for Gods people must set that this was a poor rendition as the many biblical movies are as fallible people try to constantly bend GOD TO THEIR WILL..I prefer the Charleton Heston version its the closest to the truth..I personally ran through the doc because I couldn't stand to hear the experts flawed OPINIONS..
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The White Lotus (2021–2025)
15 February 2024
Really is dull boring littered with trivial inane situations... Full of the f word #metoo nudity..some how Hollyweird never got the memo..and mediocre acting in which drivel just comes poring off every square foot..and body parts somehow you think the general public gives a rats rear end about your sagging body parts thanks for sharing. Somehow even critics don't see the emperor has no clothes. If that's teen life ya just take a slow boat to a school of sharks or whatever their shared communal death trap is..COULDN'T FAST FORWARD ENOUGH .. WHY MUST YOU DUMB DOWN THE PLANET.. how many people are just going back to old school movies just for SOME FREAKING DIALOGUE PLOT LINES THAT HAVE ANY INTELLIGENCE IN THEM...I know pick me pick me!!!
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The Last Duel (2021)
13 December 2023
Disgusting and revolting..revisionist history at its most pathetic..nudity severe and not necessary and all the rest of it..unnecessary, when you used nudity sex violence you have no story nothing to get across your just out to make a buck and spread your evil around! What was the point of this filth? My estimation of all involved in this trap has gone way by down..and though Matt and Jlo boy toy have made some real stinkers and are old Hellywood now the big disappointment is Adam Driver..Et Tu brute? I can't think of any REAL HUMAN being that needs to see this deal except people who are darkly disturbed and if anything else PEOPLE HAVE LEARNED NOTHING BY WHAT IS GOING ON IN THE WORLD...because they are blind deaf and dumb except to their own brand of evil..and it NEVER ends well for women and children!!
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Infinite (2021)
And then he walked on water..
7 December 2022
And then he walked on water.. Are these movies designed to intentionally zombify the population? Fortunately most people still have functioning brain cells..I mean when you can take a two hour break in a movie..yawn and look at the time to see how much is left its not gonna win an Oscar..action and location ,CGI... That's all its got ..if you can't have cerebral that's better than nothing.. love Mark W but Dylan was the new blood and I was disappointed that he wasn't in it..just like Tom Holland.. Stole the show in Uncharted..Smart alec answers aren't going to save many movies or actors.. Aren't going to save the world enjoy what it is and lament the fact that most of these movies have plot holes elephants couldn't plug as a review said he could have just shot himself in the head end of all that loop angst!!
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The English (2022)
11 November 2022
It holds your interest figuring it out..its self explanatory if you like a cruel bloodbath..nature always beautiful and deadly..but just another excuse to make people think we are cruel brute animals...I have no doubt SOME are..but every single one without exception? People who enjoy b movies will like it everyone with a brain can see that they'll shoot mame and kill everyone except the one who would have gotten it the old western you just hired enough men to whack off the idiot..not wring your hands and whine we aren't going down IN FRONT OF HIM!! They are all the bad guys.. Emily Blunt is a really good actress and comedian.. Most of her jobs are well done. Chaske is a good actor. The character is kind of the white mans Indian again.
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