
4 Reviews
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I.S.S. (2023)
Legitimately top 10 worst movies I've ever seen
19 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Terrible. Trash. Horrible. Awful. Horrendous. Atrocious. Garbage. Useless.

There's not enough negative adjectives in the English language to even get close to describing just how bad this was.

The premise actually sounds pretty promising, Russians and Americans trapped on the ISS while the earth is in a nuclear war. But the execution of the premise.... Just terrible.

The characters are among the dumbest characters in any media ever. Aren't astronauts supposed to be smart? If any of them used even 1% of their brains, nothing wouldve ever happened.

Gordon gets hit by the big robot arm because he's just standing there staring at it, and not doing anything. This is just after he stood around for a few mins in space doing nothing and not loving while the Russians inside are plotting against him. All of this was after he was already suspect of the Russians.

The American guy for some reason lied to the American girl that the node 0 didn't exist. And she just accepted that with no explanation. They also could've just both left in the escape pod together while the Russians were distracting each other.

Then later the American guy somehow finds out about the women planning for just the American girl to leave with the Anti radiation stuff. The Russian girl died, so there really isn't a way for him to have found out.

The "fight" between Gordon and the bad Russian guy, was just trash. It doesn't even make sense how the fight started. Gordon let's go of his weapon for no reason, then gets killed by that weapon lol. He debately shouldn't really have died from that wound either.

There was no conclusion in the story at all. The Russian guy and the American girl leave the ISS in a Soyuz capsule. He asks here where they're going and she says "I don't know." All while they've finally received responses from their governments. I'd think it's probably a good idea to at least think for a second about where your gonna go when you're going from Space to Earth. And I'd imagine you don't want to just fall out of space into some random radiated country.
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Retribution (I) (2023)
Pretty damn bad movie
25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Liam Neeson, so went in expecting something like the movie, Speed.

Instead, got something much much much worse.

I've legitimately never seen a movie with more plot holes.

We see the bad guy die in a massive car explosion. It literally shows the shrapnel going thru Neeson's car's body, a good 20 metres away. As I write this, I realise that the bad guy actually could've gotten away.

But then, The police say that all 3 partners of Liam died in the explosions. Did they not check the bodies/wrecks at all? If they did they would've realised the bad guy didn't die.

Neeson's character goes to prove his innocence at the end but literally doesn't, he kills the bad guy and the film ends. Idk how that proved he was innocent at all.

Overall, one of the worst Liam Neeson films I've ever seen.
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Your typical mindless animal movie. Quite a fun watch
4 August 2023
This is exactly what you should be expecting.

It's a bs sequel to a movie about prehistoric sharks. Very very predictable plot. An absolute load of unrealistic bs that even fast and furious would be proud of.

But all this made for a very fun movie. I feel it could've been even better with an R rating so they could swear and add in some gore/blood.

DJ was a great character. Jason Statham was an absolute badass, Jiuming was also good. The kid seemed like she was gonna be a very very annoying character in the first part of the movie, but she got less annoying.

Overall, definitely nowhere near the greatest movie of all time, probably not even the greatest this week. But nevertheless, was very enjoyable. Personally, I found it infinitely more entertaining than Oppenheimer.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Amazing movie technically, but too long and a bit meh on the story
2 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watched it twice now. It's definitely a very very good movie technically, amazing cinematography, brilliant acting from everyone

But at least in my opinion, the whole story is just quite meh I guess. I could summarise the story in a paragraph without missing many details.

Oppenheimer was a Jewish, "suspected communist", who brought Quantum Physics to the USA. His left wing mindset brought him some scrutiny from government officials and the like. He visits many univieraities and top minds through Europe, after which he returns to the California. He is recruited to head a top secret Nuclear Bomb project at a Los Alamos, NM, where a town was created for the scientists. At Los Alamos, the many scientists argued with each other on various things, some threatened to leave and others did leave. Oppenheimer had some trouble with his security clearance due to his "communist links." Eventually they complete the bomb, test it, it works. The US then bombs Japan twice. Many people are happy about the bombing, but many, Oppenheimer included are torn. They had built a WMD that killed countless innocent civilians. Oppenheimer is then scrutinised, through the doing of Strauss about his "communist links" and views about the H-Bomb even while he wasn't a communist at all. Strauss is testified against for wrongly bringing the case against Oppenheimer. The movie then ends with Oppenheimer realising/considering the weight of what he has done.

I feel strauss didn't really add anything at all to the movie. Completely remove him and nothing really changes.

I know it's based on a historical event, but like it's so obvious what would happen, scientists build a WMD that's scrutinised because it can be used for evil. They use the bomb, they realise what they have potentially just done. And that's really it.

It's pretty obvious to me that building a WMD would bring about some morale conundrums.

I think It was much too long, the third act was almost entirely unnecessary.
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