
2 Reviews
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John Adams (2008)
Worthy of Golden Globe, Emmy
7 April 2008
The only t.v. dramas (historical or otherwise) that I would watch was Masterpiece Theatre because they were mostly British made and classy. Now we have something to rival anything that Masterpiece Theatre put out: John Adams. First, the theme music is first rate slowing building up to a quiet crescendo. Second, the photography is of a theatrical release quality. The set and production values are first rate: you feel as if you are in the scenery and living at that time of our history. The makeup and costumes are historically correct or close to it. Finally, what superb acting by Giamatti and the great Laura Linney and the supporting actors are fine. In fact, I can not find a fault with this mini-series so far.I look forward to watching every Sunday on HBO. I agree with others who say this will win Golden Globe and Emmy Awards. For anyone who says this is boring or lacking bloodshed and violence, I say: "Your ignorance is beneath my contempt" - John Adams, 1777( to Samuel Furlong who told Adams that the 'Declaration of Independency would be the death warrant of the colonies."
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The Mist (2007)
23 November 2007
I vote it as excellent. The reason is because any movie that can make me feel; feel angry, sad, happy, scared, tense, whatever, is a movie that I consider worthy. At first I thought it was going to be a disappointment. But as the movie goes on you get involved in such a way that you actually feel you are in that supermarket with those poor people. The actors are all believable. Marcia Gay Hayden is wonderful in that role. I never liked Jane but he proved me wrong as he was totally convincing acting his part. I felt emotionally drained as I left the movie theater here in Portland, Oregon. There was a good crowd in the theater for a 12:30 pm showing. I will see it again tomorrow.
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