
17 Reviews
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The Deep End (2022)
Staggering Narcissism
15 June 2022
A seriously engaging documentary. I thought I'd check out the first episode and I ended up binging the entire thing in one afternoon. Each episodes shows a more ghastly side of Teal Swan than the previous one.

This person is a perfect example of someone who's been drinking too much of their own Kool-aid for too long.

She's abusive, controlling, vindictive, and disdainful. Whenever I see a doc like this I have to wonder how these followers come to lose all common sense and value in themselves.

Swan makes it her full-time job (and full-time grift) to make you feel as badly about yourself as possible. And her entire business model depends on people feeling badly about themselves.

Exploiting people in pain and people in need will always be a profitable business for some.
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Lead Me Home (2021)
Exploitative at worst
18 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The filmmakers here seem to have run short of a point. People's stories are followed; they get a couple of interviews at best. There is literally no information on the housing problem in terms of numbers, community response, and potential solutions. Nothing even about resources for the homeless or how to help a homeless person.

The homeless problem in Los Angeles has always been staggering, almost insurmountable. Same now for Seattle and San Francisco, but nobody from those states' agencies is even interviewed.

The video looks nice, the music is nice, but where is the point? What' s the value of this short? It feels like voyeurism of the worst kind.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Far too much in love with its own dialogue
26 September 2021
This series definitely had potential, but at some point people decided to forego the whole "show, don't tell" aspect of screenwriting. The entire series is so weighted down by pointless, laborious , never ending monologues about God and forgiveness. Imossible to finish.
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Interesting Story But Way Over Stylized
24 September 2021
DID cases are really fascinating, and I was anxious to see where this would go. Unfortunately, the makers couldn't seem to decide if they were making a documentary Gary or a horror film.

The quick cuts, redundant graphics, music, and the ridiculous interview sets all detract from what would probably be a good documentary.
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what a letdown from the original masterpiece
20 October 2019
No need at all to watch this; it alters major plot points of the original, dumbs down an entire genre of intellectual science fiction, and features some horrible, abysmal writing.
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Martyrs (2015)
An unfortunate remake
15 October 2019
Like many US remakes of foreign horror, Martyrs mucks up the whole thing and leaves us with an Eli Roth kind of horror.

The nuance and pure horror of the original is completely lacking. Th e production values are good but the acting isn't subtle at all. Way over the top, most likely directed that way. I'd expect to see something like this on SyFy.

Give it a hard pass and just watch or rewatch the French version
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Terribly formulaic, bad acting, Wan could do so much better.
10 August 2019
I loved the Conjuring, but every film James Wan has done since then is just a copy, and a poor one at that. He's very talented, but he's churning out these super formulaic, jump scare laden films that are just awful. I'd love to see him back in his original form and stop capitalizing on TC.

Skip this one; it's truly terrible.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
A man is seduced by bad women but it's really not his fault.
3 July 2019
This is the IMDB synopsis: A devoted father helps two stranded young women who knock on his door, but his kind gesture turns into a dangerous seduction and a deadly game of cat and mouse.

I'm going to fix it. "A cheating husband screws two girls who randomly show up on his doorstep, and gets mad when they won't go away."

It's hard to enjoy this film when it features one of the most tired, most sexist tropes of a man falling victim to seduction of a bad woman.

The girls are written ridiculously overboard, with all kinds of emotional problems and a malevolent streak that is pretty hard to find in non-psychopaths. Reeves quickly becomes the sympathetic character, when actually, everything that happens is his own fault. How hard is it to not cheat? How hard is it to take responsibility?

This is pure nonsense, and although I'm not surprised to see Eli Roth's name attached to this, I am surprised to see Reeves.
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Hellier (2019)
Come on, guys, this is really bad
22 February 2019
Where are all these glowing reviews coming from? I can only assume they're friends of the filmmakers, because there is absolutely nothing compelling about this "documentary." It doesn't matter if it's real or if it's fake, it has zero entertainment value. Fake reviews are the worst, it's no way to promote a film and it serious cheats the viewers.

I was interested in the beginning, but the filmmakers spend way too much time early on talking about themselves and their backgrounds. That could have been 5 minutes but it just went on and on in each episode.

When we finally get to some "action," it immediately stops and picks up again years later.

Goblins, Bigfoot, aliens, Mothman--they throw all these together but still have no idea what their focus really is. Native American legends? Those are all over the US, one in Kentucky doesn't automatically correlate to one in Point Pleasant. Come on!

The spirit box episode was embarrassing. They all acted just blown away by the accuracy of the answers, but their entire conversation was based on the answers that were given. So bad.

I'm super into this subject matter and I'll give anything a shot, but I'm bummed I spent so much time waiting for something to happen, and I'm mad at myself for purposely wasting my own time. Don't waste your time, it's really really bad.
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Killer Kids (2011–2015)
Would be interesting if it were really a documentary but it's not
11 January 2019
I'm only a few minutes in and already they've blamed weed, heavy metal music, horror movies, and magic.

A straight documentary would be really interesting, but this is all about the devil and demonology as an explanation for why kids kill.

Thw psychology of kids who kill is interesting, but this is really ridiculous. It just stokes fears about people who like a particular kind of music or dress in black. Just a bunch of religious morality warnings.
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Funny, insightful, and endearing-a very Euro film about American men.
9 December 2018
We rented this tonight thinking it was a straightforward comedy, but it's so much more than that. Huge props to the makers for exploring a side of maleness that we don't often see in film.

When it started, I was sure it was a remake of a European film; we both agreed it "just wasn't" American. And it's not, at least it's not anything like any American film we've seen before.

A bunch a men meet once a month to talk. "Check in," they call it. Twenty minutes in, I remarked "what a bunch of women." An hour in I realized that my statement was the definition of toxic masculinity!

They start with superficial stuff, nothing special. But as the day wears on weaknesses are exposed and buried feelings come to the surface. We paused it several times to talk about what was going on, and how we saw it from our own gender perspective. It was a great conversation movie, and I think we learned a lot (at least about each other's experiences).

Eye opening, sometimes seriously laugh out loud funny, sad, and brilliant.

I hope more US filmmakers will take note and give us more films like this. As a woman, I found it fascinating, and it really really reminded me why I love men. 😉
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Possum (2018)
A masteriece of horror; real and imagined
1 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It's often said that the definition of insanity is repeating your actions and expecting a different outcome. That is literally the best description of Phillip, the protagonist in "Possum."

Phillip, a disgraced puppeteer, returns to his childhood home to confront his demons and his stepfather, a grungy, cruel man who taunts Phillip in every scene. The landscape, both inside and out, is dreary, repetitive, and barren. There is no variety in Phillip's life, nor in his mind. Everything is bleak. Everything is as it has always been.

From the start of the film the symbolism shows you exactly what to expect when you first meet Phillip. The balloons against the wallpaper in a child's room is a brief but succinct recap of the major trauma of Phillip's life, and the character does not disappoint when he appears. Clearly a traumatized and broken man, Phillip spends the entire film trying to rid himself of his baggage, which again, is quite literal in the overnight bag he carries with him everywhere and is always trying to destroy and leave behind.

Just when you think, right, he's done it, the next scene shows the bag and its contents still with him. At times I wondered if these sequences were a dream, or if they were meant literally and that something is really haunting him, and the answer, i believe, is that it's both.

Like 'Spider", "Possum" is about madness eating away at us. No matter what we do to rid ourselves of it, we are unable. Its omnipresent, it is silent (the sparse dialogue is exactly true to this idea), it is unrelenting and it may very well win.

Harris' facial expressions and body language are almost painful to view; so adept is he at conveying the excruciating loneliness of losing one's mind. It's a brilliant performance.

I've read comments expressing dismay about the ending and lack of resolution. Firstly, the ending is shocking and came as a surprise to me. While I felt the duality of man themes expressed throughout (Harris' trench coat soaked with black mud on one side, and spotless on the other, was a good visual for that), I was focused on that duality being Phillip's). As for the lack of resolution for Phillip, there very often just is none. People go mad, people fall between the cracks, people disappear into their trauma and sometimes they are not saved. Bleak, yes, but true.

I've watched this twice in the past 24 hours and I'll likely watch it many more times. If you've ever been broken or traumatized, you may recognize some of yourself in Phillip. If you've ever known or loved, but never understood, a broken person, you may find this to be an incredibly empathic experience.

I can't rate it higher than 10, but I would if I could. Brilliance.
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Demon House (2019)
A protracted episode of a bad ghost hunting show
22 March 2018
This was highlighted in a horror newsletter of mine, so I was excited to check it out. They must be cashing in on the mention, because the Amazon rental was $6.99.

Terrible. Nothing happens on camera, which in itself isn't surprising or enough for a low rating. The problem is he director trying so hard to make this frightening.

When he talks to witnesses, he finishes their sentences, and leads them on, often flat out answering for them. He flat out claims that the house is filled with "demons" but doesn't even try to discern between different kinds of hauntings. He desperately tries to piece together random events, local crime, and personal tragedies as proof of some demonic activity. His "episode" of aggressiveness was so badly acted I almost turned it off.

As an investigation, it's really amateurish. As a documentary, it has no entertainment value.

If you Driving, will text later t to see it, wait till it's on Netflix or another channel. Do not pay $6.99 for this!
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Boring and self indulgent
17 February 2018
Oh wow, this "documentary" is really just a couple of hours of self-indulgence.

Made by the same man who made "Cropsey" (which was ok), this film purports to reveal the origins behind 4 urban legends. The facts are sparse because it's not a real documentary. So the time is filled with visiting old locations where literally nothing else happens, telling innocent residents that their homes were formerly occupied by killers, and a plodding, uninteresting, downright irritating narration that I suppose is supposed to sound menacing but comes off as ridiculous and heavy-handed.

If you're really into urban legends, your time would be way better spent at Wikipedia. This "film" is dull, uninspired, and boring.
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The Red Pill (2016)
This is a commercial for the MRA; not a documentary
28 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I'm always interested in what are legitimate mens rights issues, such as fathers' rights, so I was interested to see what this filmmaker had come up with. Unfortunately, this is not a true documentary but simply a string of interviews with men who are disgruntled about women who are seeking equal treatment.

With cherry-picked data from the men and virtually NO data to counter it, Jaye pretends to wander, doe-eyed, through this mysterious issue of "men's rights" as if nobody had ever dare utter the phrase in public, much less in serious debate.

Lacking historical perspective, lacking objective data, Jaye acts as if she's received an epiphany about men being mistreated and ignored by society, until the end, where she declares she can no longer call herself a feminist.

Along the way, Jaye has completely mischaracterized feminism and given carte blanche to a bunch of well-off men who want to sit in their homes and complain about the pressures of being a man and how women just don't care.

This could have been a really interesting piece and it actually could have brought men and women together under the umbrella of human rights, but instead Jaye takes the men's claims lying down, never challenging, never countering.

As a film, I suppose it's appealing to disgruntled men. So there's that. As a documentary, it's useless.
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A solid scare with no cheap shots or plot holes
10 December 2017
The synopsis here on IMDb is not quite accurate. There are actually 2 stories happening here, and how they connect is revealed slowly, with perfect timing and a suspenseful buildup.

The first story concerns the town doctor, who is helping the police with an investigation of a woman who has died. His character spend the entire film teetering between trying to figure out this town's dark past and how it connects to some recent and frightening events, and trying to live with the torment of the loss of his son, who went missing some years earlier.

The other story is about a married couple (and her best friend) who are in town to convert an old, disused building into a bed & breakfast. There are some personal issues between the three, but the most interesting character by far is the wife. She's also experienced some trauma in her past, and it is she who suffers the strange events that happen in this story. None of what happens to her is ever seen by her husband or her friend, so we don't really know if it's real or imagined.

The town's current crimes, the renovation of the b&b, how the two narratives cross paths is revealed slowly, with suspense and satisfying scares, and is done exceedingly well.

The actors' performances were well done; not a stinker among them. And the landscape is perfect for such a tale. Desolate, cold, isolated...not just in miles, but in connection with the outside world (for example, difficulty in getting a cell phone signal). There are no cheap shots, no stunt scares. A beautiful soundtrack and gorgeous cinematography are icing on the cake of this thriller.
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Deeply misunderstood film
17 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This is a wonderful film and suffers from a few things: 1) being marketed as a horror film and 2) being vastly misunderstood by most viewers.

There's a lot of complaining that "nothing comes at night," but that's not true. Paranoia, fear, nightmares, uncertainty about the world outside; all of these things come and night and all of these things are a fantastically accurate imagining of what the world would look like post apocalypse (of any kind).

All we know about this world is that there's been some kind of virus and its not safe to be around other people, who may be infected. Some viewers have a problem with the lack of detail and backstory, but I don't. This movie isn't about the infected coming to kill the well, it's not about gory zombies eating you up, it's about how a family would survive (but never thrive) under an end-of-the-world scenario. And in that respect, it hits it out of the park.

Unfortunately, this film was marketed as a horror, which understandably left some people hoping for something else unhappy. It's more of a drama or even thriller, but it's of the human--not undead--kind, and it's very gripping.

I wasn't bored, I was't disappointed, maybe partly because I didn't read up about it before viewing. When I read reviews that say I didn't pay $13 to think about a movie then I just have to believe that that person will never understand this movie and it just isn't for them.

If you'd like to imagine a real-world scenario about a pandemic or post-apocalyptic world, check this out. Keep an open mind.
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