
27 Reviews
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The Substance (2024)
23 September 2024
This film had made its point within the first 30 minutes, certainly the first 60, and I felt from that point in it was simply (and rather gratuitously) working out the consequences which were blindingly obvious. In that it suffered from the problem with most films in the horror genre - it became boring and utterly predictable. One is then left with just enjoying (or suffering) the.superfluous and unnecessary voyeurism. Very sad working out of a film whose point was utterly valid and needed a more thoughtful and.constructive treatment. I was attracted by the implicit criticism of the "Beauty" industry and all I got was a voyeuristic journey which added little to its cure point.
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Blink Twice (2024)
27 August 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What an appalling film. It trivialises sexual violence and by mixing it with an empowered woman sends the message that all women (and men) subjected to sexual violence need to do is pull themselves together and take charge. The reality is far more insidious and hard to break out of. This film sends entirely the wrong message and misleads those who victims into believing they can so easily break free. A waste of a good potential script. Utter tosh.

Please don't waste your time watching this gratuitous and sad pretence of a film. Instead deal with some reality in the lives of the victims. What a waste of a film.
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Twisters (2024)
Epic but disappointing
20 July 2024
The actors were all fine, good even at times but even they, while trying their best could not overcome a trite and utterly predictable plot line. It was a sad result, given the quality of the acting and the stupendous special effects, that we could not have found a better than the Romcom story that they came up with. They didn't even develop the "bad guy" to any degree (two scenes max and I don't think he spoke). A failure for me in the end which lost me when the acid test of looking at my watch ti see how much more of this I had to watch before I could go back home.

A shout out to Daisy Edgar-Jones and Anthony Ramos particularly for their performances.
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The Creator (2023)
8 October 2023
It had the feel of two (or possibly three) films edited down into one very fast and potentially confusing single film. That said I understood what was happening and who everyone was, it was just that many of the characters and plot directions needed a little more development than they got. Therefore one occasionally lost the suspension of disbelief needed for all sci fi and probably for all fiction.

Still an enjoyable romp which switched round the usual tropes of Robot movies and indeed most films made in Hollywood. So not western-centric and not offshoots of the Frankenstein motif.

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13 May 2023
A vastly disappointing film which ended up being a travelogue to promote visiting Italy post lockdown rather than being any actual story. They spent their whole budget (funded by Italian tourism no doubt) on dress design (which was quite good) rather than hire any writers who might have constructed an actual storyline between new outfits. Humour was confined to infantile sexual innuendo rather than any real response. They had here four consummate actresses and wasted their undeniable talents on fluff and advertising copy. Avoid at all costs (unless you like looking a clothes for two hours straight).
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Love Again (I) (2023)
Good but ...
11 May 2023
A pleasant and heartfelt movie but in the end a little too much of a Selene Dion vehicle. That's sad because the main characters are good in the roles and the story is novel and up to date in its thinking and the rollout is well done. I guess the outrage when it was all discovered seemed a little faux and a plot effect. In a real world wouldn't they have talked it out a little more before breaking up? They certainly should have if they did what she claimed she wanted at the end? To paraphrase it was something like "when people love each other they work things out." Would be great if life was really like that. Wouldn't it?
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That's Amor (2022)
Too many mintages
24 February 2023
Nice Romcom but there's zero chemistry between the leaf couple. They're both attractive people but hard to believe together. There are multiple montages too which is a sign that they're having difficulty with a convincing story ... well sometimes.

Some very good convincing supporting actors like the Mom and the best friend but whilst they struggle to hold the film up thru never quite achieve it

On the positive it a a gentle film without too many challenges and can wile away an evening because it's all very nice too look at. Ends wonderfully predictably but then so be it. Easy enjoyment perhaps.
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Violent Night (2022)
Action but little else
8 December 2022
A good action flick with well honed sequences but to be honest very little else. There's no proper backstory to Santa except one transparently make him a hammer wielder. It would have been good to explain even briefly his transition from berserker to Santa or where he got the magic stuff. References to a Mrs Claus without bothering to say where she came in. Neither any reason why he is immortal now. Far too many Santa tropes ("you have to believe " "naughty lists" etc) without a good twist or anything much. If you want a Christmas action movie this is for you. If you want an actual story then give it a miss.
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Feel good in Bali
30 September 2022
Basically just a feel good romp with the Bali tourist board in constant supporting role but nevertheless as romcoms go the cast rescue and ultimately redeem it into a good watch. But I still find it hard to believe George Clooney and Julia Roberts daughter would be that short. Clearly a beautiful place and satisfying end and not quite what one feared would be the end at the beginning.

Didn't notice any other product placements so gently encouraging you to go there. Though I did spend time thinking when I turned up it would be heaving with other filmgoers and I would end up queuing even to see the cursed temple.
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The Princess (I) (2022)
Fun movie
3 July 2022
Bad reviews are being ridiculously critical. Perfectly good set piece fantasy with a few unexpected twists. Yes a modern take where the princess controls her own destiny but hey, a well done piece of filmmaking Definitely worth the watch.
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Unleashing Mr. Darcy (2016 TV Movie)
27 June 2022
Actors tried their best with an absolutely appalling script with strange and uneven words. Book is probably bearable and might even have depth but whomever brought this to film as a script did a terrible job.
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10 June 2022
A somewhat incoherent script designed solely to gather together (painfully slowly) everyone who has ever been in a Jurassic movie for a action scene selfie. Would no doubt have included Richard Attenborough if they could! A highly disappointing view.
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The Sleepover (2020)
Loadsa fun
31 January 2022
A fun and wondrously silly kids spy crime caper. Very good if you don't take it even slightly seriously. Lots of improbabities and amazingly convenient coincidences which keep the whole thing belting along at a pace. All four kids act tremendously well. Not sure about some of the adults.
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Too pat
13 December 2021
Starts well with some really good storylines on how difficult ex-cons find it to reintegrate. Sadly it loses all this fine work with an unforgivably pat ending. A real lost opportunity by the writers. Acting is fine etc though.
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19 October 2021
It's nice to see someone finally do this book justice. It was always too long to fit in a single film which is why the trendy and visually stunning first film ultimately fails. The miniseries is fine although misses out on the big budget and star names. Here is finally a movie which attempts the full story and does not rush through. Well done - looking forward to part two which I'm guessing will be called Dune Messiah.
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Good story in poor film
1 October 2021
Basically a great story somewhat bizarrely made and edited.
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Good on Paper (2021)
Good, different
25 June 2021
This is actually a good film and it is NOT trying to be Seinfeld. That is a really superficial analysis of the film. Yes, about the reality of dating. Yes, about the difficulties of relationships. Yes, not a Romcom but definitely worth your time. Enjoy.
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Thunder Force (2021)
A Comedy
9 April 2021
This is a comedy which it would appear some other reviews didn't get.
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Cold War (2018)
Beautifully filmed
23 April 2019
A beautifully filmed but ultimately characterless piece. I understand that the direction and cinematography are pretty but one needs characters and a script you can believe.
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Pretty good fun
6 September 2013
I was unsure about this film. Mainly because I disliked the plot of the first one leading us down an alternative time-line/universe for this reboot. So unsure that I didn't even bother going to the cinema to watch this. Watching the DVD however changed my mind as I enjoyed this film quite a lot. The plot could be viewed as a re-hatch but Cumberbatch was extraordinary in the role and it had a good feel. The pace of the film is good and you never get to that bored bit where you look at your watch to wonder how much more of this there is (the acid test for a film I feel!). I wonder if there will be a third as they very much returned things to the beginning of TOS so what to do next is unclear. Anyway, director might be busy with Star Wars for the foreseeable.
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21 June 2006
This is an excellent film, thought provoking, and beautiful portrayal of the life of Francis of Assisi. People sometimes criticise the film for the "flower power" scene with the music of Donovan in the background and it is perhaps a little over the top. But it is nevertheless perhaps a good modern take on the message of Francis regarding the love of and respect for nature. The music strikes a chord with the period in which it was made and anyway to focus simply on that one scene and avoid the rest of a finely crafted and beautiful take on the life of Francis and his challenge (still) to the materialism of the life of his time and our own - this makes for an excellent film. Hugely recommended. Out on DVD at last!!
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6 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Oh Please!! I know America is feeling paranoiac at the moment, but a Zorro film about a plot to bring down America by a secret society to the East – whose aim is to stop the Americans becoming big and powerful and beating them? A plot which can only be foiled by the Pinkertons acting as spies and using whatever means, even blackmail to protect America. Yet they are of course inept and America can only be saved by the heroic actions of one man and his wife? Ring any bells? I then of course we have the usual and repetitive fare of the runaway train, the man with metal bits attached to parts of his anatomy, and the small boy at risk. Please!! You can do better than this!
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Hard Rain (1998)
Much better than rating suggests!
5 April 2006
Really surprised at the low rating of this film which as a action thriller is immensely watchable and re-watchable which for me is the test of a good film – that is bears being seen over and over. It is as others have said an endlessly inventive thriller with good action and the idea of a film where all the characters are continuously falling in, or speeding over floods in tremendous. It is not as others have said "another heist film" because the environment and opportunity of the potential crime is different and thought provoking. Doesn't this gain some extra interest given the Hurricane flooding in the southern states also? I enjoy Morgan Freeman's portrayal as well as Christian Slater and Minnie Driver's performances. The old couple is a marvellous piece of human comedy, well portrayed by both actors. Watch this film and then . . . watch it again!
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Maybe Baby (2000)
28 March 2006
A very ordinary romantic comedy with very little to redeem it. Main joy in the watching is spotting almost every British comedy actor of the day playing some sort of minor role. Apart from the "ooh look, isn't that . . ." factor there is a very good performance from Joely and Hugh Laurie is his usual sparkling self. However, in the end, the rough and somewhat unsuccessful script just doesn't fill one with enough laughs, thrills and empathy. One most wonder if in fact it is a good idea to write a comedy script about a couple struggling with infertility - perhaps as one of the character's puts it, it isn't very funny after all.
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One Fine Day (1996)
One Fine Film
5 March 2006
I must say I am surprised at the relatively low average vote for this Romantic Comedy. It is a finely crafted film with a marvellous script and sensitive performances from both Clooney and Pfeiffer. Because of its tight construction it never bores and the pace is carefully kept going throughout the film. Someone elsewhere called it a return to Classic films and it does sometimes have that feel. Very much worth watching. In many ways the film is not about the romance between Clooney and Pfeiffer but is about being parents and the trials and tribulations of bringing one children in today's world. As such the film is about marriage rather than about finding a partner. Good performances from both children who I definitely look forward to watching as adults. Underrated director with many fine films under his belt, including Midsummer Night's Dream.
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