
5 Reviews
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Memory (I) (2022)
Not great
7 October 2022
Really cliche. Parts were good, but overall poor acting and story line. Also I'm not sure if the female detective is supposed to have a weird accent but if not and she can't manage to do an American accent and they should just say that she's from England where she's from. Her accent sounded stupid the entire time and it was all I could listen to. Acting 101 is covering your accent and she's terrible at it. Liam and Guy had solidish performances but the story was just not good. Liam is getting a bit up there in age and it's starting to show... maybe action movies aren't for him anymore. You just couldn't get invested in anything about this movie.
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So unrealistic
12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I've done extensive hiking in the whites including Mt Washington. Not only is the terrain not accurate at all for the mountain...she made a lot of stupid mistakes an experienced hiker would not make..not to mention SAR. I guess it may not bother someone not familiar with the mountain but they weren't even showing Mt Washington in the movie. There's a legit building on Mt Washington and they didn't show that even once. Looked more like the Rockies. And lastly... there's not deciduous trees above the tree line. They'd all be evergree..this bugged me and inordinate amount lol Naomi Watts acting is good but this movie stinks.

And she shoulda left that guy for dead. He's awful.
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Juanita (I) (2019)
Could have been great...
15 March 2019
Like other reviewers said, the beginning of this was really good and I was into it but it quickly fell apart. It was almost rushed and just jumbled. And then the ending was just meh
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Schitt's Creek (2015–2020)
I agree with other reviewers that if you hate the show you just don't get it and that's sad for you
24 January 2019
The show is absolutely hilarious if you pay attention to society today whatsoever. I absolutely love watching these people try to figure things out after their life crashes down around them. Wonderful show
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Hush (I) (2016)
For crying out loud
6 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
***spoilers--not that it can be spoiled more** I looked through most of the reviews simply to see if other people were upset that somehow the windows protected her. Why on Earth wouldn't he have just smashed the window to get in?? Yet I didn't see that many people upset about this. And when he smashes her hand in the sliding door... Why the heck doesn't he just open the door? Like she has enough strength to keep it closed? The whole movie is ridiculous
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