
9 Reviews
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21 June 2024
Everything about this movie is just a complete and utter waste of time, waste of actors, waste of electricity to leave your TV on to watch it.

Slow, boring, full of completely and utterly random ****. Nothing is explained, and what little is hinted at (not very subtle or deep) is buried in a sea of weird stuff. Like "animals, they're trying to tell us something". "They know something". Cheap attempts at trying to create mystery where there is none.

Everybody except Scott were complete morons, and Scott himself stood out a bit probably only because the rest was so terrible.

Nothing here makes any sense, and the least the relatively high score of 6.6.
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Cargo (2009)
Sorry, but this is just TERRIBLE.
22 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoy a good sci-fi, actually I even enjoy a mediocre one, but this movie is a mess from the start to the end! It's so full of ****, it's not even funny!

Full-power thrusters on for the whole flight, ship moving approximately at the speed of light (as far as I was able to understand from the dialogs), then some 100m before the station they just turn them off and, like, stop?

Explosions in the vacuum of the space?

What now, are they flying to Station 42 or not?

Lights randomly going off, then on, in a different color, just for a cheap thrill.

How in the world was that guy able to find the cryo container with the sister? And how comes he just knew the sister could not be awaken?

That little girl, awakens from a dream-like "simulation" to find herself separated from her parents on a worn down space ship, and she never says a word? Never shows any kind of being scared? I have kids, a kid in that situation would be TERRIFIED! Oh what, *I* would be terrified! Think about Neo waking up into the real world in Matrix, and multiply that with 100.

Evil company hiding the fact that the Earth is habitable again... for what reason? What's in it for the company? How comes nobody except a few terrorists know about Earth being habitable?

Speaking of terrorists, why don't they just show the videos of the habitable earth to the people, instead of blowing up "bases" (and, I suppose, killing people in the process), in the fight against the "machines"?

The movie is filled up with product placement (at least at the beginning - BP, Lenovo, OSRAM), it's a mixture of ideas from Firefly (chinese text all over the place), Alien series (even the two maintenance crew members are a pale copy of the original Nostromo maintenance crew), Matrix and probably a few more movies I didn't realize.

Not an ounce of originality, not an ounce of a story one could actually believe in, and, frankly, not even scary. There is no sense, no message, no nothing in this movie. I wonder how it could receive so many positive reviews here.
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Just perfect. A must!
10 August 2008
My wife and myself, parents of three little kids, rarely get to go to the cinema. Two weeks ago, during our holidays, we got my parent to babysit the little monsters, so that we can finally get out again. Taking a peek into the papers (actually *real* papers, I had no internet access :-) ) revealed, that "The Dark Knight" was the only watchable movie playing in the small nearby town.

Somewhat reluctantly, we decided to give it a try. What the hell, we thought, we are on holidays anyway, why not check a kids movie (sorry to all fans of previous Batman movies, but that's just what I think of them).

BOY, were we surprised! After the movie, it took us a few minutes before we both burst out "this is one of the best movies I ever saw!" I won't go into any details, for the multitude of excellent comments on this board already presents this movie as it is: a MASTERPIECE! Especially the performance of the late Heath Ledger (Joker) was unbelievable (posthumous Oscar, anyone?) I actually felt quite nervous and actually even a bit scared during some Joker scenes - something I didn't experience that often in a movie theater! And yet, we both felt, that quite a few lines of his could have been from us... :-)

It's a must, please go watch it either in a real movie theater, or in a DAMN good home theater. While the special effects in this movie are just what they *should* be (a mere vehicle to transport the message), the atmosphere of the movie just won't come over if you watch it on a 19" monitor with your 5.1 headset on... :-) I'd gladly pay again to see it one more time!
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Just trying to make some more money...
6 June 2008
A few days ago, I saw the fourth part of the Indiana Jones series in a theater. I went there with high expectations - the series, after all, is one of the most successful movie series ever, the Ford is still on cast (not replaced by some good looking but otherwise uninteresting bum like in the post-Roger-Moore Bond series), Spielberg is still the director... so, what can go wrong? Unfortunately, as I had to find out, a LOT went wrong.

The movie not only suffers from plot holes/discontinuities big enough to put the loaded truck through them, it actually perverts the very notion of the Indiana Jones, an archeology professor with otherwise little interest in politics, by making him a freaking highly decorated UNDERCOVER AGENT with McCarthy views on the "reds" resp. "commies"!

While Indiana Jones has always been capable to survive even the most dangerous situations, this movie takes it WAY over the border of what is acceptable. The refrigerator scene? The swing-with-the-monkeys part? Sword fight against a highly trained swords-woman while standing with one foot on one and the other foot on the other car, moving through the jungle at a high speed??? That's just way too much.

The villains were laughably overdone (come on, post-WWII Russian communists are really not interesting as villains any more, give them a break finally), his relationship with other protagonists in the movie is not in the least convincing, the jokes are lame and predictable, the ending is completely confuse and illogical, the puzzles are.. well, there are no puzzles in the movie, actually! At the end, the movie even paves the way for a "Ford-replacement-bum" in the Indiana Jones 5...

To put it in a nut-shell, this movie is a sorry ending for one of the most successful movie series ever. Don't waste your money.
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A great action movie, but no Die Hard
8 July 2007
I just saw the movie, so I thought I should drop by and share my opinion.

It is a great action movie, that's for sure. It is NOT, however, a Die Hard movie. There was absolutely no character development, quite a few of the action scenes seemed overblown (Mc Lane is not James Bond, for Christ sake - that's one of the reasons he was so likable in DH 1-3). Also it was WAY too technical, without even trying to be SOMEWHAT accurate about it. Literally ALL of the hacker and computer related scenes were hilariously unbelievable.

On the positive side, the cast (except for the surprisingly weak villain) and the special effects were very good indeed!

All in all it was well spent EUR 17,-- (that's approx. USD 22), for some cool action with Bruce Willis in it, as well as for reviving some fond memories of the previous movies. Unfortunately, not more.

If the movie didn't pretend to be a DH sequel, it would get an 8/10 from me, instead of 7/10 I just gave it.
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Babel (I) (2006)
Unbelievably beautiful!
4 April 2007
There are no words to describe the beauty and the atmosphere of this movie, therefore I wouldn't even try to find some if it weren't for the "10 lines of text minimum" policy.

Every single scene, every line brought by the perfectly casted and mainly completely unknown (at least to me) actors was just... PERFECT. The performance of the children was so mind-bogglingly realistic that we (parents of three) felt as if we would be sitting in the middle of the story instead of being in a movie theater. It's moving, it's beautiful, it's sad, but it doesn't take it to the extreme levels like some other movies ("La vita e bella" springs to mind as a great example of a sadistically cruel and completely uncalled for ending). This is art as it should be - not painfully trying to be it, just being it!

Go to the theater and watch it - you won't regret! This is the first time ever I rated a movie 10/10.
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Resident Evil (2002)
WAY better than what the most reviewers here seem to think
16 June 2006
I don't understand all the negative emotions about this movie. Yesterday I saw it on TV and I enjoyed it very much! Sure there are better movies out there, but this one does deliver what it promises: zombie action, cool heroine (Milla is unbeatable here - with Sigourney as Ripley out of contest, of course), tension, and - from time to time - even the relatively unexpected plot moves.

Bear in mind, however, that this *is* a horror action movie. Don't expect it to be logical, to have a really great story, or to be free of errors. However, it surely is WAY better in every one of those aspects than that overrated @#$%@ called "Signs".

I haven't seen the first 15-20 minutes of the movie, but based on the rest, I know I'll rent myself a DVD.
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Signs (2002)
Good beginning, then extremely disappointing
27 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning was OK - light humor, good tension, a real pleasure to watch.

As the time passed, the movie gets worse and worse, forcing one nonsense after the other down the throats of the poor helpless audience.

I know, that it is not necessary for a movie to be logical, but please - it does need a bare minimum at least! Here some of the most obvious goofs/annoyances:

1. Aliens communicating at baby-phone frequencies, so that our heroes can listen to their communication. Even worse, the movie-makers didn't even find it necessary to come up with something that at least sounds good, they are simply playing some random noise in exceedingly long, as well as completely unnecessary scenes.

2. Why the hell did they show themselves in the night (the lights floating above cities), and then decided to hide themselves during the day? Just so that the "dead pigeon" proof can be used? It was not even very original.

3. They get burned by water, and yet they run around completely naked, on a planet, where water is just about *everywhere*.

4. Speaking about naked - they also seem to be un-armed: an alien race, attacking earth, is effectively stopped by a rotten old basement door. Extremely convincing.

5. So, they're on the raid. What the hell did they look for on a farm with 4 poor souls? Were they out for ex-reverends? Old amateur league baseball bats?

6. On the one hand, they can run and jump way faster/higher than normal people can. On the other hand, they seem to be so fragile, that one weak strike with a knife can instantly cut their fingers off.

7. Why did the aliens go away? No explanation. Why, exactly, did they come? No explanation.

I could go on and on, but I guess you get my point.

The whole flick serves only one purpose: it's a religious propaganda movie, with the ending so predictable ("the fallen reverent finds his faith again") that it makes one sick in the stomach.

Rubish, rubbish, rubbish - I wasted 2 hours of my life.
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Extremely overrated!
11 July 2004
I don't understand why so many seem to find the last part of the trilogy good. After the first two movies, my wife and me were really impressed. Yesterday, we finally came around to see the last, third part.

Gosh, what a disappointment! It has almost *nothing* of what makes the first two parts so good. The story telling was extremely confuse, the characters - so carefully built in the previous episodes - completely neglected. The big battle came so quickly and was so unconvincing, that we were just sitting around waiting for it to finally end. There was nothing and nobody to identify with. A world of the difference from the battle in the second part!

Besides, the "heroic monologues" were pathetic. I almost felt like being in a Emmerich movie!

All in all, I feel really sorry I watched that movie. Great computer graphics make a good movie NOT.
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