
7 Reviews
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6 November 2023
I am almost 20 minutes into the first episode. And I think that is as far as I am going to get.

It is so long drawn, and mindnumbingly boring, that it´s impressive. I think they are trying to set the scene, for what is about to come. But get to the point, FFS!

I have watched shows on Netflix mostly, before. And some of them suffer from the clear fault, that they are reminescent of when someone has to write a X letters essay for school, but can´t really come up with enough content for it. So it just becomes a matter of being as long winded as possible, without having any actual meat on the bone.

And it seems to be the same for this show.
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Try to laugh!
20 August 2022
I couldn´t. If this is humour, I... guess I must have missed something. Saw the first, and some of episode 2. With a complete sense of indifference.

All the "humour" is like "What if... there was a board meeting, and there was some guy lying on the bed screaming about shirts. Wouldn´t that be unexpected + awkward. What if...Santa Claus was an action movie star. And that is all there is to it.

No setup, no point, and absolutely no pay-off. His having a 7,9 score, is a more of a joke, than anything in the show.
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Billy the Kid (2022– )
This must be...
20 June 2022
...some clams wet dream of Billy the Kid, and his dreamy eyes. It is really just a slowmoving, boring soap-opera.

As the broad in episode 4 says "I like outlaws. (bad boys). They´re dangerous, but exciting to be around" Which was pretty much as far as I could force myself to watch.

Besides that, despite what I have seen someone say, it is obviously WOKE. Even though not as heavy handed as a lot of other stuff, seen in the last few years.

And, last of all... Billy is just a victim. Whcih is apparently the coolest thing you can be these days (And then we can see some more close ups, of Billy´s sad dreamy eyes). But it gets very annoying. It can be a lot more interesting to see someone who´s a bit of an anti-hero, even though there might be a backstory to how they got there.

I would really have liked to like it. But it is just uninspired drivel...
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I can change him...
5 September 2021
I think the high rating for this movie, must be because this is every stoopid beaches wet dream. All of a sudden the girl get´s swept of her feet, and pulled up to stardom, by a good looking bad boy rock star. And then some constant drama. And something, something. ..

Can she cahnge him. I don´t know, and I really don´t care. The movie started out well enough, but quickly grew stale... I am out!
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Take Me (2017)
The best thing about this movie...
26 July 2021
... is that it´s not a copy of another movie.

The story isn´t mindblowing. But it´s original. And unlike what some person here wrote, it is anything but predictable. I really don´t see how that would be the case. I can usually predict what is going to happen in the next step throughout an entire movie. But that was never the case with this one.

However original and unpredictable it was, it never seems to reach any deeper story or point, though.
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10 ratings?!?!?
17 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I get it. It´s not a serious movie. But it is really not very good either.

And Nic Cage not talking throught the entire movie, ebing the strong silent type, I guess, does NOT make it better.

Really inventive to let the "oh so invinsible monsters" being killed in such an inventive way. Punch them in the face, and they go down.

There are many, many other movies in this category, that are far, far better.
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2 teenage boys get into some vampire stuff and warm up for a sequel, that i am guessing will never come.
30 December 2012
I really wanted to like this movie, but i didn't. I can appreciate a good story, and i don't even care for excessive gore. A big problem with this film is, that it is way to slow, and nothing really happens at all. It seems that a very big part of it is a warm up to a sequel. But they should have focused on making the first movie interesting instead. It has it moments, but again, it's just not enough. The story isn't that interesting. Don't know if that is why, but the acting seems kind of flat, like the general feel of the film. Might be better for a younger audience, since there's no gore in it, and also it's basically a bit to harmless...
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