
3 Reviews
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Deathwatch (2002)
Could have been much better.
6 September 2004
This movie I am afraid missed most of the points. The first world war was scary enough, Ghostly goings on are scary, but this one fails to capture either which is a terrible shame as the concepts are lovely. The characters lack depth and therefore empathy which means you sit waiting for nasty things to happen to them and when they do happen you wish the budget would have stretched to decent SPFX, instead we are treated to Ground Maroons and unfinished CGI. Not the most rewarding of films when compaired to The Keep or other war or horror movies. Although I was not overly impressed I would like to see some more of the directors movies as it seems as though budget was the overriding factor in this movies problems.
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This is what you get
6 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
What a corker! This is one of those must have halloween movies. If only to see our beloved Mr Lee doing an American accent. This is a prime example from Moxey (The Night Stalker) of why most colleges do not teach witchcraft. There are certain things which having a reasonable knowledge of horror movies, one does not do.

1, Do not study the occult, as it will lead to many terrible things.

2, Do not study the occult if Christopher Lee is your lecturer, as he is Dracula.

3, Do not go to ancient towns to study the occult if Christopher Lee has advised you that it will help your studies, as he may have sinister motives and be Dracula.

Dracula does not appear in this film but Mr Lee casts an equally dark shadow over this films proceedings, slowly drawing in both characters and audience with his fantastic Christopher Lee-ness. Although saying that the movie is of a high enough caliber that Mr Lee serves to add to the flavor of this great movie, rather than being the only reason to watch. A must have for all whom are drawn to horror flicks from the old school.
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Blood Beach (1980)
This film was great when i was 13 and is still great now!
20 July 2004
Blood Beach rocks, it has everything a Saturday night movies needs from a giant phallic monster to a scene where every few moments the mic drops into shot. A popcorn monster flick giving a unique angle on the Jaws theme. Some good gore FX and a good few jumpy moments elevate this one above the usual rubber monster crowd and the sand FX are actually deeply scary.

I have been keeping an eye out for this one for a while but have as yet not found a copy. It could keep you away from the seaside forever, Jaws will keep you out of the water but Blood Beach will put you back in the car and send you home.
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