
8 Reviews
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Bad Candy (2020)
Generic, cliche and....kind of embarrassing
14 September 2021
I was honestly really looking forward to this. Mostly because I was really wanting to get myself into the spooky season mood and this was the first thing to drop. This is bad. Real bad

Sure, it's low budget. The props looks straight off the discount shelf of Spirit Halloween, and the camera work and lighting is just above home movie level professionalism. Honestly, I'm fine with that. The acting is extremely amateur across the board, and while not ideal, at least that has a certain awkward charm to it. The real the writing

Everything about it feels lazy, generic, soulless, and cringeworthy. This contains every trope you've seen 1000 times before. Every scare is telegraphed. The dialogue is weird and robotic, and so much of this is almost carbon copy rip offs of much better horror films. So uninspired and lazy. Big fail.
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Big Bad (2016)
Who is this even for?
19 April 2020
This movie has a serious identity crisis. For one thing, it's rated R, which seems bizarre, because in all honesty, 99% of this movie feels like a disney channel movie. It overwhelmingly has that vibe, from the whimsical music, the camera angles, the script, the godawful dialogue aimed at preteens, the entire thing felt overly wholesome and family friendly. Then out of nowhere they throw in a single gory scene at the end, which felt totally off with the rest of the cartoonish tone of the film and...a single curse word that i noticed, and garnered an R rating

My question is...why? Again, who is this for? Your average adult horror fan is going to find this movie as extremely dull, childlike, and cringeworthy, as I did, and the audience this seems to be aimed at (the disney channel, nickelodeon demographic) would not be old enough to view this

Weird choice man. I don't get it
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Camp Killer (2016)
18 April 2020
I originally watched this for two reasons. The first being, i'm a sucker for camp slashers, and secondly, I noticed one of the actors in it played the original kid Jason in Friday The 13th, so I assumed that would mean there was some baseline of quality to this thing. I was wrong. So very very wrong

I am not even sure what I just watched. This was no "80's slasher throwback". Instead what you get is acting that wouldn't cut it in community theater, non nonsensical plot lines, cut rate special effects, cringeworthy dialogue, a soundtrack that appears to have been hammered out on a Casio, and endless, tedious, tiresome exposition. No joke, roughly 3/4 of this flick is two guys in a bar, throwing darts, and explaining the entire backstory of the movie...and acting extremely poorly. The rest is just some truly generic slasher-esque running around in the woods with an axe. And that's only in the last 5 minutes. Then?'s over.

Making it through this was tedious, man. Don't put yourself through this. There is literally anything else you could be watching
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A valid argument for implementing negative star ratings
23 January 2020
This thing, man...where to begin?

At the ending I guess, because ironically that's where the only semblance of an actual movie begins. The rest? It's literally all filler. This is a movie that is 90% someones vacation movies. And I don't just mean a bunch of travel shots, and banter to set the mood, that just goes on a bit too long. I LITERALLY mean that is the entire movie

This thing was in need of some serious editing. The only problem? If you did you would cut out almost the entire movie. Nothing happens, nothing interesting happens, nothing whatsoever, until the very end. And even then? The payoff is not worth it. Not at all. It's a lukewarm, by the book, found footage ending. Nothing original, and you just spent almost two hours building up to it

This isn't a film, this is being stuck on a roadtrip for days, with two incredibly obnoxious dude bro man children, only to get to a crappy roadside attraction that's closed for renovation
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Great idea TOTALLY wasted
16 May 2018
When I first heard about this movie I was told the concept was Daphne and Velma pre-mystery Incorporated battling zombies and I thought "awesome! This sounds like Shaun of the dead meets Scooby Doo! That sounds amazing! I am in! "

Great concept right? Yeah... only what we actually got was nothing even remotely like that. What we got instead was a disappointing saccharine sweet kid friendly boring vanilla high school crush Disney Channel mess

How could you take such an interesting concept and screwed up so badly? This thing is unwatchable. There is literally nothing whatsoever interesting or original about this movie. They turn this into a kids movie that neither kids nor adults are going to want to watch. This is a disappointing mess

It's very telling that the only positive review on here is made from a dummy account, that was just created recently, and only has one review which is for this movie. It's pretty bad when even the creators feel the need to post fake reviews and try to boost this thing because they know how poorly it's going to be received. Way to drop the ball

This could've been something cool instead you chose to go with...this

Why did you even bother?
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Crazy Lake (2016)
Dudebro mtn dew commercial bikini fest! ...Yawn
19 February 2018
Nothing to see here folks. This is a movie written by, for, and starring dudebros, with about as much effort and intelligence as that implies.

Despite stealing it's ingredients from far more competent slashers, this doesn't even really feel like a horror movie. This feels like a Mountain Dew commercial. Lots of slo mo lingering shots of girls butts in bikinis, dudes flexing, and constantly pouring water on themselves, to rave music. A ton of obnoxious stereotypes. Generic plot. Oddly tame kills. A bunch of craft store paint looking fake blood. Amateur camera work....and a completely uninspired plot.

Despite setting the bar extremely low, it still manages to disappoint. Lazy filmmaking 101
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Roid Rage (2011)
Guaranteed to lower your IQ
11 August 2017
I don't even have much to say about this short but i'll try. Amateur, juvenile, cheap, low rent, embarrassing , ignorant, really a pathetic piece of "film making". This is literally the story of a poop covered, flesh eating, killer hemorrhoid. Even if you enjoy "so bad it's good" trash cinema and this concept appeals to you you still are going to likely be extremely disappointed because it isn't even funny bad. It's just pathetic bad. Like telling a fart joke and still somehow screwing up the punchline.

Don't encourage this. This is as bottom of the barrel as it gets.
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Preternatural (2016)
Reinforces my belief in the occult
2 January 2017
Broadway choreographer, Marian Chase called it, "...a tango of love and deception... riveting and raw!" Italian filmmaker Alessandro Russo called it, "The poetic dynamo of the new decade... an epic". Talent producer, Martin Lumax says, "This is the greatest thing to happen to the horror genre since sliced bread."

Roger Ebert could not be reached for comment...

Simply brilliant. Top shelf entertainment my friends. Terrifyingly witty, bloody entertaining, and frighteningly frightening. Highly Intelligent and extremely attractive people enjoy this film, as well as people who aren't.

Do yourself a favor and watch this, then rewind it, and immediately watch it again... tell your friends to do the same.
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