
1 Review
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Good Flick
26 July 2004
Why would anyone watch this type of flick if they didn't want to see a war movie? I read the other review online and was dumbfounded. Rarely in war are their racy love scenes, that's why it's a ware movie! If anything, the fact that some scantily clad bimbo's weren't running all over the deck of an aircraft carrier in the middle of a war zone lent to the authenticity of the film. I mean really, what do you want Demi Moore in her "A Few Good Men" dress uniform? Please!!! (BTW... I liked that movie too.) This movie delivers exactly what an action adventure war buff wants to see. A lot of adrenalin laced action, big guns with big explosion, and the possibility of the main characters dying in the end. It was a good story and a good movie. Willam DeFoe was awesome. But a harlequin novel it's not. So if you're looking for a love story, check out "An Officer and a Gentleman", cause this is not for you.
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