
39 Reviews
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I'm just here to enjoy the Darwin Award contestants
18 June 2024
You'll have to see it to believe it, but for as well filmed and produced as this is, one of the dumbest things you'll ever see humans do for television ratings is in this show. That said, it's so flipping funny that I can't hate on it. It makes me laugh audibly whenever I see it, and it is such a joy if you like watching a perfect example of where our culture has run afoul with Mother Nature. If you'd like to see what a lame and thoughtless animal we've become, make some popcorn and tune in to this chum-fest. If you're as cynical as I am, you'll laugh yourself senseless at what these fools try to do for the sake of tv ratings.
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They wouldn't publish my first review. Lol
11 June 2024
Despite that I said it's foolish to lump every person of any group into a singular basket (I don't like when people do it to me and mine, so I don't do it to others) I did acknowledge that this movie is way more than just WN propaganda. There are researchable elements that are a matter of historical record on display here, and for people to insinuate that it's unfounded isn't fair. Moreover, you don't have to like an inconvenient truth for it to be true. I find much of the things I've researched here to be reluctant truths - but truths nonetheless. Watch the movie, do some research, and see for yourself.

Now, let's see if IMDb bothers to publish my review this time?
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Definitely better than the haters suggest!
25 May 2024
I can't see where people give this film 1 and 2 stars on their ratings. It isn't a bad flick at all. Much respect to the filmmakers and producers for getting a proper English version done so wonderfully too. If you're looking for 28 Days Later pacing, or Romero thrills, you'll likely be let down. This movie is doing something way different with the zombie genre. It is a wonderful descent into isolation, wrestling with madness, fighting hopelessness, and coping with a bleak and sudden reality. I thoroughly enjoyed this effort, and found it well worth the viewing. The only thing I didn't care for was the unresolved and abrupt ending. Outside of that, it was an enjoyable and thought provoking film!
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1922 (2017)
Decent adaptation, but...
25 May 2024
Mostly faithful to the source material, this is a decent little period piece. My biggest complaint is that it rushes through some key plot points, and drags across less necessary elements. Moreover, I've never heard anyone in Nebraska speak with a generic southern drawl, but this is modernity, where you're just fine culturally bastardizing or appropriating one last group without consequence. While it could have been delivered a little better, it is still worth a viewing. Had they bothered to put just a little bit more thought into these elements I've mentioned, I'd have given it a much higher rating.
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Jaws (1975)
Here's To Swimmin' with Bowlegged Women!
2 May 2024
The ultimate proof that you don't need to show the monster from the first scene or have a gore-fest of onscreen kills to make a solid movie.

JAWS is everything that was right about movies, and highlights just why it has all gone so downhill. What began as a failing mechanical shark forcing a young Steven Spielberg to go Alfred Hitchcock with building suspense changed the game in movies, and reinvented the thriller. Only, JAWS is much more than a thriller. It's an Everyman story, a family story, a sea adventure, and one epic thriller.

If Hollywood made movies with this much heart, crafted characters like Brody, Hooper, and Quint, there'd be more buns in cinema seats these days. But alas, nowadays you have to show the monster and a kill before the opening credits, and you can't allow things like redemption arcs or men figuring out how to work together.

One of my top three favorite movies of all time, and a film you couldn't make any better in the end.
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The irony is scary to think about.
2 May 2024
I saw this film when it first came out, and for a lower budgeted flick, it is well put together. A strong cast across the board, solid score, good editing, and cohesive direction make this a flick worth watching.

There is a bittersweet irony that comes with this film though. When it came out, many people complained (and still do) that it wasn't realistic in its depiction of neo nazis being concerned about foreign migration into Australia. Many said that the demographic replacement theory was nonsense (like they say about America) and that it was wrong to "humanize" a bunch of nazis. Well, hate to tell you all, but nazis, commies, and every other group of politically charged people are human when not being atrocious on the streets. And as for the demographic theories, and the subversion of Australia's laws, well, time has told.
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Didn't like it when it came out, and gave it another go today...
1 May 2024
I think the world of both Sean Patrick Flanery and Norman Reedus both, as well as much of the rest of the cast. I also like the visual style a lot, as well as the premise for the story. However, I stand by the way I felt in 2000 when I saw it in the theater: it really is a style over substance film. Keep in mind that Tarantino had changed cinema with "Reservoir Dogs" and "Pulp Fiction" 8 and 6 years prior to this film, and Guy Ritchie was coming to prominence around the same time. This film takes a lame stab at being similar to both at the same time, and fails to tap into what made either great.

The characters are stereotypes, the writing is sub-par, the "drink and smoke" cliche' gets way overplayed here, and the storyline ends up all over the place. This really is a film I want to like, but despite some solid actors, and great cinematography, and some solid editing, it falls short for me on almost every level.

Sometimes bad films are revered for their place and time. This one didn't do anything for me when I was new, and it surely hasn't aged well since.
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Talk About a Movie Holding Up Well
30 April 2024
I hadn't seen this movie in ages. The last time I did see it, I was a kid, and it was new. I revisited it tonight, and have a newfound appreciation for it. Beyond being well written, well acted, well shot, well edited, and well scored, it is a wonderful morality lesson on the risks of extramarital affairs. It's also the source of the term "she's a bunny boiler!"

Both Michael Douglas and Glenn Close bring top tier performances to the screen, and the tension is well crafted throughout the entire movie. It goes to show that you don't need a huge FX budget, CGI wizards in the editing room, cheap jump scares, and all those other things that have ruined the power of cinema to create a powerful thriller.
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Daybreakers (2009)
Highly original, and well done!
27 April 2024
This movie deserves more recognition than it gets. While the "evil corporation" trope has been played a zillion times, this movie takes it to a way different and deeper level than most flicks come close to. The vampiric twist in the story makes it unique, then add to it a mostly standout cast, great set direction, lighting, editing, direction, score, and special FX, I'd put this film up there above most modern sci-fi efforts, as well as up against modern vampire movies. It wins the blue ribbon on both ends. While not perfect, it's a noble, original, and unique flick, and is well worth the watch!
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976-EVIL (1988)
Underrated 80's gem
20 April 2024
I saw this film when it came out in 1988, and while it has its flaws, it really does end up a unique and different movie than its contemporaries. Stephen Geoffreys is in top form here, and seeing my friend Lezlie Deane in her 20's is always such a joy. Sandy Denis does a phenomenal job too, but what really takes away from much of this movie's potential is the rest of the acting. Patrick O'Bryan is on par with Steven Seagal as an actor, and Jim Metzler - while not as bad as others - doesn't really come out of his shell. That, of course, has as much to do with writing and edits though.

This movie gets a much worse rep than it deserves. It's a pity Robert Englund didn't pursue more as a director.
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Not a big fantasy fan, but this is an exception
11 April 2024
Ah, the last wave of films where Hollywood didn't pander to geopolitics and modernity. Crazy to think that if made today, it would look and feel so much more soulless.

Few films could be as faithful to their source material and still deliver, and the dedication shown by the cast and crew is beyond evident. While the run time could have been padded a little bit, it's the perfect introduction into the amazing world of Middle Earth, as well as Tolkien's broader vision.

If you're looking for a fast paced adventure, you'll likely agree with those who got bored. However, if you want a deep, philosophical, daring story that one couldn't tell today without facing the wrath of "modern audiences" (said in the Critical Drinker's voice) then you might find this to be what it is, and that's one of the last epic tales made before all the knee-bending, pandering, and DEI stuff began strangling filmmaking and society at large.
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It wasn't broken. You didn't fix it. You ruined it.
2 April 2024
This film is missing what made the show and the previous films great, and it adds unnecessary things that never would have appeared in the previous films. The intro pieces were always funny, buy minus some additional sound effects and a couple fudged shots, they were "reality" based. This intro is nothing but a Hollywood style goof.

While the absence of Ryan Dunn and Bam Margera is felt, adding a DEI based cast of new blood does nothing for this film. They'd have been better off bringing in some of the occasional players from the show and the previous films. Instead, they did the woke thing, and had to diversify the movie in a contrived way, which doesn't strengthen anything, but shows a feeble attempt to modernize and avoid flak... the antithesis of what the show and older films were rooted in.

The whole nostalgia thing they promoted this movie on was a cover story. This is nothing but a bunch of middle aged guys who wanted to squeeze in a big payload before they get their hips and rotator cuffs replaced. It's contrived, weak, pseudo-woke, and doesn't look or feel the way Jackass should. A handful of the stunts were funny, and it was maybe worth one watch, but compared to the legacy that came before it, this isn't the same. Too "modern" for something that used to give modernity the finger.... before mooning it, peeing on it, and making it drink horse nuzz. Hard pass.
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Coyote (2017)
You've got to be kidding me.
2 March 2024
I barely made it past the first scene - literally. The writing, acting, and especially the overdubs are about the worst I've ever seen in all my years of being a moviegoer. I'm not sure how many of these stellar reviews are cast and crew versus both paid reviewers and morons, but I can't believe this steaming pile of manure has gotten any legitimate praise. This "movie" is up there with "The Room" when it comes to incoherent, nonsensical writing, piss-poor acting, cliche plot lines, and sheer lunacy.

I know people love to say "worse movie ever" when they don't like something. One look my reviews would reveal that I have never once said that. This cinematic case of the runs is absolutely one of the three worst movies I've ever tried to watch.
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Bittersweet to see
7 February 2024
I saw the original Crocodile Dundee at the movie theater as a kid in 1986. It became one of my favorite movies of all time, and even likely contributed to me ending up working with reptiles as an adult. It's one of the few films I have ever ranked a perfect 10 here on IMDb. I think the second installment is worth its praise too, even if it isn't as good as the first film. So, I didn't sit down with this movie thinking it was going to be as good either. But I was at least expecting a Crocodile Dundee film.

While I like the premise of the story, and it is well shot and reasonably cast, it feels more like either a parody of the franchise, or a promotional film for a Los Angeles tourism campaign. There are a couple scenes that almost feel like they work, but there are some seriously unnecessary scenes that almost feel like no one was taking the movie seriously at all. It just doesn't feel like it's in the same universe as the first two.

While the casting isn't an issue, and the film is well shot, it suffers from that ridiculous early 2000's rapid fire editing at times. Add to that the missing signature score from Peter Best, and a really choppy script overall, it just doesn't belong with the other two films. They were so comparable in tone, style, sound, and beats. This film was something that had so much potential, but needed some serious script revision and style considerations to avoid it coming off as nothing short of a cash grab.
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Doesn't have the heart of the original, but is a great sequel overall.
7 February 2024
While I agree with those who say this movie isn't anywhere near the original, I disagree with those who say it's a bad movie. It's nowhere near a bad film at all. It just lacks the heart and purity of the original. Too many retreaded jokes and bits keep it from reaching its full potential, but it's still a noteworthy movie on its own, and a mighty fine sequel. It's most certainly worth a watch, and holds up over time better than most late 80's cash-in sequels. If you liked the original film, you'll most likely be able to at least enjoy this one for a viewing. It's also arguably better - even in a standalone capacity - than 99% of modern movies.
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The Negative Reviews All Have Modernity In Common
6 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I get it. It's hinted in more ways than one that Dundee is possibly a croc poacher. It's shown that he's a bit of an untraveled, unsophisticated bushman-who oversells his skills to a traveling reporter in an attempt to hype a story. It also shows that he is a capable outdoorsman, a charmer, and an overall good man.

The character is flawed, and that makes him relatable. Most action films of that era show the impenetrable hero-the flawless, bulletproof gladiator. This one shows you a man who doesn't always know what to do, but has the ability to do a great deal.

I've read all the negative reviews, and they all have one thing in common: modern audiences (said in the Critical Drinker's voice.) The negative reviews are largely stemming from a bunch of thin-skinned people who can't just allow themselves to be entertained. They say he's a racist for asking Gus what tribe he is from. That doesn't make him a racist. That makes him untraveled. Lest you forget he was painted up and taking part in an aborigine ceremony. How many white racists do you think the aborigines invite to ceremony? You must think they're stupid, eh?

Then there's the argument that he stole Richard's woman, when in reality she came to realize that Richard didn't love and cherish her, but merely held her as a status symbol. It was her choice to go after a love that she didn't have prior. That's called being an empowered woman who sees the light, so you feminists need to stop pinning her choices on a "manipulative" man. She made her choice, and for real reasons. That's called being empowered. Try it sometime!

Also, on the topic of Sue: she isn't some helpless damsel either. She was a bit helpless in the outback, but so would be anyone who isn't familiar with the territory and how to survive it - male or female. Had it been Richard out there doing the story, it would have been the same scenario. Sue also proves that she's sharp with a rifle, and it's made clear once back in New York that she's no helpless leading lady.

I love the ones who say Dundee was so "quick" to violence too. For starters, he took a lot of mouth before piping Richard down, and you know, there was a time when if you were a disrespectful jackass you had to account for your actions-unlike today where there's no such thing as accountability. He wasn't quick to violence. He was a man who held loudmouth elitist snobs like Richard accountable. Be grateful you live in the pink, wet, pocket of stink known as today.

Then there's the "trans" thing. My goodness, does that one ruffle some feathers. Let me ask you whiners this: if random men can "shake hands" at a Pride parade by meat-checking each other as they walk by, and that's okay with you, then I'd like to think you won't get your knickers in a twist over a joke played at the expense of a "fish out of water" character who is learning that things aren't always what they seem. Also consider that said trans person was quite interested in him until "they" realized that Mick wasn't playing that crap. ("They" even stared at his crotch after he had the exchange with the fella in the fedora at the bar) It wasn't a sexual assault. It wasn't the flipping patriarchy. It was a cultural joke played out in a movie. Lighten up.

This film is everything that "modern audiences" hate, and is everything that was great about movies of its time. Heaven forbid you tell a charming, funny story about a bloke who flies the nest and has a cultural and character arc to cross. Heaven forbid you tell a story about a woman who realizes that rather than be a status symbol on the arm of an elite New Yorker that she's happier with a simpler man who truly loves her. Heaven forbid you showcase a strong man who can live off the land and handle his business. This movie is the antithesis of "Dial of Destiny" and other modern movies that show nothing but men as bumbling oafs who need a woman to come save them, and frankly, if movies were still made with this much heart and soul, Hollywood wouldn't be losing money churning out nothing but woke, CGI garbage.

There is so much charm and heart to this film. Dundee randomly saying "G'day" to everyone he passes in New York, helping the cokehead he thinks has a sinus infection, bonding with Gus, taking up for the aborigines, having to learn what a bidet is, defending prostitutes from a vile pimp, etc. There's so much to love about this character and this movie. It's sad to see such a standout flick have its rating marred by the snowflake battalion on here.

If you want to see weak men, sarcastic and narcissistic women, watch any modern movie. If you want to see a funny, adventurous love story that shows a flawed-but-capable man falling in love with a strong and capable woman, you'd have to be a modern movie goer to not enjoy this film. The people who spew diarrhea all over this flick are the problem. They're the reason every modern movie sucks water buffalo. They see a strong man as "vile", an empowered woman realizing what she wants as having been "manipulated," a white man with aboriginal tribal ties as a "racist," and a barroom joke played at Dundee's expense as "sexual assault."

I get that Australians either love this movie or are embarrassed by it, and I get that it isn't the first "fish out of water" story of its kind, but it is a classic example of how to properly meld action, comedy, and romance. It's just too bad that some people can't be happy if they're not seeing the "isms" all over everything. If Hollywood made movies like this today, they wouldn't be losing money, men might not feel so worthless, and women might see the value in being with a man who-regardless of their monetary wealth-loves and cherishes them. This film is everything right about the human experience, and the loudmouth jackasses who complain about it are everything wrong with modernity. What they fail to understand is that when the idiots in both parties they've trusted to keep them safe allow this whole thing to come crashing down, they'll wish they had a friend like Mick Dundee.
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Old Henry (2021)
Close to perfect!
1 February 2024
This movie is fantastic! From the cinematography and lighting to score, from the writing to the directing-rounded off with a solid small cast.

Tim Blake Nelson is superb in this flick. He brings an Oscar-worthy performance to the table, and delivers nonstop in this epic role. Scott Haze, Stephen Dorff, and the rest of the cast are super strong too-with one exception. However contentious and potentially whiney the role of Wyatt may have been written, Gavin Lewis plays him as a very modern teenager. While Gavin is a good actor, this was a miscasting, and the only thing about this movie that I can be truly critical about.

Definitely a modern western that will hold up over time!
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The Duel (I) (2016)
You've got to be kidding?
1 February 2024
This movie had so much potential-despite its lack of original plot. However, it's ruined by three things. Most importantly, there is no build-up developmentally. Anyone with an IQ above room temperature can quickly understand what's coming.

Secondly, there is some questionable casting here. While Harrelson, Braga, and Price all pull solid performances, Liam Hemsworth Seems like he's reading his lines off a cue card, and Emory Cohen goes from a second rate Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday tone to his normal speaking voice interchangeably. I'm not sure if the film was produced and shot in a rush, or if the strength of the script didn't win over some of the talent, but either way, the acting is real hit and miss here.

Lastly, I don't care where anyone sits politically, but I'm really tired of having political subplots thrown down my gullet when I'm trying to just enjoy a movie. This one is a high offender here, and subverts much unfairly.

One thing that made even controversial revisionist westerns great was that they painted you a picture without robotically telling you how to feel. This one misses the mark on many levels.

I'll give it a star for the few solid actors, and one for the cinematography-which was well executed-but besides that, it falls flat. If you're a true fan of gritty westerns, you might want to skip this one.
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Deadwood (2004–2006)
Best tv series I ever saw.
30 January 2024
Few things come even close to how epic Deadwood is. The show is largely authentic, amazingly written, epically cast, and is beyond standout as both a series, and within the western genre.

I've heard many criticize the amount of profanity, but minus a few expressions being used that weren't yet fashionable, the show holds true to the crudity and starkness of the era.

If you don't mind a lot of expletives, and aren't turned off by pre-woke, sometimes offensive entertainment, you will likely love this wonderful show. Just, whatever you do, don't play the Deadwood drinking game - where you take a shot every time someone says the most commonly used insult. You'll need a change of trousers and a new liver.
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Gritty, Authentic, and Outstsnding!
30 January 2024
One of the best revisionist westerns ever made! Not for the faint of heart, or the "modern" audience though. Based on the more critical reviews, I can see that many miss the redemption arc and the significance of how the story plays out. This isn't some glossy Hollywood plastic. It is a dusty, dingy, real deal hardcore western than won much praise for its authenticity and grit.

If you like your movies closer to the bittersweet reality of life rather than shiny, formulaic escapism, you'll like find this film to be one heavy hitter. It still holds up strongly today, and is one of those films that gets better with every viewing.
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Where to begin?
30 January 2024
Great cast. Great story. Great cinematography. Great production value. But man alive, they could have cut an hour out if this film. Moreover, it can't make up its mind whether it wants to be a reconciling drama, a love story, or a modern western drama. Lastly, some of the horsemanship depicted is just plain wrong to showcase. What horseman would ever kneel down at the hooves of a dangerous and psychologically disturbed horse? It's no wonder Buck Brannaman was disappointed with some of these very things. Definitely worth a watch overall, but be ready for a LONG and slow burn, and a film that changes its focus an awful lot.
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Forsaken (I) (2015)
Well made revisionist western
26 January 2024
I have read the reviews on both ends, and it appears that many who call this too slow a burn are either unfamiliar with what made many revisionist westerns great, or they're too used to today's faster pace, "shoot em up for two hours" approach to filmmaking.

Yes, it's a slow burn-a snail's pace build-up, but what that does is serve to give the viewer a ton of insight into the characters, the backstory, and ultimately makes the final act super powerful.

The casting doesn't miss a beat in this flick. Seeing the Sutherlands together is worth a watch alone, but add a solid (albeit unambiguous) story, some wonderful special effects, splendid cinematography, and a terrific score together and you've got a movie that is well worth a viewing.

Where I will agree with some who've been critical is in that some of the plot points and scenes could have been condensed. It's also fair to say that this basic plot / premise has been worked to death. That aside, the film is still well done, and is surely worth a viewing for any western movie buff.
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Cry Macho (2021)
Had so much potential, but....
25 January 2024
This film could have really been something amazing. The storyline is solid, the direction and editing are strong, and the overall tone of the film is enjoyable. I will disagree with many who have said that Eastwood is too old to play a role like this, as he pulls it off wonderfully. The biggest issue I have is the weak performances by both Eduardo Minett and Dwight. Yoakam-especially the latter. I've never seen Dwight so stale in anything. It's almost like he was handed the script five minutes before they rolled camera or something. Minett has a few scenes where he delivers, but overall, his performance is monotonous and stale too. I'm not sure if it's the limited strength of the script, a rushed, post-Covid production, or a combination of all that and more, but what could have been one solid modern western ends up being a bit of a sad latter day performance by one of the most legendary western actor / directors ever.

With any luck, Eastwood might have one more in him, and it can redeem this failure. Is it worth a watch? Sure, so long as you don't expect much when it's said and done.
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Nope (2022)
Could have been a classic, but....
9 December 2023
I deal with horses daily, and have been in the entertainment industry for years. This film had all the markings of a classic in the making. The casting was solid, the cinematography was wonderful, the editing was thorough, the effects weren't overdone, the suspense and score were masterful, and the premise of the story was original and appealing. However, it seems that Mr. Peele suffers from the same fate as Rob Zombie when it comes to crafting a cohesive story with good dialogue. Had this story been more to the point and well-structured, and had some of the dialogue not been so pointless, this movie would have been an absolute classic. Instead, it's a two-hour and ten minute film that could have been condensed to 85 minutes if the unnecessary bits had been cut out. Everything about this film sets it up to be outstanding, but falls short thanks to jumbled storytelling.

It's good enough for a watch, but I won't be running out to purchase the blue ray or buy a download. Hopefully Jordan Peele will grow to be wiser than Rob Zombie and stick to directing and producing-after hiring a top tier writer or two. This one ends up being a huge waste of potential in the end.
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Wanted to love it, but found it "okay" in the end.
26 October 2023
The people being purely negative about this movie are not being fair. Anyone who has watched it knows that a lot of time, talent, heart, and soul went into it. It isn't by any means a "bad" movie at all, but it is however a really slow burn, and suffers from several scenes that could have been condensed a bit. At over 1:45 minutes, some padding could have been stripped.

The acting is pretty solid across the board, and the overall look and feel is well crafted. The special effects aren't terrible, but aren't groundbreaking either. Aside from the plodding pace at times, the ending is sadly an M. Night Shyamalan style brow-raiser disappointment for me. While I would never call this a film unworthy of a watch, it isn't one I'll be adding to my collection either. It's a great story with a lot of potential, but one that sadly doesn't live all the way up to it.
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