
24 Reviews
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Atlas (2024)
AI polyphony stained with miscast melodrama
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the mandatory question whether JL was appropriate for the role or not, the miscast was rather the script writer. We are in the presence (or so they tell us) of a scientist whose dream is to be a ranger whose intellectual skills are above average, and who has the advantage of knowing the mean AI villain beforehand, almost from the womb. Yet, she acts the least scientific possible, not mentioning all the overimposed crying and screaming and screaming and crying over things which should be obvious to any scientist, thus generating different reactions.

She is afraid of a full synch because Smith might overtake her mind, so she doesn't trust the "machine", but because the machine actually worked at what it was PROGRAMMED TO DO, now she doesn't want to leave it, would sacrifice her life for it, cries over its "death" and feels sorrow for it. Then she reprograms another one back on earth yet she acts surprised that it's the same to Smith.

The movie is a milkshake of older decent movies, without a chosen flavor of it's own. I've caught a certain ambience and imitation to the beginning of Aliens, when Ripley faces the crew trying to warn them what the alien is like, then we can't miss the many Terminator franchises, I robot and probably Spielberg's AI. All this disregarding the many similarities to many scenes in the anime world.

The dialogues couldn't be crasser, uncultured and with too limited a vocabulary for a woman with her background, to the point that it borders any character in Idiocracy (oh, it's happening and this movie contributes to proving it) more than Sarah Connor.

I won't reduce the movie to the cringe moments where JL had to show us her back side, or the haircut pretending to be in disarray but not.

No plan B for these humans who find the location of the AI threatening the world and just go to invade the place with no previous intelligence of any kind. And of course, the least prepared person there turns out to win the war, many personal battles and survive with flying colors, now fully renewed.

Three points for the special effects and one for the gratefulness it was to see no character had gender issues or needed to prove their pride.
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Awake (III) (2019)
Scarface, the mummy and the bad toupee
23 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Considering they had the good actors, they had the production and the money to make this film, why, oh why didn't they spend another penny on the writers?

In fact, most of the issues one can have with the movie is the poor and mediocre writing that not only makes no sense and it's filled with plot holes but also seems to disregard the notorious predictability of it all.

Before elaborating on those plot holes, fair is to warn the future viewers that the make-up and special effects department was also something the producers spared every possible expense on.

The main character spends a quarter of the movie with a mask made of bandages all filthy and disarranged and no one in the hospital seems to worry about infection or periodically removing those bandages. The irony is that the cuts and bruises were only on one specific side of the forehead, making the whole thing absurd.

But if cringing is what you're after, just a prolonged look at William Forsythe's obvious rat wig will suffice.


Some points the writers didn't consider thinking over.

1) A John Doe is found in a car accident, but they check the trunk only a few days later in a police procedure totally unrelated to the accident. In fact, the car is in the exact same place and the corpse has just been found. I had to go back in the movie to see if the mummy had walked from the scene, but no. So I suppose someone found him and took him to the hospital, leaving no directions of where the accident happened?

2) No one seems to care about his unknown identity and amnesia and no one thinks it'd be advisable to call the police to take the fingerprints of this guy, which, by the way, would have showed that he is a detective from the very beginning.

3) It may make sense in Narnia, but in the real world no detective would drive around in the countryside (going who the hell knows and why) with a car that carries a corpse, previously driven by the murderer, which was left in the middle of the town, mind you. What would be the point of that?

4) Whose car was this? It all seems to point it was Oliver's car. So the police would just have to run the plates to realize the connection. Seriously!

5) Roger steals a corpse from the morgue, it burns and it passes for Michael. Ok. So no dental tests to confirm if it's really Michael. It's quite clear for us now that the police work in that town leaves a lot to be desired by the tax payers.

6) Michael goes by John because he doesn't remember his own name. But later on, after finding out the whole thing and while being held prisoner by Oliver, the latter addresses him as John. Why on earth would he do that? He knows his name, he doesn't know he has been going under the name of John, etc etc.

7) When we are told the whole story, which we already knew from the very beginning because it was pretty obvious, after Roger's confession to Michael, Michael leaves him with a loaded weapon. If Roger had shot himself before the police arrived, he would have gone through quite the hardship trying to explain who killed Oliver and why and who killed Roger and why, etc. In fact, there's no proof at all of Michael's fake death. For all we know, Michael could have very well been the murderer, faked his own death so as to continue to kill incognito, after having been caught by Oliver or Roger or both, and then staged the murder suicide in Roger's house. Even if forensics proved his innocence, he would have been detained and tried, which would have taken years. The whole thing could be avoided by just taking the weapon with him!!!

8) Of all the hitmans in USA, Roger immediately recognizes the one he hired, duh, but this doesn't strike the other detective as slightly suspicious.

9) Of all the places where the hitman could go, he went to the friend's house, and kills him just because. No questions, nothing. Do we have to presume that he killed the bartender as well or did he just had a one night stand before going to work?

10) The hitman removes the id and licence from the car. But he can't make sure Michael is dead because it was too much to ask.

All in all, it could have been a far more decent movie if the writers had taken more than ten minutes to write this script.

Meyers being the protagonist, due to his good acting and charisma, is the only thing that will keep you from turning the movie off.
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Cobweb (2023)
Peter, not Parker, gets infected by a spider...
25 August 2023
...and gets us all in the multiverse of yet another greatly missed opportunity to come up with a decent ending that doesn't ruin it all.

Has anyone played a prank on you and given a gigantic present that you unwrap only to find another package which you also have to unwrap until you get to the very last little package and find out it contains a silly triffle, or, worse even, nothing at all? That's exactly the feeling you get after watching most of the movie knowing that the last five minutes won't do any good, but entirely the opposite.

In brief, very decent acting of most actors, child included, equally decent atmosphere and environment (it reminded me of Coraline at times), and what seemed to be a mind-twisting plot, only that it was not.

When you finally learn what's going on, you realize that nothing in the story makes any sense, mainly the parents' behaviour. The teacher's third appearance in the house is as logical as the parents.

Here is an idea for the writers: it would have been great if the teacher had been unable to see her, meaning that, like the mother said, it was all in Peter's head. But, unfortunately, this is not psychological horror, just a lineal and basic, ridiculous horror story for children.
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Arctic Void (2022)
Understanding void
6 August 2023
I'm going to disagree with everyone else who wrote a review on this movie. Unlike everyone else, I think the ending, which I'm not going to reveal here, is amazing. The last scene froze my blood because I instantly knew what was coming next and who the next pawn would be. But knowing the character, some other action would take place. Too bad we can only speculate about it. Perhaps other viewers couldn't get to understand this ending, or wanted a more graphic resolution. It was cool enough for me but I admit it felt more like a cliffhanger.

Let's make a brief comment on the whole movie. The scenery is breathtaking. The acting is pretty decent. The sound is really good. The whole thing is inviting and we are at ease until the plot starts to unfold on deck. It's from there on that we don't know what to expect. Supernatural or scientific, we want to know more. By the time we do, we realize that the movie should have been a tv show with more to tell. The movie ends just where the second episode should start. I would love to see a sequel to this starting from the point it ended.

The idea is very decent. No element will really surprise you but the combination of all of them together made my time worthly spent.

I recommend it, but bear in mind it's not for people expecting action, explotions, jumping cars and superheroes, neither is it for Primer fanatics.
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Not a horror movie about vampires...
14 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
...and definitely not for the average viewer.

The Barcelona Vampiress is a crime story in which a journalist struggles with the use of morphine, lack of sleep and his own emotions and the political evil in town while trying to solve the disappearances of homeless children in the streets.

The film is in black and white, and just like Schindler's list, the only colour that you can see now and then is red, usually where blood is shown. There is a moment when the red also shows in another object, perhaps forecasting a twist in the plot.

THE GOOD: -Interesting theatrical settings.

-The plot is nothing we haven't seen yet, but it's decently conveyed.

-Artistic but not presumptuous.

THE BAD: -The main character is far from a character one would like to identify with, but this doesn't make him an anti hero. Quite the opposite. He is the epitome of pathetism, can't handle the situation in his hands and never sees it coming.

-The story is pointless and fails to communicate anything beyond the fact that you can't fight the system when you can't even fight your own self.

-The ending is easily expected, and also exaggerated: Everyone is corrupted to the core, even some children, who lie out of their mouths just because.

-The time in which the story is set (1912) sometimes looks like the middle nineteenth century.

-The pace is too slow and reaching many points of boredom.

-The title, although relevant to the story (in a forceful way) might be misleading because it does not describe the theme of it. It's just the nickname in which a suspect of murder is blatantly called on some tabloid in order to deviate the information and sell extra copies.

All in all:

The whole thing was well intended, but not necessarily successful. A must-see if you are new to this type of cinematography and don't read much, but totally forgettable if you have some textual training because it won't surprise you in the least.
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The Visitor (2022)
Even evil has seen better times.
12 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The plot is pretty much what you have read written by other reviewers so I won't waste my time talking about it here. What I will talk about are a few details that left me either annoyed or laughing.

Let's start with the annoying side of it all. The acting, filming, scenery and premise were pretty decent, but, unfortunately, the plot goes straight to hell at the end and not in a satanic way. It felt as if the writers had had too much to drink and just opted to jump from the beginning of the development of the plot till the very end, choosing the easiest way out. He was sleepwalking and he was the main evil in town. This made the time invested in watching this a step closer to death without any sort of positive benefit.

The cracking side: from having been alongside the most evil characters in history, such as Hitler, to ending up in a God-forsaken (literally?) town with no incidence in humanity that we can think of.

So, not only the plot is second hand but also the evil in the movie has seen better times.

All in all we get a degraded evil, that no one cares of, as part as an underdeveloped plot that doesn't show much other than a laughable plan to control (or end) humanity, just because, through generations.

I suggest the movie industry get their ideas elsewhere than acid trips.
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From (2022– )
Where does the title come FROM?
3 May 2023
Intelligently written and developed, the plot keeps you hooked, and once you think you might have an answer to what's going on, some character seems to have the same opinion which is later discarded. So then there you are again wondering where it goes. Many clues they show you seem to lead you in the direction of trusting the writers with the assumption that they already have everything in mind and aren't really improvising after a tempting premise but with no solid posterior ending. So that in itself gives me some peace, the peace I haven't got with other shows in a long time. It's good enough to know you are investing your time properly. I consider shows that start with a good premise but then go nowhere, and just only improvise with the drama and have no resolution for the backstory, a total scam. And there are many of those.

In brief, good effects, good music, decent acting for the most part, except the child and his sister, good endings of each episode leaving you wanting for more, and good enough to get some thrills.

It's far from a masterpiece, but it might be one of the best shows you will have seen in some time.

What is making me lose sleep aren't the monsters outside, but actually the title. Why? What does it mean? Why just a preposition there, so bare and lonely, when there were so many other words which would have provided the show uniqueness and identity? I expect that will be solved along the series. Or rather, I hope.
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Barbarian (2022)
Barbarian barbaric (some appreciations)
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Reading many of the previous reviews, mainly negative and not wrong about it, I feel the need to comment on certain aspects considered plot holes by some reviewers. Even though the movie goes downhill in its second half and notwithstanding the acting of Justin Long transforming the movie's dark tension into a black comedy, fair is to say the mother and her super powers actually make some sense. Here are a few points to consider:

1) what seemed to be a crackhead neighbourhood, turned out to be totally empty except for just one homeless man who figured out how to hide from the mother. Well, why was it empty? It wouldn't be crazy to assume that the mother attacked people and ate them. That's why she went out at night (not sure how she went out, though, given that the cellar window was stuck and the door didn't open from the inside). It's possible that she hunted the whole neighbourhood down and became a wendigo. In the usual folklore, wendigos are strong, taller than regular people, because of the power obtained by eating another human. That's why she wasn't frail or malnourished. Now how Frank survived and why the heavens he decided to live underground is a total mystery.

2) The homeless guy says that Frank has been impregnating women , then impregnating their spawn and so on for generations and that mother is a product of inbreeding. We see the repeating video teaching her how to take care of a baby. It appears that when the neighbourhood became empty he didn't have the initiative to kidnap other women in other districts so he preferred to make his own victims. Ok, so I guess he killed the baby boys. And perhaps fed the women with them?

3) Mother is afraid of Frank and she doesn't go near him. Frank can hardly move and seems to be bedridden so I wonder how he survived so far.

4) Mother loved Tess and Tess killed her anyway when she is showing her love and concern. That makes the barbarian being shot barbarically. Everyone is barbaric at some point except from Keith.

5) Keith's existence in the story is somehow irrelevant and is only there to distract the presumptions of what is going to happen. Given that the role was protagonized by Bill Skarsgard, this character whose presence in the house is irrelevant to the main plot, is certainly a disappointment.

6) If mother went out at night, how come she never kicked down the door to attack either Keith or Tess? There's no way she didn't hear them above and she clearly had the strength to kick the door down.

7) Why would Justin Long's character buy a house in that area, surrounded by dilapidated houses, with no value whatsoever? Who in his sane mind would consider that a smart investment? And how much did he really expect to get from it?

8) Also, the tunnels were powered, I suppose, by the electricity feeding the house. So when the house was empty and not rented, didn't they notice that there was power being consumed anyway?

9) Why was a male actor cast to be Mother? She looked like a man all the time and killed the atmosphere making it look ridiculous.

10) What was the point of the whole movie? I seem to have missed it.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Cast of us
16 January 2023
Finally the show is on! If you can overlook the difference in appearance from video game Ellie (based upon former Ellen Page, now Elliot Page) to tv show Ellie without thinking of Game of thrones and Lady Lyanna of the house of Mormont or missing baby Yoda, then you are about to enjoy the joyride.

Perfectly detailed, so far faithful to the game, good acting, good setting and environment, it feels like we are playing the game all over again. Eager to see what's coming after this successful first episode.

Pedro Pascal delivers as usual and it's not a surprise that Bella Ramsey becomes her character in such a convincing way. She is a young promise without a doubt, but her face in no way resembles the original Ellie's. With luck her acting will be so good that we will put the other Ellie behind without effort.

If you have played the game and you are nostalgic of those many hours in the dark looking for the light, this show is for you.

If you haven't played the game but you are in the dark after the season finale of TWD lacking a decent zombie/infected/ fungus show, look for the light in this one.

If they manage to keep the audience on their toes and create good character relations, perhaps this will be with us for a few seasons. I certainly hope so.
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The good actor.
10 January 2023
I have not much to say about the movie. It's a proper movie based on a true story of yet another serial killer who took advantage of his work as a nurse to perform his nefarious deeds. Jessica Chastain never disappoints, and she manages to sound and look absolutely credible moving only one muscle of her face.

But the real reason why I'm writing this review is because Eddie Redmayne has shocked me once again. I cannot believe this man. Even with a straight face and not saying a word, playing the serial killer in the story, he throws those looks that freezes one's soul without exception, at the same time melting you with love and tenderness. Imagine meeting a serial killer who is so sweet but also so odd and dangerous as Eddie in this movie. Eddie's characterization of Charlie Cullen makes the viewer question themselves for the unavoidable sympathy he produces. If serial killers are manipulative, Redmayne as an actor impersonating a serial killer manipulates his whole audience.

In all honesty, I've never seen an actor achieve so much but just staring and not saying a word or looking so real while screaming nonsense.

I think Mr Redmayne is one true gem in the acting world.

Certainly looking forward for his next movie. He is tantalizing to say the least. I'm so glad I don't know him personally. With just one look of those he would own my accounts and everything I have.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
Stepford wives online
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The atmosphere the movie builds during the third first parts of the movie is not enough to compensate for the disappointment caused by the last part. Did Alice (the name choice is not random) really wake up or did she continue to dream ab aeternum? Was she disposed of?

It's not a happy coincidence that Victory is a neighbourhood set in the fifties, when women's choices were limited to what to cook in the kitchen, always carrying a broad smile. Olivia Wilde is trying to tell us something Stepford wives told us many years ago. In this movie, men replaced their complaining, unsatisfied wives with perfectly built robots copying them, though deprived of free will and entirely submissive to their husbands. It also took place in a suburb somewhere, with a cofrady of men behind the whole scheme.

In DWD the story happens while the characters are hooked online. Without Alice's approval, she is submitted into a deep dream where she is supposed to obey the rules, be sexy, a good housewife and supportive of her husband's secret work.

But the real struggle is not only finding out that she has been forced to dream of an alternate reality. The real struggle would be waking up and escaping the facilities in which she is tied up to a bed. And that is not showed to us. We just hear her gasp, and the screen goes dark. Now her struggle for survival is entirely hers and we aren't supposed to care about that anymore.

The movie seems to only want something from us: to accompany Alice during the process of realising that she is dreaming a dream made up by someone else and forced upon her.

As an allegory, we got it. Most of us have already woken up a long time ago. How to survive after that is the issue. But Olivia chooses not to show us that part. Perhaps because it's a fase that none of us has been able to finish yet.

The message succeeded in being put through. But the plot died there, where the message was conveyed.

All in all, the political idea was decent but it overtook part of the plot leaving it's essence a tad unnourished. The female victim that tries to escape has been overtaken by the heroic women who face reality in many other movies. I prefer those ones and they represent me more.
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The Patient (2022)
Analyse this and that without much effort.
3 January 2023
A ten-episode course on the Jewish religion and culture, with the background story of a serial killer who kidnaps a therapist to help him overcome his compulsion to kill innocent men. Adorable if you are interested in the main reason for this show. Really boring and annoying if you are interested in the background story. It will feed you very little of it and leave you wanting a different development.

Fair is to say that Domhnall Gleeson is who actually spices a bit of what would have otherwise been a very bland soup.

The therapist's dreams of his own therapy felt like a bad filling. I could just put up with the whole thing until the seventh episode.
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I robot meets Dumbo and Bruce Willis is a witness
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, this is a crime story set in Florida. The plot involves a bald FBI detective (Bruce Willis), whom the director forgot what he had cast him for. Then there is his partner (Megan Fox) who is a robot programmed to pass for a human, but her appearance is too plastic to do so, and her linguistic and physical skills still need a lot to be worked upon. Despite all this, she joins forces with a local policeman (Emile Hirsch), who is also a superhero rescuing this movie, and they go chasing after a serial killer (Lukas Haas) who used to be an eyewitness of Dumbo in earlier times.

All in all, this is a very original movie with a major twist in the end: the bad guy dies and the good ones survive.

Surely, the special effects on the robot could have been much better, and it was selfish to make the superhero do all the work, and we are waiting for a sequel explaining what was Bruce Willis' point at all.
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Beast (I) (2022)
The lion Chihuahua
13 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is irritating to say the least. If you are going to watch it despite the bad reviews, make sure you are not around someone you want to impress with your manners, because you are certainly going to curse and scream in anger.


1) If you are the father of two irritating and dramatic good-for-nothing girls, and you are being chased by an alpha male lion that's gone bonkers, just act as if you were at the library, never losing your calm, with the patience of a saint, saying ok to anything the stupid girls tell you.

2) If your father tells you to stay inside the freaking car because the lion is haunting you, you just do the opposite because it's ok, chances are your major desobedience won't amount to much trouble.

3) If your father goes unarmed and on foot near the corpses to get the truck keys, and you know the lion might be roaming nearby, what better idea could there be but to call him on the radio, because waiting for more than five minutes makes you anxious apparently and you want things done now and right away, regardless of the lion hearing the radio and you literally putting your father's life at risk because you are an insolent impatient brat?

4) If a giant lion manages to get it's head inside the car, kick it on the jaw. That will protect you. Teenage girls' kicks on lions heads and jaws are very useful and will eventually scare the lion away because they will hurt it enough as to leave you alone for some time. You might end up with a superficial wound in your ribs (?) but your legs will be intact.

5) If a lion is chasing you, and you find an old empty school in the middle of nowhere, with another pride of lions nearby, you might get in but don't bother closing the door. Lions tend to be very well-mannered and knock before getting inside. Some even give you a welcoming basket.

6) But when the rude lion that's is still alive after an explosion that blew up on its face on another location manages to find you in seconds after you drove miles to get elsewhere (super speed powers, maybe) and insists on killing you, the best solution is not to take advantage of the narrow corridors of the house, but rather jog to the open sabana, and let it attack you. Why would you do this? Because you have a fairy-tale agenda that requires explaining at the end of the movie and the odds of it taking place are, in your doubtless mind, of a one hundred percent. Also, help is only a second away, all of a sudden.

7) And, when the giant alpha male lion who is now really pissed off, burnt and bloodthirsty attacks you, it will bite your back, chew your arms and legs, but be still your heart, the wounds will equal those of a Chihuahua's. All limbs will remain there, just a few superficial scratches, nothing to worry about. Pitbulls can chew a man's arm off with a single bite, but lions cannot. Too bad the characters didn't know this from the beginning to feel some reassurance.

All in all, I'm packing to go to wherever the movie is set to find me a lion and have some daredevil adventure, because I'm sure things will be as easy and safe as in this movie. 🙄
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Bullet Train (2022)
A perfect vacuum
26 October 2022
Either people conform with very little or I'm too hard to please, but the thing is that I'm shocked by the good reviews. This movie has got it's share of forceful moments, lots of silly posing (Brad Pitt Sandra Bullock, Ryan Reynolds), minutes that take hours and hours that take seconds, people seem to teleport since they seem to be faster than the bullet train (e.g. The elder), it's awfully dubbed so it feels that all the surrounding noise has been sucked out and the movie takes place in a perfect vacuum, it's not even close to funny, just a boring cliche of sorts. If you have never watched a Guy Ritchy movie, this might come as a novelty to you, but I suggest you go to the sources (Lock, stock, and two smoking barrels & Snatch) which are ten times better written, acted and directed.
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Black Crab (2022)
In the name of the mother, the daughter and the holy...
19 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the name of the Mother, the Daughter and the holy virus.

Please disregard the bad reviews. This movie is a piece of art in what has to do with the acting, the scenery and the way the cold gets to make you chill just by the sight of the frozen lake and the flowing and immediately frozen blood coming out from wounded people. A dystopian very credible movie of a radical war and all its various ways of degrading humans.

Only a loving parent would understand what an easy decision it is having to choose between your child and the whole world, or your child and your own life.

No doubt, no ethics, no morals. Absolute selfishness to get to carry out the most altruist of all actions. Saving your own offspring.

A simple story in a complex environment. Noomi Rapace makes the whole thing more credible with her impeccable acting and not for a single moment did I wish to look elsewhere than the screen.

Given the times we are living in, the whole story is more than plausible, so "futuristic" would be a definition built out from optimism.
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Zombie Apocalypse (2011 TV Movie)
Great comedy... wait...
28 February 2022
I double checked and it wasn't intended to be a comedy. But if this wasn't a comedy, what did I just watch?

The good: The actors have some level of charisma. That's the good thing. We even know a few of them from well-known tv shows.

The bad: all the rest. The script, the blond girl who had to be explained everything about zombies, the stupid things they constantly keep doing which makes it seriously doubtful they have survived so far in an apocalypse. The stupid dialogues but ... most of all... The zombies! What was that? A Helloween party with no money to get better costumes? People playing to be zombies imitating Michael Jackson in thriller? Could the zombies be worse and more laughable? No. The excelled in ridiculousness. And the CGI at the end, omg! Even a puppet would have been more credible.

The sad: the movie could have been better since the concept had potential. A waste.
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Everything is wrong in this movie
20 January 2022
First, the bad guy is so badly miscast. I doubt he got all his tattoos and suntan while he was in a mental institution crying for mommy being so cold and mean. And with his very hot looks he had to go through all that trouble to get to be with girls for whom he is so out of their league? Right. The poor guy does his best and it's not his fault. But what were they thinking?

Secondly, who was in charge of the music? All that weird chorals made it sound like we were watching a movie about a satanic cult or the antichrist coming to earth!! Again, what were they thinking?

Third, everyone seemed to live in the same two or three blocks in the same city. Even when one of them surfes the web looking for live cams he happens to end up on a page whose owners and live girls are all in the same neighbourhood.

It's a small world.

Clearly they were NOT thinking.
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The Absent (2005)
The gradual descent into absence
16 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I think this movie deserves some defending and some explaining for those not so keen on these kind of tricky movies.

SPOILERS ALERT from now on: the plot plays with the idea of the main character or the other characters' insanity, supernatural events, some mise en scene, and although the initial moments when she lies down in the middle of the street lets you foretell the answer you are going to find out in the end, along the movie certain doubts arise. What is really happening? Towards the end, the expected truth is finally developed, and not unpredictably, but so stylish and saddening that it makes you let some feelings of sorrow and pity out towards the children and their mother. The idea that all the time she perceived herself as someone else, and her children as someone else's makes it really believable what it must be to deal with the breaking of normal values, coherence and depression. This is a story about the desperate descent into madness coming from an initial breakdown, in the hectic life of a married mother of two unable to cope up with work, life and failure. It's understandable why she is taken to live in the suburbs, but her inner nothingness starts consuming it all, until it also consumes her own perception of herself. Superb acting of the main actress.
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Blood Red Sky (2021)
If I hear Momma one more time...
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good filming, interesting premise, typical moral at the end of the movie which makes it irritating. But the kid, seriously, the kid. Im sorry for the actor because he tried his best, but the script has him constantly screaming and whining more as if pulling a tantrum than screaming in fear. It makes it unnatural and overwhelming. I blame the director for this.

All in all, do please watch this movie, it's really worth it, but avoid the trailers at all cost. It gives away a lot.
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If you're a sci-fi lover, ignore the bad reviews
19 June 2020
I personally don't know why there are so many negative reviews for this movie. The acting is pretty decent, so are the special effects, the music and the general atmosphere. There are some minor details easily overlooked that are what usually add a touch of drama to a movie of this kind, like the ridiculous behaviour of some members of the crew, which make them look like they have never been trained to keep their cool in irregular situations and follow protocol. It is as if the NASA had sent untrained people who have a breakdown at the slightest thing or cannot handle tasks that they have been assigned properly. But this minor (although sometimes irritating) detail is present in many other movies with a bigger budget (Alien Covenant, for example). In brief, the plot is fine, although perhaps a shorter introduction to the main events and an attempted explanation by the crew on why the bacteria produces the effect it does on them would have been more realistic. They actually take for granted the fact that a bacteria can resurrect corpses and plot to kill the ones still alive just because. I would also add that perhaps the script doesn't exploit the idea of the local bacteria intending to terminate intruders very well. Other than that, if you have enjoyed movies like Apollo 18 or Europa report, you will like this one.
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Alleluia (2014)
Another take on Arturo Ripstein's Deep red.
31 October 2019
Like the titles says the movie is the Belgian version of Ripstein's Profundo carmesí (Deep red) with more or less minor differences. Still worth watching but nothing extraordinarily original if you have watched Ripstein's bizarre and grotesque 1996 movie.
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Telepathy and a shark
28 October 2019
Apparently, these braindead girls are gifted with Telepathy since they can speak to each other and hear and listen to one another without earpods, or any significant gear for such action. I suppose that if you decide to overlook this " minor" detail and a few other insults to the intellect, meaning if you shut you brain off, you might enjoy the scares and, of course, root for the shark.
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Welcome the ending... or not
19 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The ratings for this movie range in number according to the level of perception and capability for analysis of their viewers. It's not a memorable movie, but it isn't that forgettable, either. I will admit that I only watched half the movie only for the mansion. Had the scenes been placed in an ordinary apartment, I would have given up and turned it off out of boredom and the stiffness both characters seem to enjoy sticking to. The main character, Alice, could have had more potential and would have been more credible in the end if, the entire first half, the actress hadn't been walking around like a robot with her eyes wide open, with a stiff head which seemed to be attached to her body in such a way that she had to move the whole body to turn her head around. The brother could have been better featured too. Given their apparent background, it is expected that they were more obscure and shared a vision of things different from that of ordinary people towards random events. The way both siblings communicate to each other makes them strangers, not in a metaphorical way but rather in a bad-plot way. For the second part of the movie, I don't have many objections. I think, unlike many other reviewers here, that it is when the strange girlfriend turns up that the tension spices the story a little and lets it improve. From this point on, we are presented with a series of what seems to be mind games and the product of insanity. The end reveals that it wasn't really insanity but a stranger feeling more than welcome.

---------------------------Spoilers-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It seems that many people did not understand the plot. In my view, it goes more or less like this: Girl who looks seriously messed up carrying a heavy burden on her shoulders (which we never entirely know what is about, probably the fact of just being herself) reunites with her introspective brother in a mansion somewhere near L. A. according to what we are told at some point. She meets him while she is swimming naked in his pool, which is a natural thing to do when you visit your long stranged brother, instead of, for instance, ringing the bell. The brother is working on a comic book and has no free time to wander around with his sister because he is on a deadline. Yet, the arrival of his sister distracts him with idiot games like looking all over the house for his favourite silver pen, which we can assume he himself hid in the first place: at the end of the movie we see him writing with it as if it had never been misplaced. We learn that Alice, the sister, has left her cheating boyfriend and, by the choice of words she uses, we also notice she is the possessive kind. ("He was mine").

Strange lights appear in the sky, and Alice meets a strange mute naked girl indoors who leads her outside to some place in the garden. The lights become something similar to the lights from a spaceship and seem to abduct them both. Next, we see Alice rolling off the bed victim of a nightmare. Alice is feeling different. She doesn't feel like smoking or eating her nicotine chewing gums anymore because they feel tasteless. Meanwhile, the brother doesn't work in his comic, making geometrical doodles instead. Those doodles are also represented with lights in the sky in two occasions.

Enters stranger, the girlfriend with no background or history, whom the brother has never mentioned before, which we later wonder if this is because she didn't exist before or if the incestual tension he shares with his sister made him forget about her or maybe put her in a second place, or perhaps even avoid mentioning her so as not to make the possessive sister jealous. The tension between the two women to gain power over the brother is a given. Both play with the man's mind to earn his trust and leave the other one. But only one of them is telling the truth.

A glowing insect that looks like a timid hornet on the kitchen floor is captured in a bowl by the scared brother. The insect looks like an outer space spy or a symbol of incest (instantly reminding us of the word game in the movie Angels and insects (1995).

Random events afterwards, the three join the table for dinner and we learn the sister is pregnant, which triggers an argument between the siblings about not being entirely honest to each other. During sexual intercourse the man strangles his girlfriend while her face repeatedly oscillates from hers to the sister's. Although we presume this is a product of the man's imagination, we cannot conclude whom he was really trying to kill, or better yet, whose death was he really getting off with. With the girlfriend lying dead in bed, the sister breaks into the room bleeding in what we understand is a miscarriage. We can assume that the pregnancy was alien-induced and that the moment the alien girlfriend died, everything non-terrestrial died with her. This theory is strengthened by the insect vanishing into thin air.

The brother, unsure about the latest events, tells his sister to join the girlfriend in that "better place" she insists about, so the woman goes to the pit where she was theoretically abducted the first time and where they have put the girlfriend's corpse expecting that "they" will take her away, and waits to be taken. The brother stays indoors making his geometrical doodles in parallel to the lights, copying the scheme in the sky. When the doodled shape closes its dots in a complex of squares, a sudden light in the sky expands and falls on the sister telling us that she is, in fact, being taken. Some time after, we are not shown how long, the brother finally finishes his book (without distractions) which seems to be a sum of the latest events. Suddenly, he hears a splash outside in the pool. Here is when the story could have been so much interesting. For a second I thought the splash had been made by the sister, leading us to the first time they meet, which would have made the story circular and unpredictable. But we actually see the girlfriend, who is back and alive.

This somehow disappointing ending leaves us wondering if the sister ever existed, in which case, was she even ever there and also if all this was the dreaming of a man immersed in his artistic work or if he is in fact partially insane. But it also leaves us wondering if the events were real and the sister has been abducted and the alien girlfriend returned instead, and in this line, like a sequence of Chinese dolls or matryoshkas, whether in that reality the girlfriend is the one that returned because she was whom the man chose to have around, what would make the girlfriend the winner.

All in all, the movie could have been way better with better actors, more believable characters and dialogues and a better ambience.

Although the main idea is really good, it could have been developed quite more superiorly, which would have led to a supreme product.
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