
18 Reviews
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Cheesy as hell
27 February 2023
This show has so many inaccuracies, not just historical ones but technical ones too. Some of the things that the girl did on her computer were not just astonishing but preposterous. The dialogue was cringe worthy at times and it sometimes looked like there was an amateur on the camera.

The show is so cheesy even if it was aimed at a child audience.

I don't know why they spent money on so much garbage.

I also watched the Lost symbol which again didnt make much sense.

I hadnt seen Catherine Zeta Jones in anything for years and was quite shocked when I saw her. None of the muscles on her face moved apart from her mouth.
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Bridge of Lies (2022– )
Where do they get these contestants
15 February 2023
OMG I'm at a friends and have just watched another episode of Bridge of Lies and csnt believe what I've just watched. I really dont know why this group thought they were good enough to enter a quiz show because their knowledge of everything was dire. They got the simplest of questions wrong.

I never watch this usually but my friend seems to like it, maybe I've just been unlucky in the two shows I've watch have been utterly laughable.

I would never show my face again if I was the contestants on today's show.

I think Ross is ok as the quiz master I admire him for not bursting out laughing at some of the answers they think are correct.
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Will Trent (2023– )
Not what I was expecting
20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Karin Slaughters books so was very excited when I happened about Will Trent the tv series.

It has been quite a while since I've read the books and dont think my memory is that bad but I dont really recognize any of these actors from their books description. I might just be because it's the first season but actors are missing. I also remember the dog belonging to someone else. The stories are ok but not great. I'm on episode 3 and think I'll stick it out and see if it improves. Would love to know what Karin thinks of it. I scroll past the credits so don't know if she was involved in the screening writing, I do hope not.
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The Rookie: Feds (2022–2023)
Utter rubbish
12 January 2023
I watch all the law shows, eg FBI, LAW & ORDER, The Rookie, etc and though this would be as good especially when I saw Nathan Fillion was in it.

OMG how wrong I was. I cant stand any if the characters especially Nash. I dont know who she thinks she is but her charms certainly wouldn't charm anyone

I struggled through episode one and thought that life was far too short to waste on this rubbish and didnt watch anymore.

Really got nothing good to say about this show, really dont understand how it managed to get through to publication.

With any luck it wont get commissioned for a second season.
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
Absolutely brilliant
10 January 2023
This is not my usual genre to watch but I loved it. I don't sleep well and came across it last night. After watching the first few episodes I wasnt sure about it but then after 3/4 I was gripped so much so I watched all 9 episodes in one night. I cant wait until the 13th so I can see episode 10. There is subtitles in places but not a lot.

The actors all do a fantastic job at keeping you interested. There's lot of action that will keep you on the edge of your seat plus the scenery is amazing.

I also like that they way you get flash backs into their lives to show how they got to where they are today.
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The Rig (2023– )
Another load of rubbish
7 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was really looking forward to watching this but it really is just rubbish.

It has a terrific cast and the setting is also very good but that's it. It is like many dramas that are produced these days based on something, for no reason, that occurs and the following result of the occurrence. Events that happen are just unbelievable, a man is very badly injured and is taken to medical. Someone is left to watch over him in case he wakes but you'll never believe it but he just happens to be in his own when he does wake. Then the manager mentions that noone else is going to die, and you're right within minutes another person dies. I doubt very much if I'll watch anymore it's just too painful.
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Riptide (2022)
The sound is awful
31 December 2022
I've just started watching this and have to keep reaching for the remote to turn the sound down when the music is playing in certain parts, then turn it up again to hear the conversation.

I'm not sure if I'll continue to watch it. The storyline seems very familiar but cant place it.

The acting and the storyline also are a bit naff.

The only good thing is the beautiful scenery.

Need another 200 characters before I can post this review so I'm just going to copy and paste.

I've just started watching this and have to keep reaching for the remote to turn the sound down when the music is playing in certain parts, then turn it up again to hear the conversation.

I'm not sure if I'll continue to watch it. The storyline seems very familiar but cant place it.

The acting and the storyline also are a bit naff.

The only good thing is the beautiful scenery.
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The Watcher (2022– )
Last episode was disappointing
23 October 2022
I loved the characters in this show and the scenery. The house was beautiful.

The story really keeps you gripped and all the way through I was trying to figure out who was doing this to the family and why they were doing it.

The last episode was just really strange and now I'm left thinking what was going on.

I wonder if there is going to be a second series or just like many others, Flash Forward for instance, you are just left blowing in the wind.

I'm really getting sick of these sort of shows that leave you with no conclusion or ones that go on for years without any conclusion or a ridiculous one, Lost as an example, thankfully I gave up after one episode.
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The Tournament (2021–2022)
19 October 2022
I was at a friend's and this show was on, after watching it for about 10 mins I couldn't believe how thick the contestants are. Do they not test them to make sure they are of a certain level of intelligence before being allowed on the show. They make an utter fool of themselves, I would be embarrassed to show my face again. As for the lady asking the questions she gets excited by the slightest thing. Even when they either both couldn't answer the question, or got it wrong, she was gushing with praise.

I'm sure the BBC could make better use of the licence payers money. There are far too many of these ridiculous quiz shows on.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
27 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I wasnt going to watch anymore of this rubbish but wasnt well and decided to give it another look, wish I hadn't bothered.

The characters in this show are not at all interesting and the scenery also rather dull.

The storyline rushes from one thing to another and it doesn't really make much sense. The story goes so quickly there's almost a child born to the queen every episode and that's about all that happens. To make things even more absurd the princess has 3 children between one episode and the next.

After 6 episodes there's nothing that stands out to make it even half as good as the Game Of Thrones.
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Tenable (2016– )
Great quiz show
9 September 2022
I love this show and look forward to watching it while having my afternoon coffee.

It's great that there is a good mix of questions and I always play along unfortunately I dont have someone to help me :-) I find myself shouting at the screen quite often.

Theres only one thing that spoils it for me, and it's nothing the show can do about it, that's when the contestants are giving their answers which run in alphabetical order and they say something that's obviously very wrong.

Warwick is great as quiz master as is Sally Lindsay when she stands in for him.

I really miss it when it's not on.

Blah blah blah.
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Ridley (2022– )
Politically Correct police drama
6 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I dont usually write reviews but this program was not great and I wanted to say how I felt about it. Ive watched two episodes and wont be watching another.

Alot of boxes are ticked in this program, it's trying too hard to please everyone.

A retired DC is asked to consult on a case which he was involved in many years earlier, which was fine but then hes asked again to consult on another case which is a new case. Theres constant conflict between him and the boss of the police station so it doesn't make sense for him to be kept on as a consultant.

He part owns a bar in which he sings and plays a piano and it just seems like the show is trying to be a mixture of other shows.

600 is alot of characters to write.
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Sheena (1984)
What rubbish
11 June 2022
This was just nonsense. A total rip off of Tarzan but not even close to being as good as the worse Tarzan movie. Never get that time back. I image the males of the species would have enjoyed it for a few reasons.
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Excellent acting and story line
10 June 2022
I came across this by accident and if I had know Andrew Garfield was in it I probably wouldn't have started watching it.

I am so glad I did throughly enjoyed this and Andrew Garfield's performance was exemplary, I have missed judge him.

I enjoyed this movie so much im now looking for the book.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Dont waste your time
8 June 2022
It is so boring that I couldn't watch it, gave up after 30 mins. I love or at least like most of his films but this is bad dont know what he was thinking.
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Glue (2014)
Brilliant whodunit
31 October 2020
I really enjoyed this whodunit, some gaffs throughout the series but overall worth a watch. It kept you guessing until the end which I didn't find very realistic.
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Enjoyable but.....
20 June 2020
I did enjoy the drama but what spoilt it for me was the drama happening with Anne-Marie Duff and her family. She was insistent that she couldn't say what she was working causing ridiculous drama at home but it was all over the news so they must have been really stupid if they didn't know what she wants as working on.

Could have been better
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The Bridge (I) (2013–2014)
Why oh why
11 June 2020
I really enjoyed the Scandinavia version of The Bridge and thought this might be worth a viewing. How wrong I was. Diane Krugers' acting of someone with asperger syndrome is laughable. I manage to watch around 30 mins before turning it off.
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