
39 Reviews
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Meh ....
29 July 2024
Well I guess if all you want is dirty humour and piss and fart jokes and some actors brought back for money then this is entertainment today .... Uhhh

Movies are dead this wasn't even a movie it was 3 hours or just meh .....

Ryan Reynolds has no range as an actor ....

Well I guess if all you want is dirty humour and piss and fart jokes and some actors brought back for money then this is entertainment today .... Uhhh

Movies are dead this wasn't even a movie it was 3 hours or just meh .....

Ryan Reynolds has no range as an actor ....

Well I guess if all you want is dirty humour and piss and fart jokes and some actors brought back for money then this is entertainment today .... Uhhh

Movies are dead this wasn't even a movie it was 3 hours or just meh .....

Ryan Reynolds has no range as an actor ....
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Unfrosted (2024)
It was going good until ...
12 May 2024
Yer sorry .... Look im a big Seinfeld fan and this was going along nicely at the start , I was enjoying the vibe that was until miss piggy shows up .... Uhhh. I'm surprised the camera didint break ... could we please not have Amy Piggy show up in anything anymore ....

Yuk !

From that moment on I turned off the tv and said get out of my house ! ...

Yer sorry .... Look im a big Seinfeld fan and this was going along nicely at the start , I was enjoying the vibe that was until miss piggy shows up .... Uhhh. I'm surprised the camera didint break ... could we please not have Amy Piggy show up in anything anymore ....

Yuk !

From that moment on I turned off the tv and said get out of my house ! ...
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Road House (2024)
MMA is Toe Jam of Entertainment
24 March 2024
So hang on a min .... Yet another remake because brand name marketing saves Hollywood millions ... why we have 11 fast and furious films 7 Jurassic parks and 5 Indiana jones movies ... oh I could make the list go on with what police academy 7 was back in the day is now the norm ... u paying to see this crap ... they will keep making it ...

Not only did you remake an 80s classic but you made it all about MMA style fighting ... no offence but any no talent real estate agent can get into a boxing ring and pretend they are more entertaining than my toe jam ...

What's with that Irish clown you put in this movie ? He sounds and looks like a goat on cocaine walking backwards in this movie ....

Oh Hollywood ... THIS is why people don't go to movies anymore .....
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Made for kids because the first film is too smart ...
17 October 2023
Look this is made for kids because the first and original Jurassic park is very scary and a very smart movie that's about characters and not just dinosaurs .... Simple and this is a weak move ...

Where is the HAMMOND Prequel ??? !!!!

Look this is made for kids because the first and original Jurassic park is very scary and a very smart movie that's about characters and not just dinosaurs .... Simple and this is a weak move ...

Where is the HAMMOND Prequel ??? !!!!

Look this is made for kids because the first and original Jurassic park is very scary and a very smart movie that's about characters and not just dinosaurs .... Simple and this is a weak move ...

Where is the HAMMOND Prequel ??? !!!!
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1 July 2023
Hopefully this is the last straw for her ..... she's been standing on the shoulders of creative people for 40 years ! .... Time to piss off and let a new generation take control instead of you ramming you're idealistic world views on the audience every time Lucas film make a movie ...

Yep it's that bad ...

The de age looks like plastic Harrison ford running around sounding like he's 80 but looking 38 ...

The camera work is all Over the place with quick cutting ... ( you don't see this in the other Indiana films )

The story is a mess ... and I mean a mess ...

Fleabag .... Don't get me started .... SHUT HER UP !! Yap yap yap yap about how she's better than then everyone else because she's educated ...

The characters are just terrible and unlikeable ...

The movie is 40 mins too long ... I kept screaming get on with it !!!

Seriously the only thing worth while about this movie was the soundtrack and the legendary John williams .

If you pay to see this then your the problem ..: this is why we have 5 of these films , 13 Star Wars movies , 10 fast and the furious , 6 jurassic parks ...

Ffs ..... I'm done .... Movie died along time ago ..
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Poor man's frailty
8 April 2023
Yer no ... I'm over this hack of a film maker .

Don't waste your time this was his worst movie to date .. no twists no turns just a pathetic rehash of what we have all seen before .

If you want to watch a movie worth while that you can see he stole ideas from go watch frailty with the late great Bill Paxton .


Yer no ... I'm over this hack of a film maker .

Don't waste your time this was his worst movie to date .. no twists no turns just a pathetic rehash of what we have all seen before .

If you want to watch a movie worth while that you can see he stole ideas from go watch frailty with the late great Bill Paxton .

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Blue Moon (II) (2022)
Mind Blown !
2 January 2023
I started watching this movie on Amazon prime as I had heard good things about it , made on a limited budget with some amazing creative force behind it .

I was not disappointed !

This movie is a dead set mind scape into depression and anxiety of loosing a family member that you'll never want to leave a loved one again without saying I love you and giving a hug .

The visuals and cinematography are beautiful not to mention the sound and acting esp "the preacher"

If you have 2 hours and want to experience a well made low budget movie then this will be an experience you will never forget !

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Jurassic Punk (2022)
The man myth and legend - SpAz
2 January 2023
I've know all about Spaz and his amazing work on the movies I grew up with in the 90s , it's hard to explain to young people these days just how big a deal the early CGI work was visually to the audience .

I'll Compare it to the unveil of Michael Jackson's MoonWalk on TV or the Moon Landing itself .

This documentary is very well made and shows just how cruel cutthroat and extremely difficult the Film Industry is to people behind the scenes ( the real starts of the show )

Steve Williams is and always will be the man who gave the world living breathing dinosaurs in such a realistic way of motion and control on ye old silicon graphics work stations that even 30 yrs to this day it's still the Go to benchmark .

10/10 every movie buff Needs to watch this !
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Prey (I) (2022)
Compared to the other trash out ...
9 August 2022
This wasn't so bad ,

Probably the closest to the original movie I've seen since 87 ,

Compare this to that Jurassic World Dumbinion and we get a solid action movie with thrills and suspense not over blown and just the right amount of gore .

7/10. I do miss Alan Silvestris score though.
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Elvis (2022)
I gotta take my hat off !
28 June 2022
For 2022 when young people have no idea about just how big this man was it's amazing to see something so fresh and interesting .

Great performances all round and amazing camera and editing techniques to transport you across this man's life in a period of 2 hours from start to finish .

We'll done to the team for making this during the covid pandemic at its worst .
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The Gringo Papi (2022 TV Special)
My Toe jam is funnnier ...
27 June 2022
Where to start ...

We'll he's a ex mma fairy who thinks he can fight but after a few too many punches to his face now thinks that stand up comedy is his game ? ...

Dude ....

People who find this entertaining or funny will be lining up for fast and furious 10 .... Derp ...
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What were u thinking !!
5 June 2022
Wow ....... Like wow .... They really ruined whatever it was they tried to do with this reboot of the Island of Dr Moreau Meets West World 7 years ago ..

Hats off to Derrick Connolly who wrote the story for this trash and all the Disney Star Wars movies ... You sir should go wash cars for a living ...

The industry is slowing dying ... and this movie is helping it sink ...

1/10 ..... the audience needs to wake up and stop spending money on the 6th police academy movie and see through the crap that's presented to us all these days ...

I can't trust anyone who pays to see fast and furious 10 ...
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Beetle Adventure Racing! (1999 Video Game)
22 years on and it's still amazing !
12 March 2022
Having played this as a kid I was amazed at how well it holds up 22 years later , the track design is some of the best I've seen on any console not just the N64 .

A solid fun racing game I loved the HSV Australian version .
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Toe jam or talent ....
3 January 2022
Got to 5 mins and turned it off ... little spoilt Canadian kid who thinks he's hardcore because why ? He sings songs ? .....

Wake me up in the new world this planet has lost the plot .....
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People don't get it .... For a reason they are greedy
2 October 2021
If you think your going to see every nod to every sopranos back story ever told in its 9YEAR run?

Then your sadly mistaken .

What we have here is the story leading up to the very talked about Dickie in the tv show , Christopher's Fathers death And what was going on around his life .

It's a 2 hour movie with fan service to the show but it's done right , and not forced , this is where the audience will differ as most won't get the nods and callbacks to what has been seen in the original tv show . Seeing a Younger portrayal of Silvio is one of the highlights , the other younger versions of the characters also it's great to see them pop up but it's not about Tony's life this time .

It's very hard to please everyone these days as they all have a vision of what they want to see after watching this tv show for so long , But I think it's a very good nod to one of the greatest characters (tony) and tv shows off all time .
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The Walking Dead: Promises Broken (2021)
Season 11, Episode 7
Same Happy Meal ... New Toy
29 September 2021
...... seriously how can people digest this crap season after season ? .... I wonder how much money they save on production values just shooting in the woods every season ...?

I did that for high school to save money telling a story in film class ... .

The audience is the problem if they like this . The walking dead indeed ...
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Reminiscence (2021)
12 monkeys meets hard rain
30 August 2021
If you have seen 12 monkeys and hard rain then you have seen this movie ....

Oh hollywood ... you gotta love how you try nothing new ...
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Tucker Carlson Tonight (2016–2023)
The ladies man !
30 June 2021
Just look at that 1972 hair and a face that was punched by everyone in high school ... you just know he pulls the chicks ;) ...

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It's here ! Barrel scrape......
22 May 2021
What was point break on wheels back in 2001 is now everyone is James Bond .... wow Hollywood playing it safe with brand name marketing as always ... same happy meal new stupid plastic toy ..

I'm done.
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No talent ....
20 May 2021
Talk about barrel scrape for Entertainment.... I'd rather watch some hack play video games ...

Hey girls you should do hard work one day and lead it into some sort of personal talent ....
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The Oscars (2021 TV Special)
Goodbye Hollywood ....
29 April 2021
Amazing how when you get money from a well paid acting job you suddenly know all ... Francis needs to learn to look like a lady ... if I wanted to see a woman not shower I'd go to Russia ...
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Seen it all ..... ffs
10 April 2021
Hollywood .... nothing new here ... same as the other comic book movies that have come out after end game ... let it dry up ! I'm sick of seeing super hero's.
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Space Cop (2016 Video)
Why Jay should never direct ....
4 April 2021
I've found that Jay really stands on mike's shoulders a lot ! ..

Jay thinks he knows what he's doing when reality of filmmaking hits he can't execute ....
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Breach (IV) (2020)
Bruce worked for 2 days ....
1 March 2021
Yes that's right folks ... Bruce Willis worked for 2 days and had his stand do the other 22 days filming ... #lazy. Don't buy into bruce he's a tired old and needs to go away and stop thinking he's gods gift to movies ..
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Nic Cage loves pocket money ....
28 February 2021
Oh give me a break this looks like it was made by high school students with shaky cam effect to hide that the set is 1 room ... 80% of the budget went into cages back pocket and it shows .... they had him for 4 days he didint want to learn lines of dialog . This is lazy and why movies and filmmaking is dying .... hey look we got Nic cage so you'll see it ..... No oh but he beats zombie robots and wins with no effort .... apparently that's cool to some but it's the audience these days that I'm afraid will kill the industry ... too much choice ! Spoilt generation of film makers who have no respect for anything ...... avoid this like Covid 19 ...
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