
6 Reviews
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18 November 2019
While some people were turned off by season 2 and bailed ( their loss ), some weren't. I thought it was very good, still. But patience and taste differs.

We've had some truly amazing episodes along the way, a lot actually and a few that were...mediocre let's say, every show has them, even g.o.a.t. tier shows like this one.

But this ? this ?

I was not prepared for this.

This ( specially cause of the 4 season build-up ) has to be one of, if not the best hour of television I've ever seen. We just witnessed something special. Breathe it in people and be glad we are alive to see this.
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Gotham (2014–2019)
Better than season 1 give it a chance
15 October 2015
I must say, if you have an...average opinion of season 1, I don't blame you. The show was decent, good at times but it lacked continuity and it had way too many "Villain of the week" scenarios and all the side story lines were seen as irrelevant mostly.

Now after watching a few episodes of Seasons two, I can say that just the first episode is way better than maybe the entirety of season 1 ( maybe a stretch but I just think it's amazing ). So if you are done with Gotham after the first season, please give it a go as I feel that the makers of this series have injected some new life into it and it shows in every episode so far.
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Legends (2014–2015)
The Sean Bean Show
2 October 2014
While the forum section will have you believe this is the 2nd coming of the Dexter finale, it's not.

While not the most original show, it has its good parts. Sure the characters aren't really that interesting. I mean most people I assume gave this a chance and caught their eye mostly because of Sean Bean. The tech geek is a direct copy of the one in Arrow, and that's pretty lazy, but it's passable as I really only care about Mr.Bean's character really.

The writers could have done a better job with the characters but they are all passable and Bean fills up the void left by them.

The story seems pretty good. I didn't really feel it is that far-fetched or insulting to people's intelligence ( like The Strain or The Following ).

In the end you'll have to see for yourself. I was immediately hooked after the pilot and I can't say the show has gotten worse or better. Every new episode we find out new things in this ongoing madness of the life of the protagonist. So I guess that could qualify as a "gotten better". First 1-2 episodes are more like "House M.D." style with the plot slowly being introduced to us and now it's mostly about that besides the fbi cases.

I would say atm, it's a solid 7.5-8. People giving it 6 and stuff like that clearly are over exaggerating since there are a lot of worse, way worse shows, with worse acting, worse plots, worse actors, worse production quality.
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The Night Shift (2014–2017)
Good medical TV show
13 August 2014
I would say this show deserves more than it's current rating.

I see folks bash it but after watching more than 1 episode ( most bad reviews watched the pilot and crucified it ) I can say this can have a future. It's well done the acting is good enough the cases are interesting and the whole military guys coming to the be a doctor at a hospital in a night shift is pretty interesting.

I would say, give the show a chance it can grow on you. I know the market is a bit saturated and over the whole medical drama theme. Now if you are completely over medical stuff then there is no convincing anybody.

I myself am never over good shows and this seems to be a good show. I ve watched till episode 5 and it's getting better and better.
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True Detective (2014– )
True Detective is truly awesome
5 February 2014
Man I have to say, although I was expecting it to be good cause of the cast, this show amazing.

What does it for me, is mostly the acting.Cause the plot itself is nice but nothing really new or something we have not seen in Hannibal.

Matthew Mc. gives a stellar performance in this one, he really has starting do some great stuff in these past few years.

Woody is just his great self as usual.And both on-screen personalities clash with each other a lot and they complement each other pretty good.

It's a shame it only has 8 episodes per season atm, but I'm just happy this thing exists and that I can watch it.

If you are an action junkie this might not be the thing for you.Tho I would recommend this to anybody and see if it clicks with you.
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Helix (2014–2015)
Decent, not as bad as haters make it out to be
29 January 2014
OK, so I've been reading reviews to see people's opinion on this, and I see that a lot of "internet doctors" and CDC employees are pretty mad about what's been going on.I have to say, does anything impress you lot?

If you really want to nit pick about characters being stupid and "stuff that wouldn't happen", I could nit pick your precious TWD ( which I'm a fan of ) and your other little precious gems to pieces.

Now, if "The Following" can get a second season, then so can this.At least it has a more interesting plot.What was the gripe of most people about Following?The fact that FBI are presented as the most stupid human beings on the planet, except maybe the main character.

After watching the 4th episode of Helix, I can say that things are become pretty damn interesting.

I don't want to spoil or anything but by the 4th episode you will start to get the storyline a little bit better than if you only watched till 3.At least in my opinion.

This is not a new hit series that would have the main character get 1 million per episode, but its pretty solid show with its flaws and it has room to improve and I think we all have seen TV shows start a bit slow and then find their footing.

I really wish all these trolls would stop with the 1-2-3 ratings and blatant hatred wit no arguments besides "characters are stupid, this wouldn't actually happen if......"

Look if you don't like it, stop watching and stop living on this forum bashing it everyday, it is not that important.

I really like the setting of this show.Tho that's just me, I like shows and even movies that are more "enclosed".

I'm not a massive fan of the show, and I do realize it has its flaws and characters might do some stupid stuff once in a while, but I recall thinking this in a lot of the more popular TV shows but I get passed it cause I want to watch not be a sad little arm-chair analyst.

See the show people, if it clicks with you, then good, if it doesn't, there are a lot more out there.
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