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Star Trek: Discovery: Lagrange Point (2024)
Season 5, Episode 9
A Black Hole of Poor Execution
24 May 2024
With only two episodes remaining, Star Trek: Discovery had a chance to tie up loose ends and set the stage for an epic series finale. Unfortunately, "Lagrange Point" squandered that opportunity, leaving us with clichés, wasted potential, and a sense of disappointment.

Rushed Plot Twists: The episode introduces the concept of the Progenitors' hidden technology, and our crew quickly locates it near two intertwined primordial black holes. Sounds intriguing, right? Well, hold on.

The Breen dreadnought warps in, snatches the container holding the tech, and dashes our hopes. But how did they scan the area so swiftly and decide that this floating container was their prize? It's as if the show needed a challenge, and they threw it in without much thought.

The pacing feels rushed, leaving us wondering if the writers were racing to meet a deadline.

Lost Potential: The Progenitors' tech, a central mystery, remains shrouded in vague phrases. "Build the shape of the one between the many" is the key, but we're left hanging until the next episode.

Instead of diving into the rich lore and implications of this ancient technology, we get a heist plot. The Breen snatching the container feels like a cheap trick to prolong the story.

The show could have explored themes of discovery, legacy, and the consequences of meddling with advanced civilizations. Instead, it's a missed opportunity.

Character Underutilization: Tilly's actions exemplify the show's reliance on technology over human ingenuity. We need more moments where characters shine through their intelligence and resourcefulness.

The crew's plan to retrieve the container lacks depth. It's a straightforward "sneak aboard and get it back" scenario, devoid of creativity.

Saru's leadership, Burnham's strategic thinking, and the ensemble's chemistry could have elevated this episode. Instead, they're overshadowed by plot mechanics.

Clichés Galore: The Breen dreadnought's sudden appearance feels like a trope from a lesser sci-fi show. It's the old "snatch victory from the jaws of defeat" maneuver.

We've seen this before: the container is taken just when our heroes think they've won. It's a tired formula.

The gravimetric distortions caused by the black holes add tension, but it's a superficial obstacle.

In summary, "Lagrange Point" is a missed opportunity to explore the Progenitors' legacy and deliver a satisfying buildup to the series finale. Instead, it's a forgettable episode lost in the vastness of space.
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Hacks: Yes, And (2024)
Season 3, Episode 8
Missed Oportunity
24 May 2024
In the penultimate episode of HBO's "Hacks", titled "Yes, And", the show attempts to tackle cancel culture and the complexities of comedy. Unfortunately, it falls short in execution, leaving viewers with mixed feelings.

Overused Tropes: The title itself, borrowed from the improv world, promises fresh insights. However, the episode leans heavily on clichés.

We follow Deborah Vance (played by the brilliant Jean Smart) as she navigates conflicting commitments: an honorary doctorate acceptance speech, a New Yorker profile interview, and her annual Palm Springs Pride appearance.

But instead of exploring these conflicts in depth, the episode relies on predictable twists and convenient resolutions.

Character Development Stagnation: Deborah's growth throughout the series has been commendable. Yet, in "Yes, And," her character arc feels stagnant.

We witness her past offensive jokes resurface, leading to widespread protests during her honorary degree ceremony. But the fallout lacks emotional impact.

Ava (Hannah Einbinder), her assistant, also faces challenges, but her growth feels rushed and underdeveloped.

Missed Opportunities: The episode hints at cancel culture's impact on comedians, but it merely scratches the surface.

Deborah's history of offensive humor could have sparked meaningful conversations about accountability, redemption, and the evolving comedy landscape.

Instead, we get frat bros recognizing her as "mad cute" and a viral supercut of her problematic jokes. It's a missed opportunity for deeper exploration.

Lackluster Execution: The pacing feels off, and the stakes don't resonate. The tension between Deborah and Ava lacks the weight it deserves.

Meena Elahi (Shakira Barrera), the interviewer, could have been a compelling foil, but her character remains one-dimensional.

The episode's resolution feels rushed, leaving viewers wanting more substance.

In summary, "Yes, And" fails to capitalize on its promising premise. It's like a half-baked improv scene-full of potential but lacking the necessary follow-through.
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Unfrosted (2024)
Great Trailer - Terrible Movie
23 May 2024
Jerry Seinfeld's directorial debut, "Unfrosted," has left audiences divided and critics scratching their heads. This zany star-filled comedy, which pits rival cereal companies Kellogg's and Post against each other in a race to create a groundbreaking pastry (yes, Pop-Tarts), falls flat in more ways than one.

Consistently Awful: The Chicago Sun-Times didn't mince words, declaring "Unfrosted" as "one of the decade's worst movies." They wondered why Seinfeld, known for his sharp comedic mind, didn't halt production halfway through and apologize for wasting everyone's time.

It's so consistently awful that it makes the infamous Flamin' Hot seem like "The Social Network." Laugh-Free Affair: The Daily Globe and Mail likened it to a "long-lost Lorne Michaels-produced SNL feature from the '90s." The jokes are so hacky that even Kenny Bania wouldn't touch them.

The pacing is so slow that it rivals Elaine's experience enduring "The English Patient." As Bad as You'd Expect: According to The Daily Beast, the film is "as bad as you'd expect." While it's an improvement over Seinfeld's prior cinematic offering, "Bee Movie", it remains contentedly childishly silly.

It veers between gags about age-old products and the January 6 events with a mildness that keeps things pleasantly pedestrian.

Mishmash of Fact and Fiction: Roger Ebert summed it up well: "Unfrosted" is a mishmash of fact and fiction, goofing around without offering a compelling account of the Kellogg's-Post rivalry.

History nerds might be irritated by the lack of even a wildly exaggerated or satirized version of the true stories behind the cereal giants.

In summary, "Unfrosted" is a forgettable concoction that leaves viewers craving something more substantial. Perhaps it's time to switch to a different breakfast movie.
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Fallout (2024– )
Non Gamer Thumbs Up
11 April 2024
I have played video games for much of my life but never have played Fallout and I ahave avoided reviews so I can take it in fresh. Well, I am on board in a big way.

The production values are great - settings distinct and admirably few of the normal dystopian cliches and the acting is top notch. Who can't appreciate Walton Goggins when he has sharp dialog, reminiscent of Justified?

I have not finished the series yet but felt compelled to write this review because it's so nice to find new content that hits the mark.

Gamers who complain about changes - well, I understand...but for noobs like myself, it works and works really well.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Red Directive (2024)
Season 5, Episode 1
Cancel this dreck already
4 April 2024
STD is an apt acronym for this parasitic disease of a Star Trek show. The show no trekker wans and most despise. And this start to another painful season is no better than any other lost season.

The truly merciful thing would be to delete this show from canon and give the fans what they want. Lower Decks has more gravitas and better acting as well as storyline structure. This has nothing to recommend it. Michael is back, whispering, crying and laughing for no discernible reason and is of course the same arrogant future example of what would happen if AOC ever joined starfleet.

Spare us any more of this crap.
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The Curse: It's a Good Day (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
This is where the show hooked me
3 February 2024
Up until now, I found The Curse to be engaging, sometimes unpredictable and at best above average. This episode changed that for me. Here, we see the continued deterioration of Whitney and Archers dichotomy of emotions fully erupt. His ability to be so petulantly passive aggressive and then erupt violently was great. It felt organic and deserved. The interplay between Whitney and the buyers was also spot on in feeling real and not the usual writer's imagination of what real life is like. There was a real world vibe to it.

I see where the resolution is coming from for the end of the series but it doesn't matter. Getting there has just picked up speed.
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Reacher: New York's Finest (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
Not up to Series Standards
5 January 2024
I am a Reacher Creature. Nuff said. So I even enjoyed the Tom Cruise films although was so pleased with the Prime series. Up until this episode, they got it. They understood the Reacher mystique and quirks. This episode took that a made it feel more of a run of the mill generic action with comedy film. You know the ones, the cinema thrives on them. That's why Reacher or Terminal List or Breaking Bad make a difference. They don't compromise and turn violence into a glib, superficial comic book depiction. Most all the action in this one felt that way. Except when Reacher killed those two characters. For that moment, I knew I was watching the real Reacher we know from the books.

I'm hoping it was a crap director of the week. So far it's been really good, though season one still seems superior.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
There's a spin-off coming
20 April 2023
What a fine finale. Everything is left so several characters have a spin off in them. The sheer joy the cast showed on the Enterprise was so clear to see. These actors have a personal relationship and connection with each other and it shows. They enjoy being together.

The cgi was movie quality, hell I'd love to see this on the big screen. For once the end of the galaxy stuff felt real and not arbitrary. Most everything felt right and that's all that matters.

And definitely stay through the end credits or you will miss one of the best teaser or cliff hanger I've seen in years. I doubt anyone will see this coming. And I have to know what 7's command is!!
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Star Trek: Picard: Võx (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
15 April 2023
Though the fan service may have been a tad heavy, this was still a 9 episode. The emotion of seeing the old ship and the crew's reaction to it was priceless. My reaction was as well.

This feels like the perfect penultimate episode as we bring back the best antagonist in Trek history ( the changelings and Species 6731 are near the top for me) and everything is nicely tied together. Now Jacks visions, voices and abilities make sense and Picards history is subtly rewritten so that we know can revisit old episodes of TNG and view them with enhanced depth.

Better Call Saul to Breaking Bad is the best example of this. Knowing more deepens the old episodes now.
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Star Trek: Picard: Surrender (2023)
Season 3, Episode 8
Data on Steroids
6 April 2023
Picard comes back with another well written and acted episode. We move the narrative forward organically and witness great twists, although I saw most coming. That doesn't dull the pleasure since it's so well acted. Some mysteries are sorted and others are near revelations and that just ramps up the anticipation.

The overarching theme this season is solid and gives us the well earned feel of classic trek. But it's slightly askew and feels more personal. Every week we learn more about characters we have spent so much time with before. And each deepening of these characters feels earned and appropriate.
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Star Trek: Picard: Dominion (2023)
Season 3, Episode 7
Plot Moving Episode but Still Better than Anything from Season 1 & 2
30 March 2023
Plot Moving Episode but Still Better than Anything from Season 1 & 2. Better than Any episode of Discovery, hands down.

This may be damning the episode with faint praise but this rating is more relative to the past two weeks of 10 ratings. That's actually a compliment, because even compared to what has been the high point for the season and the series, the past few weeks, this is great storytelling.

Storytelling...that's a huge thing with best of Trek. Most of the best Trek episodes had that, "what happens next?"quality. We see that here.

This one is here to move our story forward and continues to expand on the character development at the same time. Let's be honest, most shows and movies do one or the other well but rarely both.

Acting is flawless, cgi is used to embellish scenes and not BE the scenes.

I hate having to wait another week...
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Star Trek: Picard: The Bounty (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Worf Rules
23 March 2023
Back to back weeks now and STP is knocking it out of the park. Every aspect of the original shows is on clear display here. One important thing is this show has found a way to preserve the look and feel of the old shows while utilizing the upgrades we now have in cgi and cinematography. Discovery constantly disrupted canon because they wanted to indulge themselves in overblown sets and cgi.

And the interaction between old friends rings true and has depth. Seeing more old characters from TNG works here because they have taken the time to write plausible reasons for their involvement and motivations.

But Worf rules, in his delightful delivery and demeanor. Even Picard's son is growing on me.

This season only pisses me off because we could have had three great seasons instead of only one.
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Star Trek: Picard: Imposters (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
As Great as any episode in all Trek
16 March 2023
I am not easily impressed but I am today. This episode showed every reason Star Trek and TNG in particular, are so compelling. The writing showed depth and nuance, with performances that would elevate even mediocre material. The wonderful layering of the Picard Roe relationship and history was so organic and critical to the theme of the episode...who and what do you really know?

These scenes retroactively add depth to the older shows they reference. And the cgi and visual direction is movie quality. In fact, I dare say it is better than the current crap Marvel has been forcing on the world.

This is an episode that is rewatch able. .
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Star Trek: Picard: Seventeen Seconds (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
Forget Picard, I want a Ryker show
2 March 2023
Like ever real Trek fan, I can say finally they are delivering Trek worthy stories and acting. Strange New Worlds and season 3 of Picard have the franchise back on track.

Inadmire Patrick Stewart but the poor Man is far too old and frail to perform at the required level anymore. And why should he be frail when he's synthetic?

But the dynamic when Ryker steps up is wonderful. I've always had a soft spot for Ryker and Frakes still has the swagger, humor and heft for the role.

I would love to see a next season but this time focused on Ryker, Seven and Worf...along with some Deep Space Nine folks?

But the twists in this episode show what good writing can do...
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Star Trek: Picard: The Next Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
The Picard previously hoped for
16 February 2023
Too early to say but the first episode of season 3 seems like what this show should've started with. This has promise. Darker but not farcical and like Better Call Saul deepening the Breaking Bad world, this does the same for TNG.

I really pray this doesn't devolve into Discovery territory. ( I'd rather that show never existed) There seems to be some stakes here knowing it's the final season and that increases the anticipation and tension organically instead of exposition and galactic doom.

Last season was an odd one and I already miss Q but it's good to see the TNG folks finally seeming to be the way you might have expected.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Coming Home (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
Why is Strange New Worlds so much better?
15 July 2022
The newest Trek entry, Strange New Worlds, is so vastly superior to this dreck it's simply amazing. I won't belabor the idiocy and pandering of this episode as there are great reviews that detail the flaws of this refuse to great delight.

People, just watch SNW and then you'll be watching Real Star Trek.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
Holy Ozymandias
12 July 2022
Utterly amazing...this episode is as gripping and compelling as Ozymandias was in Breaking Bad. Honestly, you could almost use this as a season finale with the intensity and suspense of the plot and execution. It's hard to imagine a scenario where this is not an Emmy Award winner not only for the show but for the actors.

This is so good I can't imagine where they go now and that in itself is exciting.
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The Terminal List (2022– )
Seriously Good
12 July 2022
You can tell that author Jack Carr knows the world of the Navy Seal teams. The film is brutal but not brainless. Opposed to most Hollywood action films, this one resonates with gravitas almost to a fault, however it maintains a balance between realism and entertainment. Well worth the watch.
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So Stupid and So Funny
29 June 2022
I was expecting the worse from this but I immediately started laughing uncontrollably at these two morons. Even as I watched I told myself, why is this so damn funny? Don't know but it was an utter delight.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Spock Amok (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Now that's real Star Trek
3 June 2022
That episode hit all the classic series and TNG beats perfectly. I knew they were slipping in the Woke message but found their method and execution splendid...and I am averse to Woke messaging.

On the Discovery scale these recent shows have run in ascending order from Discovery worst, Picard better and New Frontiers best.
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Saving us from Discovery
19 May 2022
Now this is classic Star Trek complete with overly fast solutions but hey it's episode by episode and not an overreaching narrative. Both can be good but recent efforts have made us hungry for the old tried and true which is story and execution This is a no whisper no cry zone!
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Star Trek: Picard: Penance (2022)
Season 2, Episode 2
Now this is Star Trek!
28 March 2022
After suffering through the abject soap opera that Discovery is, this episode reminded me of why I love Trek. The acting, the conflicts and heft to the characters is palpable. And an Emmy for John Delancie. Ma stet work by old Q.
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Star Trek: Discovery: All In (2022)
Season 4, Episode 8
Best of a Bad Season
10 February 2022
Here we finally have an almost ST worthy episode. Granted, I'm only referring to the last five minutes of the episode. The rest is the usual blend of bad writing, bad acting and whispering. Plus another attempt to rewrite the laws of physics where small women beat large males with barely an inconvenience. Anyone who ever actually fought or boxed anyone will know exactly what I mean.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Stormy Weather (2021)
Season 4, Episode 6
Even the Computer induces cringes
23 December 2021
Ok, this one starts out with a situation cribbed from Voyager and TNG and is the best of this season...for about 10 minutes. Then the whispering begins. And that awful actor playing a game with the now sentient computer. And when Whisper Burnham gives orders on the bridge, the bridge crew argues. Yeah, that's how command works.

And now even the computer has feelings we need to give a damn about. This crud should be renamed Star Trek Feelings and be broadcast on the Lifetime channel.
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Star Trek: Discovery: All Is Possible (2021)
Season 4, Episode 4
All is not possible
9 December 2021
The dreck continues. Michael whispering even in her captain's log, Tilly leading cadets who show no discipline or self control, endless counseling sessions...such fun!

This isn't even bad enough to be funny.
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