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Be Careful with Cheese Touch!
8 January 2013
I've seen this book at the book store many times. My impression was, I think it was good one, but not really interest to buy. Suddenly i found this book at my home, and I couldn't help my self from laugh! The movie, as good as the book!

This is about the friendship between Greg (Zachary Gordon) and Rowley (Robert Capron). Greg always thought that he was the coolest kids in the world, potentially became a popular students and considered Greg was not suitable for junior high school. He's too childish! Greg has a 'cruel' big bro, Roddrick (Devon Bostick) and younger one, Manny who called Greg in stupid name. In the opening scene we directly showed how 'cruel' Roddrick with Greg. He awakes Greg and told him it was already late for school as the alarm clock was rang. In shock, Greg in hurry worn his clothes, breakfast, and made some noise. His dad, Frank, (Stephen Zahn) awake and wondered what Greg did. He said he's in hurry not wanted to late in his first day of school. Are you kidding?? This is just two o'clock! Greg blank, and realized his brother prank on him! Told his dad, with disbelief, they checked Rodrick sleep calmly and his bed. When the door closed, he's smile, satisfy.

There was legendary cheese in Greg's School. That cheese firmly attached to basketball field. No one know where the cheese come from, since when it attached there. What they know, that cheese already there long, long, long time ago. So disgusting, sticky, slimy. Any students who accidentally touch that, would be infected the syndrome that they called : cheese touch. No one ever talked, touched, or interacted with that kid till she/he touch the other kids. once someone else touch by him/her, the cheese touch syndrome move to that kids! The last kid who touch that cheese, was moved, so no one got infected, for a while.

Greg avoided sit with the dummy to make him as popular student. Trapped with the dummy a whole year was not good idea. But yeah, the fact is always bitter than dreams, Greg trapped with the dummy, the weirdo one. The fortunate Goddess was with Rowley. Got accident when played with Greg, his arm should be in gips. That was attracted people around, said how brave is Rowley, they wanted signed Rowley gips, girls wanted to hang out with him. Greg felt alienated, he was jealous with Rowley. Then, Rowley and Greg had a fight, Greg scared the kids when they become 'a guardian school', but people blamed Rowley. Even he's not guilty he admitted it, then after wards Greg said, hey actually it was me! ha ha. Shocked, Rowley said, actually Greg never be his friend. Felt so lonely losing his friends, Greg tried to make a friend with the weirdest kids in school, Fregley (Grayson Russel), which later, he was sorry about.

Will Greg and Rowley become a friend again? Find out with your self with this family comedy. I was so laugh a lot, very entertaining, simple, and very describe about children's world.
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If Only the Script is Better
3 January 2013
I love John Segel. I love Emily Blunt. But this movie was kind of 'disaster' or just not fulfilled my expectation. From the cover and the review i've read, my mind is full of with what we called : romantic comedy with witty and smart conversation and surprising scene. What I get? A full of disappointment. It was like, if you have an image in your mind, and somehow crack and ruin into pieces. That's me while I watch the five-year engagement. But still I forgive this movie, because I love the main actor and actresses, and the ending of the story is predictable, but unique.

It started when Tom's plan to propose Violet completely failed, because Tom reveal it to Violet and ruin the surprised. But still Violet insist Tom to continue the proposal, ad Violet accepted it. In the middle of their bustle prepare their wedding, Violet's sister, Suzie (Allison Brie) get pregnant with Tom co-workers, Alex (Chriss Patt), that was the first disaster. They force to postpone their wedding in order to give Suzie and Alex married first in case of 'emergency situation'. When they wanted to continue their wedding plan, Violet get acceptance letter for post-doctorate program for two years, that was became Violet's dream such a long time, therefore Tom quit from his job and followed Violet to Michigan. Badly, Tom's boss wanted to promote him, since he quick, that position fell to Alex. Experienced as chef, Tom obliged as sandwich maker. Because of her succeed, the university wanted to extended her presence for about two years. Tom said, ohh,, OK. But inside he's mad and angry.

Their wedding postponed again because of their grandmother and aunty's death, Violet extended her program. That created tension and disharmony with their relationship. During that time, Suzie had her second son, and still they remain as fiancé. Accidentallyone night Violet's head of program, Winton (Rhys Ifans) kissed Violet. Felt guilty Violet straightly run to Tom's workplace and insist them to get married right now. But not just Violet, Tom also did 'some kind of affair' with his new co-workers. They almost had sex and kissed. Tom ran out without his pants, cold, and at last lost his toe. realizing It won't work, Tom and Violet split. Will they came back? See by your self then.

Not so recommended, but hey, this is John Segel and Emily Blunt!
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Looper (2012)
Unexpected Ending, so so Story
3 January 2013
I have high expectation with Looper. When I read about the review, wow, looks fab one! About time travel, assassin. One I should have not missed. Looper told us about the 'future assassin' called looper, who killed people from the past. The bad guy sent to the future, where the looper exist. The head's villain covered, when they arrived, the looper instantly shoot them on the chest. As the payment, the silver bar could be found inside the villain's clothes. If the looper get golden bars, means they killed their selves because the contract had cut. Joe (Joseph Gordon-Levitt) was one of the top achievers looper. He always on time, kill the villain, take the silver bar and switched the bar with money. At night he's having fun and tipsy.

One day he was shocked with a loud knock in his door. Seth (Paul Dano) beg him to hid him from the others looper. He did the worst sin that a looper can do, let the villain escape. Seth was realize he's going to kill her future self. He told Seth in the future there is the big villain called the 'Rainmaker'. He was going to kill all loopers. Joe hid Seth but at last revealed it because his boss threatened him would take his silver bar saving. One day Joe felt something wrong, because the villain that should killed by Joe, didn't come on time. After some time, the villain come, hit Joe with his body, till Joe fall, and his cover head overt. That withstand Joe pull the trigger, the villain's eyes! Why it just look familiar and resembles like mine? Wondered him. Knowing Joe stand still, that old guy attacked Joe once again till he faint. Joe awake and find his way to meet his old one, his future one, Old Joe(OJ) (Bruce Willis). OJ asked Joe's help, as he wanted to eliminated the rainmaker, which is in Joe era still a kid. OJ was so hurt because they kill his lovely wife. Joe rejected and said, he should kill him now, and do the right thing. Eventually he agreed to help OJ. OJ only had series of number, he had no idea what is that, but that was the only one direction about Rainmaker. OJ find out the location of the rainmaker. He ordered Joe to go one location, while he will go to the others two locations.

Joe arrived in old farm. During his journey he's got shoot. He met Sara (Emily Blunt), a single mother with one kid. She's is a strong woman, and always brought a gun everywhere. As they talked, accidentally Sara saw Joe's paper which was written that serial number. Sara shocked and asked how he found out about that? who are you? Evidently that was her son's social number and birth date, Cid (Pierce Gagnon). Was he 'Rainmaker'?

The ending was unexpected. I was like, what?? But the whole story is OK. I can't say good, but it's OK. :D
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Picturesque Image, Wonderful Story
3 January 2013
Watching the Hobbit : unexpected journey was like a reunion. Saw the Hobbits village, their unique house, Frodo, Gandalf and.. Gollum. I can't believe I can still see them again, in a new story. for me LOTR series was ended in third movie. I remember how sad I am to see the story had finished.

From the Hobbit, we will know why the ring was with Bilbo, why Gollum act like a jerk and how much he loved that 'ring'. The story started in one fine morning, Bilbo was sit in his terrace, enjoying his pipe after a nice breakfast. Suddenly Gandalf came and ask Bilbo whether he was still recognized him or not. At first Bilbo didn't remember, then find out where he was meet Gandalf. He asked Bilbo to follow him in a journey. Bilbo refused, he said a good life for a hobbit is a warm bed, nice food, adequate snack. Adventure was not suitable for a tiny hobbit. Gandalf said, OK, fine. But he marked Bilbo's door house, in some kind of sign. At the evening when Bilbo just finished cooked his dinner, a delicious fish, suddenly he heard that his door was knocked. He wondered, in fact he didn't expect a guess. Bilbo saw a dwarf, and the dwarf asked did the party start yet? where's the others? where's the food? as he saw Bilbo food, he ate it and asked him whether he has more or not.

Shockingly, Bilbo said, do I know you? but again, his door knocked, group of dwarfs came and ask food. Helpless, Bilbo gave them food, but that was not enough, they mess around and took Bilbo's food supplies. The situation was messy and merry. Gandalf appeared and explained that those dwarf gather now to take over their homeland which was taken by a dragon. That dragon live in the palace, which filled with gold, golden coin. They need a thief to infiltrate silently to their kingdom. They need Bilbo, as he was small and others tend not to realized his existence. at first Bilbo refused but at the end he's accept and traveled with dwarfs to their taken over kingdom. In the middle of their journey, they found many obstacles, as dwarfs are small like hobbit, weak, and has no power like a wizard, strong like a orc, and have integrity like Elf. But their willingness to live in their land, beat them all. they almost eaten by troll, death in the amidst of 'stone war', killed by orc, with the integrity of Bilbo, help from Gandalf, their unity and cooperation, they can beat them all. Do they succeed won the war? As this movie trilogy, I guess we will get the answer.. next year!

if you are LOTR watchers, you will be familiar with the scenery. Till this day, it's still mesmerize me and wonder does this view really exist on earth? Peter Jackson is a brilliant director. If you are fans of LOTR, love an exquisite sight, an imaginary fellow and love to see something beyond imagination, please, please, watch this movie! I gave 9 because up to now, still curious, why Gandalf not getting younger? All of the people in Hobbit which we know them first in LOTR is getting younger. As I watched behind the scenes of the hobby, how details and serious them working on this movie, there is no way they missed this fact. then why?
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Love is Really Conquer Everything
9 December 2012
Can you imagine live without one of your sense? Lost sight? Lost hearing?

Meet Young-Chan. He is a man who can't see nor hear. For him world is a touch. He can only know things around him by touch. Luckily by his touch, he can read. Reading book is the only one activity he can do daily. Meet his wife, Soon-ho. She has abnormality on her backbone, which made her bone protrude, and her height is under average. So what? Love unite them. . How simple activity could be a struggle for both of them. One day they want to changed the lamp. This was need a great effort. As Soon-ho can see, but short. Yong-Chan is tall, but can not see. Soon-ho told Yong-Chan how the lamp's shaped. Based on her explanation, Yong- Chan touched the lamp entirely and estimated how it was, then take the new lamp to replaced it. By only with Song-Chan's guidance, touch, and intuition, he was successfully install the lamp! This scene was touching one, how they still managed to be independent on their 'blessed'.

How they communicate? Song-Chan would touch Young-Chan's hands in a 'special movement' while she talk a bit. And it worked. Up to know, i am still wondering, what technique did they use? They didn't loss laugh also. Yong-Chan asked by Korean actress to teach her about how to be the a blind and deaf person. They practiced, Yong-Chan coached the actress and comment : "you didn't seem as a blind-deaf person at all!" For Young-Chan, worlds has no light at all. He couldn't distinguished day and light. As Yong-Chan said : in my world, i have no light. I don't know what light is it like. But I believe, light always presence day and night, and it must be very beautiful. Yong-Chan also like to hold a tree. To feel it fully. Sea water also something strange to Young-Chan. He described as a cold water like in a fridge. Even he's afraid to touch it. But Young-Chan can manage to recognize people by his touch.

My first impression after wards was : i really have no idea if i have to live like Young-Chan, and how if I were become Song-Chan. Will I be as happy as them? I started to doubt about the love definition's which I have before. Because love is.....?
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A Memorable Documentary
9 December 2012
Tomoaki Sunada had a successful career as a sales at chemist company. After he's retired and wanted to live fully. But life not always as we wanted. Tomoaki had verdict has a cancer in fourth stadium. Knowing his life will end soon, accepted in a big heart. His filmmaker daughter, Sunada Mami, recorded his last days of in a such sweet, decent and memorable way. Tomoaki always busy, he rarely had time spent his time with his own family, especially his wife. He busy with work, business trip, even after he's retire he lived separately with his wife and ended called as : a weekend couple. Tomoaki has 3 children, 2 sons and one daughter who not show signed going to get married on her 30's ages, which is the film director itself!

The narrator which is I believe is Mami herself, used simple sentence but titillated viewers to laugh and involved with her family life. We felt like a friend told us her father's diary. All was so natural, palpable, and just the way it is. The tone of Sunada was flat and no emotion, but we just know how Mami loves his father. Tomoaki has a tremendous sense of humor, even in his last minute. Tomoaki loved his grandchildren very much, but his favorite was Emma, she had been frequently called by Tomoaki. One of his son working in US, he wanted to visited US one more time to play with his grandchildren. The fact that Tomoaki was a real salesman proved when he decided to baptized into Christian, because he wanted has memorial but not spend too much money, as we know land in Japan is very expensive. The best moment is when the last days of Tomoaki prior his death that his messages to his entire family. Tomoaki wanted only family and close friend permit to attend his funeral.

The narrator : I faced my last days. But I think one of my son yet letting me go. Son : Dad, this is the last list of the people who will attend your funeral. Is it correct? Dad : .... (paused in confusion) Others : hey stopped it! Dad, you no need to think anything anymore. Let us handle this. (laugh from around)

For me, this is more than just a documentary. This is a family heritage. When Emma grow up with her other siblings and cousins, they will always memorize their grandfather as what Mami's made. Even they can tell to their children later on, a great man as their ancestor who merit to respected.
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What Happen at The Border
7 December 2012
The title of the moved had my attention. Did this movie telling about a man who liked to destroy his camera? Totally wrong. My experience watching documentary film never been good. But this one is different. This documentary taken by Emad, who live in Bil'in, near the border of Israeli settlement, with his family. Emad filming it from 2005-2010, the using of first camera marked by his fourth son birth, Gibreel, a heart-taker boy with his adorable smile. Bil'in threatened with Israel's settlement which growing up uncontrollably. The Israel's settlement supposed to be has its own area as the agreement before, but they keep expand the housing area. Meanwhile they also built the prickly high fence to prevent the Palestinian enter Israel's area. The residence did protest to the Israeli army. In return, the threw tear gas to the unarmed civilians. Not only that, they keep shooting to any demonstrator, old, young, woman, man. They didn't care. All they wanted to do was to keep them away from the border. The one who consider trigger the protest would be arrested, though the kid. There was interesting moment when Palestinian kids protested to the army with the demand's poster : we want to sleep! let's us sleep at night.

Mostly, Emad's camera damaged because of Israeli army. They shoot it. Not only Emad's camera, but also others journalist's camera. Emad's brother, Adeeb, always became the front man when demonstration occur. He's not afraid even he sent to the jail for several times,had been shot, and need a year to recover.

This documentary is worth to watch because it tells us the fact. The fact that this is still happen. A group of people treated unfairly. Why should shoots people to get the land? 5 broken cameras persuade us to think about this question : does the rights to live independently without being fear become more impossible nowadays?
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Yo, también (2009)
Not Your Ordinary Love Story
4 December 2012
Have you met a down-syndrome? How do you felt, take a putty on him? Scared? Not care? Meet Daniel (Pablo Pineda) the first down-syndrome who graduated from university. He's normal one actually, except his face shape which so visible there something different in him. He could react when people talked to him, understood took an order, even he could talk in front of audience. He's become an inspiration. After graduated from University, Daniel got his first job. He was so happy, so did his parents looked very proud on him. In workplace Daniel met Laura (Lola Duenas), a blonde sexy girl who Daniel attracted with. Daniel tried anything to make himself closer with Laura, which is worked because his attention accepted. He liked Laura very much because she treated Daniel as if he's a normal person. The interesting dialog between Laura to Daniel when she asked : "why are you different with the other down-syndromes?" Daniel said : "It because of my mum. She keep talking to me a lot, asking me much things. So I answer her." His brother Santi (Antonio Naharro) doubted it. He said no woman with a normal chromosomes is going to love Daniel. In spite of his cruel comment, Santi love Daniel dearly. His brother has gymnastic gymnastic training for down-syndrome.

But in fact, Laura didn't consider his relation with Daniel is an exclusive one. She assumed Daniel is her friend. It was extremely caused terrible feeling for Daniel. Then how their relation actually? Except from Daniel love story, there were a love story between Santi's students, two down-syndrome who falling in love that couldn't be separated for each other. And the touching moment was when Daniel rejected to come inside a discotheque because they said he's still a kid. Daniel was mad and shout : "i am not a kid! i am 34 years old. You should let me in!"

This film make us realize that a down-syndrome does have feeling like normal people. Not because of they're consider 'not normal' doesn't mean society can treat differently. They just want live as normal as possible. Interesting fact is Pablo Pineda actually the first down- syndrome who graduate from university! The fact he also can act, is surprising right? When you just got tired with the other love story, "Me Too" will enlightened you with something more than just a love story, where you can learn in imperfection make perfection. Where respect and love should line up together.
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Love Through Salmon
3 December 2012
Do you like Salmon? How does it meant for you? Food? Meet a Yemeni Syekh. For him, Salmon it's not just about a fish. Salmons in pond is more than fishing. When Alfred "Fred" Jones (Ewan McGregor) asked by Harriet Chetwode-Talbot (Emily Blunt) to bring Salmon from UK to Yemen he said : that was unfeasible! Yemen is dessert, fish need water. What's going on here? Fred instantly refused it. Then Harriet described the Syeikh as a wealthy visionary man, he did it because of something. The conversation between Fred and Harriet was marvelous, damn funny and witty. This planned heard by prime minister press secretary, Patricia Maxwell (Kristin Scott Thomas) While there was always bad news about Afganistan, she wanted there was good news for UK and Afghanistan relation, to attract more voters. She thought, the project was suitable for her planned. She suppressed Fred's boss to do it. Beyond his will, Fred agreed and start any act to make it possible. The Syekh wanted to meet him and asked : "Do you think I am a crazy man, right, Mr. Jones?" The conversation changed Fred his outlooked about this project, and did everything that he could for this project.

And yes, love is in the air. Fred started felt something to Harriet. He had been married to Mary, an ambitious career woman. Harriet had a boyfriend, Robert (Tom Milson), the guy she just met for 3 weeks and gone for mission at 'where the dessert everywhere'. This made Harriet very sad, and Fred was there to comfort her, then declare his love. Harriet said, it was possible, but asked Fred to give her some times. The project was successful, the salmon alive, the damn fill about 10.000 salmons. The press conference made, and suddenly Robert appeared. Harriet run and hold him. I have to say, you should see Fred's face, and what the Syeikh told him. Even now I'm still laughing. The director wonderfully knew how to play the viewer's emotion. But too bad, the local militants sabotage the project, and the dam run out of water. It was totally a messed.

Why I love this movie? An awkward idea about made 'salmon pond' in Yemen, witty talk, and told you, a whole movie you can't resist to hide your teeth. What I hate? How come 3 weeks love become so deep like Harriet? How come you left your spouse because of couple of meetings with someone? That doesn't make sense. But still : its so worth spare your time to watch Salmon Fishing in Yemen! :)
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I'm More Than a Laddu Maker!
2 December 2012
For about the last 3 years, i have special interest with Indian movies. I found out that Indian movie is worth to watch, the idea of the story is original, based on India everyday life, problem, dilemma. I know Vinglish was something when I read about the plot. This is not about romance between two countries, love which separated by time and distance, unapproved love. This about a good housewife who was very loyal and serve her family entirely. Her name is Shashi. She had side job as a laddu maker (Indian traditional cake). But one thing which become a family joke all the time was her inability to speak English. A very obvious moment how embarrassed her daughter, Sapna, with her was when she should replaced her husband in school meeting (reports day). This the new information to me, in some schools in India, the daily language is English. Sashi unable talk in English and asked the teacher talked in Hindi, Sapna glared at her and refused talk to her on their way returned home. Not only Sapna, her husband, Sathish somehow disregarded her ability as a laddu maker only.

Sashi asked by his sister to help her prepared her wedding's daughter in US, Sashi willing to help, but the consequence was she must leave by herself. The others family member would joined her later. Sashi was afraid because she unable speak English and this is the first time she left her home all by herself. But eventually she left. With full of happiness meeting her sister and nephew, Radha, she's still bothered about the embarrassment of her daughter and what her husband said.

One day she saw an ad about learning English fluently on 6 weeks! Sashi showed her interest and memorized the number. She sign up herself for the program secretly. In this course she meet a cute French guy, Laurent, who helped her in the other day. He fancy her which was just too visible! Sashi enjoyed the class very much and followed the lesson well. She gained confidence and decided to follow the class till the end of the program. But Radha found out Sashi walked with Laurent, and asked who was he. Sashi revealed she took an English course and Radha supported her. Will Sashi finish her English course? Which one Sathi choose, Sathis or Laurent? You should find it by yourself by watching this humor-drama movie!

Many scenes become my favorites, conversation between Amitabachan and American Immigration officer is one of. Gauri Shinde as a director, was very rigorous present it in a smart way, which is mostly I found in Hollywood movie. As an Indian movie, i gave you all my thumbs! :)
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The Ugly Truth of Love
2 December 2012
I like Zooey Deschannel. Never watched her movie before, but I like her huge eyes, innocent face, the suitable hair do. When I moved my TV channel randomly, I found there were '500 Summer', and Zooey became the lead actress. Wow, I have to watch it! In the beginning of the movie, we were warn : this not a love story. Then what? But I still watch it, since Zooey in the movie. And, what's more attracted me with the appearance of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Why his name so familiar? and of course, his face. When every scene, described as what days in those 500 hundred days, I just knew this was not an ordinary movie. This was something!

The scene opened when Summer Finn became new employee at Tom Hansen's office. Tom just grabbed with Summer's beauty and interested to know her better. In karaoke night after office hour, Paul reveal to Summer that seems Tom fancy her. By that time Summer and Tom become getting closer, they spent much time together. They were very closed, but there was no official statement what kind of relationship they had. But Tom, officially, in love with Summer and assumed they had something, while Summer? No, she still tag Tom as her friend. They have floating relation, as Tom find out is there any possibility he and Summer become a couple as he wish?

What I love about this movie is the right lighting and beautiful images. It was in sepia color, made romantic ambiance. and don't forget about the playful narrator, and lesson we can take in love matter. Punch me hard and slap my cheek, instantly. :)) You can keep quotes of this movie, to remind you, love is not like a fairy tale, but love is still, something beautiful to fight for. Oh yes, have to noted about Rachel Hansen here. a 12-year old girl, Tom sister, giving him advice in romance. :)) Overall, really recommend movie to watch. :)
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A Whimsical Yet Marvelous One
2 December 2012
This is the real dark comedy. The only one movie where I can laugh in the moment that I should have sad or cry. really tricky and play our emotions, with unpredictable ending! If you think you would never laugh in the middle of saddest moment or ironic circumstances, you probably wrong. this movie proved the opposite, where laugh can find in the most ironic moment! this story is about a debt collector who must confiscate the belonging of debtor, in this case i car. When the protagonist sick of this job and decided to quick, his boss asked him to do the last job to take the car from Mr. A (i forget the name, lets say that's his name), in a country motel. none workers at the motel admitted they know Mr. A, but the protagonist said, he saw his car, so there is no way he's not here, but the he find out the car was missing. And, from that moment the story begin. Be ready experienced the weirdo script without confusing you. never thought before i will love this kind of movie. highly recommended for those who want taste new flavor of film. Happy watching! :D
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