
39 Reviews
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Righteous Thieves (I) (2023)
Someone wanted a reason to have a party with friends and a movie happened
18 February 2024
As other reviewers have said, why was tis movie even made?

The title, cool images, and even the opening music told me I was in for a fun movie. 10 minutes later I was logging in to read the plot and reviews just to see if I was watching the movie I thought I was watching.

So this <40 year old is the leader of a secret organization and capable of acquiring financial support. Also very capable of sensual appeal and knows where to find a good hair and nail salon.

The movie could have been a 40 minute television show, ala. It Takes a Thief or one of the several other shows from the 70s.

The crew are all enjoyable, the tech is good, the ease with which things are done is expected and the outcome is very weak.
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"Where's the beef?" It has no content
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The movie attempts to establish some cred with the opening music then soon after establishes the intelligence and achievements of the main characters and does nothing to substantiate these later.

A professor at city college with a student asking him to write the forward of her second book? No cred today in a time of self-publishing. And her snapping that the Wi-Fi password indicates a security whiz ~ a very low bar.

It's like Airplane the movie taking every cheap shot by using things from other movies and Lost by trying to make us think flamingos arrive in cold climates and deer are threatening to human when they are herbivores.

The young man snapping a pic at the pool for later use as personal enjoyment, the young lady wanting to watch an old television series and eat cereal, the initial contempt Roberts has for GH at first only to dance with him later is so predictable it's not even used by The Simpsons.

It's 2+ hours of your life you'll never get back.
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
C.J. Box writes great stories
2 April 2023
Great stories, good twists, and mostly good actors.

Who on earth told Reba or Jamie from the sopranos they could act though?

Deep secrets around every corner, nearly every character has some secret that can be exposed when you least expect it.

Great series overall. Fantastic variety of people in locations just wild enough to be uncivilized and just civilized enough to be surprised when it gets wild.

The evolution from bad trucker/bad cop to glamping and drug manufacturing is seamless.

Minimum 500 characters to offer a review is arbitrary though. Does everyone need that many words to say it's good or it's not good? Must be another gramerly glitch.
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Kaleidoscope (2023)
They try too hard to be cool and use music we associate with success versus being successful with their story
12 January 2023
I would watch Giancarlo Esposito floss, he is that great of an actor.

But he cannot carry this over-zealous group of trying too hard to be cool people

Then stephen king wants to suggest an order to watch this series? He and others should stay out of the mix and let us decide.

Overall I see this as trying to capitalize on several other successful shows and series with copycat characters, moody scenes, situations that are disingenuous, and forced relationships.

It's not as fun as we are led to believe. It requires effort to watch and a sense of "I have nothing better to do with my time so I'll watch this."
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Enjoyable, good characters
11 January 2023
Fun, easy watch. Nothing beyond the realm of possible and pleasing. It's easy to cheer for Emily and the story is uncomplicated.

Both lead characters are great and create chemistry that makes the movie.

Emily's situation that gets her into the role is a small stretch but you gotta love how she handles her interviews to improve her income.

And who doesn't love a happy ending.

This required number of characters to submit a review must be for some really daft readers - it's easy to write a concise and inspiring review in a few sentences. Arbitrary! And forty-five characters to go so I can submit this review to encourage others to give Emily a chance.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Same old cage, just different clothes
1 January 2022
The lead actor relies heavily on situations to define his character. It fails him again.

While his primary role in Pig is the reclusive truffle seller, his knowledge of the area shows he hasn't left the city behind.

The formula is like and rambo or other revenge story, except worse.
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Kate (I) (2021)
Further proof woody adds nothing to a movie
22 September 2021
Great action, mildly questionable circumstances yet it's easy to overlook a flawed story line.

Good fight and death scenes.
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Whimsical and Fun
17 July 2021
For the purists, this is a fun movie that is enjoyable from the start to the finish and leaves you wanting more.

For the more recent gens of people, it gives you reason to hate your mom, your dad, society, diners, nostalgia, libraries, and guns.

Just watch and enjoy. Every character is unique and fun. Every scene gives full value. Every line is witty.
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Cosmic Sin (2021)
Bruce, you owe me 90 minutes of my life back
17 July 2021
Future? So we still have concrete block buildings, manual doors, dirty windows, pallets, crates, motorcycles, bad make-up, and . . what the heck, why should I take more time to review this.

Do not watch it. Go observe the growth of a cactus and you will use your time better.
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Lucifer (2016–2021)
What a fun show - and great cast
2 August 2020
Even those you come to dislike in this show are enjoyable, the few there are. Totally fun, easy to enjoy, superb dialogue, great action. Is it any surprise that Lucifer himself would have that accent?
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Joker (I) (2019)
Buried inside of over 2 hours of too much music was a good story
17 May 2020
Yes, drop the constant music and let us think. We can, we will. Lose the losers like de weirdo and let the main characters flourish. The talk show added nothing but extra time to this movie. If you are reading this and considering whether or not to invest the time in this movie, give it 30 minutes and you'll appreciate the great story more. I know you will be tempted to stop in the first 15 minutes but it does flow better later/
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Hollywood pretends they know and probes they do not
8 April 2020
It is a spirited movie with good action. The over-acting and choices of actors in a few roles undermines the outcome.

It's too close to the standard formula "good guy suspect with an off-the-grid friend and resource" and the horrible dialog that seems to be written by children who watch cable news.

The action made it fun to watch, maybe without audio it would be a better movie.
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Nice cast, mostly
18 November 2019
Fun premise, enjoyable scenery, and nearly comic genius to have Andy Griffith with Jim Varney. Andy delivers his usual deadpan lines but the words let you know he's not in Mayberry.

I like the props of the era. The dialogue Is mostly good and the characters each become for the movie is great.

Bill Thornton though - nothing redeeming about the personality or character. This is the youngest I've ever seen him and it reinforces that he has never been enjoyable.
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Ray Donovan (2013–2020)
Why susan s? It was better without her,she needs the show more than it needs her
10 November 2019
I like the series, it's gritty, fast, wicked, and terminal. It is entertainment, I do not think I know any families like the Donovans nor do I think many exists.

It's given me some ideas too,like keeping clean, white, pressed shorts in my car.

It evolves yet not fully. I see little opportunities where we think there will be redemption or change and these are pulled away adding to the level of tension. Nicely done.

So why spoil a good show with never-been-good Susan s and alan a? Hollywood welfare system?

Voight's decision to be political away from the show stinks. Take a knee John Notice the Johnnie walker product placement? Coincidence after the company bashed President Trump's immigration conversations?

Let shows be entertainment please. One agenda, amuse us.
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10x10 (2018)
Someone took a film course on-line and thought they could produce a movie
1 August 2018
At no moment was there a compelling reason to continue watching this folm so I wen to IMDb to see what others thought about it and just had to finish the movie to see if the bad reviews were accurate. They are. This movie makes you cheer for the lady who never had to use a bathroom the entire time she was held in the small room. It made me want to cheer for the lady because she showed considerably more passion in her role.

I will never have those minutes back in my life to waste on things like eating, drinking, sleeping, or looking through my chairs for lost change.
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Better Call Saul (2015– )
It's a great show, don't give us a cross-over
29 July 2018
Leave well enough alone please. Dragging Cranston and paul into the show diminishes what these characters have developed without the two from BB.

Yes BB was a great show - in the time. BCS is a great show too - let each stand on the merits, It's not synergistic, the BB crew has gone on to other things and their memory on BB has changed. It will not contribute to the great Saul and his fantastic group of actors.

This is akin to the guy who played high school football now brags about it like it is as current as it is in his memory.

BCS has evolved nicely. It's comfortable, entertaining, and the actors are great. The error in BB was keeping paul alive when walter white should have been more the loner against the odds. Now to bring back the characters would tarnish both the memory of BB and the future of BCS.

Leave Saul alone.
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Spartan (2004)
We need to expect more from the movie industry
17 June 2018
Sorry Ed, you cannot pull off the tough guy any longer. Sorry Val, you have no edge. Two actors I typically like and give wide latitude to for their bad choices in their work, we all need to make money so on occasion they can slip.

The movie has a very weak premise, is pulled together hoping the consumer is not paying attention, and delivers a minimal performance.

I want my time back. I could have napped, exercised, or even played Pac Man (retro pun for retro actors) and received more for my entertainment time
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Red Sparrow (2018)
Not all books should become movies
17 June 2018
And not all actors should be paid for their work.

The book was great, I told my friends to read it. The author is excellent, I thought I had discovered the peanut butter chocolate combination in literature.

Many of the details from the book were left out of the film, probably the over-sensitivity of Hollywood to reality. And the main character's history was not as developed without many of the details from the book.

Ultimately I see this as a good attempt with the wrong lead character. She just cannot pull it off.

Someone owes the author an apology
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Drone (I) (2017)
Someone took the worst scene from 20 other movies and made this new movie
11 November 2017
I like Sean Bean, and with most actors I really like, I will watch every movie they make. This will require some forgiveness on my part because not all movies are worth watching. This one stinks. First we have the perception that these drone dudes have such great reception from half way around the world. And next that there is no delay of data (even loading on-line movies over the Internet takes a few seconds). So back to this movie. The person playing Sean's wife and the person playing Sean's son are people who should be sent back to their other life immediately. Granted, the cheesy lines they are given to read are bad but so are Bean's lines and he pulls them off, not great but heck it's just an attempt to provide enough entertainment to make money, it has no moral purpose as a movie. The story line is shaky. The situations are a stretch. The people with roles who over act and overreact to the small situations (baseball to windshield) are enough alone to turn you away from this film. Skip this one
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Priceless (2006)
A very fun movie
10 November 2017
I did not pay much attention to the actors, I just chose it off my on-line movies and was I pleasantly surprised. Part whimsical, part romance, part adventure, and after I finished watching I realized it is the ultimate date night movie so I'll watch it again with my date. The actors are enjoyable, the scenery great, the pace keeps you engaged, the change-ups between 'couples' is fun and not that easy to track or guess but in retrospect it aall makes sense.
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Scripted, unoriginal, tries too hard
8 November 2017
Obviously influenced by Justified, Dukes of Hazzard, and a few other shows with bountiful violence, bad acting, and stupid lines, this film is insulting to everything it was influenced by. Throw in the highly-overrated Billy Bob and Eva, and you have two poor act-people who have failed to entertain. This is one of the type of movies that you think you need to like to be judged cool by others, it's best not to hang with the people that would make you feel this way. The story is not original, not intriguing, and hard to follow if you are looking for a plot. The hair lighting is overdone, the language is too obviously practiced, and the entire movie lacks the engaging characters we need to like the thing. The attempts at humor miss by 80%. The actors

The attempts at humor miss by 80%. The actors selected for some of the roles are known for playing the same character in other TV and movies. Pay attention, you'll see this ploy over-used in shows like this. They do it often for those who just left a popular TV show. It always fails.
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The Call (II) (2013)
Now do you believe that she is a mediocre actor hired only for looks?
10 September 2017
What a narcissist the key role is in this movie. It's all about me. The screw up and redemption are both reasons she should have been fired from the job and add to this the chumminess of the staff that became a filler for the show. The plot was good, the twists were entertaining, the action was okay. It's not just that we find it hard to believe the dispatcher could figure out where the perp was and not share the information with the cops already looking for the girl (abducted, not kidnapped – stop Hollywood from changing our lexicon. At the time the lady was taken there was no known intent that she would be harmed and kidnap has typically been when a person is held for ransom. Ask yourself, why would aliens abduct and not kidnap?) The movie is about redemption. The camera loves to focus on her bi, doe eyes and show the emotions but as a 9-1-1 dispatcher, she screws up many times. And in what job would the supervisor keep this emotionally-involved person over another shift while the manhunt continues? They would have give her office duty because her emotions were getting in the way of doing her job The best acting was done by the extras, like the poor guy who actually followed the bad guy and the gas station attendant. She is not a good actor, name a movie where she was pivotal. Go ahead, I'll wait.
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It's time to vote for who appears in films
20 May 2017
Jake? So disturbing to watch, he should be relegated to playing with stray kittens under a subway stairwell.

Amy? Must have failed as a waitress at IHOP.

So the story gets creepy fast and Jake in character makes dumb moves. Death is no surprise but why must we suffer through flashbacks f the now deceased characters?

We know that in the end it will be Jake because he only fits the creepy character profiles.

The story is disjointed, the acting is poor, the scenery is better than anything.

I am luck that fast forward works
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Sleepless (III) (2017)
Huh? The storyline is hard to follow and does not engage the viewer
17 May 2017
This seems to be another movie for the sake of the performers and not the audience. Foxx is one of the 20 overrated performers we viewers are expected to tolerate. He is one-dimensional as always. Witty lines and tough acts do not make a movie better.

I wish I had not tried to watch this movie.
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Poker Night (I) (2014)
A fun and mysterious ride
13 May 2017
This is a talented cast and they play together great. It takes a minute to get the feel of the film but there is not the frequent inspiration to fast forward to a point you care to begin watching.

The Man's Discovery Channel reference is funny considering The Man and the Discovery Channel are neighbors to the north. And the Super Glue reference, subtle and dark while also amusing.

A few flaws, all easy to overlook. The over use of 'sperm' when they should use semen. I guess the writers like saying the wrong s-word.
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