
5 Reviews
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Don't listen to the haters!! Entertaining and fun :)))
3 January 2019
People these days are way over critical with every movie they watch. Mary poppins came out in the 60's when Walt Disney was still running the show, and all these people are angry it wasnt just as good or better??? Different generation so its going to be made a little bit different.

Personally i loved the movie it was fun, had some funny moments some good hat tips to the original and the story was fresh and did not repeat itself. The acting is great and the songs had a great entertaining factor! Yes you wont be singing them non stop for days but I was thoroughly entertained by them. I dont know about you but it's annoying when songs get stuck in my head.

Please people go in with an open mind to have fun and enjoy yourself remembering its just a movie.
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Arrow: Deathstroke (2014)
Season 2, Episode 18
3 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Well firstly I need to say how awesome this episode was! finale worthy. So much happens in such little time and the episode just flys by.

The episode is surrounded mainly on slade, he kidnaps' thea and makes sure Oliver knows he has done this! in retaliation Oliver gets slade arrested in which he gets released very quickly, but not before a nice convo between Oliver and slade.

surprisingly thea being kidnapped brings Oliver and moirah quite close.

Roy disagrees with everything Oliver is doing and runs away out of starling city. Oliver finds out that someone close to him is working for slade, followed by slade tricking Oliver into still trying to find thea when he is in fact building his army for Sebastian blood and has let thea go free.

the ending is quite intense as laurel finds out a massive secret about someone she is very close to, and will be interesting to see how that turns out.

An amazing episode and cannot wait for what the rest of the season holds
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Arrow: City of Heroes (2013)
Season 2, Episode 1
10 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What a great start to the new season of arrow. with oliver running away from his normal life and back to the island. He is not quite the same again after the death of tommy and thinks every man he now kills dishonours tommy.

Roy is trying to do what "the hood" did in his absence and Thea hates this.

With the queen company in trouble an unexpected turn from an old friend helps them out of trouble and keeps the company from crashing. While thugs want to take out all the queen family as they blame them for the fall of the glades.

The island is opening up some new thoughts on whats going to happen next, now that ships are on the shores.

what next? I cant wait to find out. what are great start to the second season!
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Dexter: Monkey in a Box (2013)
Season 8, Episode 11
Finally a good episode, looking forward to a suspenseful finale
16 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Finally dexter season 8 is starting to heat up, and it taken 11 episodes.

Hannah is in serious trouble with trying to escape to Argentina as Elway and the Marshall know deb and dexter are hiding her.

Oliver threatens dexter, which dexter is not happy about and in an attempt to kill oliver sends the link of his kills and gets the police involved. Which will get oliver to come to him.

I will no spoil the last 10 minutes of the episode, but it helps set up a finale with a lot of problems to conclude. I am definitely looking forward to this. I have a feeling that it will not end well for dexter.

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Spartacus: Men of Honor (2013)
Season 3, Episode 3
Was a slow episode, but ended with you wanting the next episode
10 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
i thought it was a decent episode was a bit slow to start. I think it was good that it was a bit slow as the season needs a few of those episodes to build up better battle scenes. It was good to see the battle of power grow between tiberius and caesar, with tiberius claiming all the power over caesar who obviously dislikes it. I will be looking forward to the tension in coming episodes. The episode ended really well with the pirates. spoiler alert, when the romans attacked pirates and rebels and it broke out in a good battle scene, with spartacus gaining trust of the pirates and letting them join the rebels.
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