
17 Reviews
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Not a Good Film but Hey it's my Home Town!
28 October 2022
The only interest I have in this film is seeing where I grew up on film. It's pretty boring though like the other reviewer said. I always thought the Steuben County lake area would provide great locations and backdrops but unfortunately this film is not a great representation of what a good film could be in the Angola, Indiana lake area. Maybe one day I will come back and make my own film there!! Hopefully a better one- The plot and general storyline isn't interesting and not sure how this film got sold on Amazon Video but it gives me hope. If they would have had a decent script and been able to tell an interesting story it could have worked but this one is a snoozefest only interesting because of the locations and knowing the lake areas.
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The Gabby Petito Story (2022 TV Movie)
Ok but Casting was Off
2 October 2022
I think this movie is decent for Lifetime standards. I don't get however that they cast Gabby's "mom" as an actor that is 12 years apart from the actress that plays Gabby. It's very obvious she doesn't look like she would be her mom IRL. So idk casting could have been better!! I know sometimes this happens but it just seems kind of dumb and I am an actor and producer so I don't see how they cast it like this because it's not believeable. The acting was ok and I honestly haven't heard of this story until now but I like to watch these type of movies if they are done at least somewhat believable.
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Star Wars!!!! Nothing but Star Wars!!!! The Rise of the Hot Mess
20 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Ok I got a screener and sorry to rate this so bad but this is a turkey aka "stinker"!! I thought at one point I was watching "Battlefield Earth". The acting is all over acting and even the veterans like Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are just one word - AWFUL! Maybe not their fault but the storyline is impossible to follow. I spent half of the first part of the movie on my phone barely paying attention.

Segway to the 2nd half, and i'm seeing all this barrage of Star Wars mockery complete with the John Williams theme (does not fit). They should have interjected Bill Murray's "Star Wars, Nothing but Star Wars" song from SNL because that would fit the laughable mishmash of scenes that absolutely do not connect - do not make sense and insult even an average Star Wars fan. This is such a train wreck I can't even begin!

Then the "shocker" plot "twist" that Rey is Palpatine's Granddaughter?! Say what? Who came up with this garbage? The last half of the film I was laughing at all the scenes and it was just so so bad. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Nothing was coherent or lined up or again made any sense along with Palpatine being back and doing all the clique phrases he did in the previous episodes which is WHY this is such a MOCKERY of Star Wars. It's like they are "roasting" themselves and smoked weed writing the entire blitz.

I may watch again as a drinking game playing Bill Murray's version as my soundtrack in the background. That is the only way this large oooozing turkey is watchable. What a freaking MESS!!

Good to see that most of the reviews concur with me. What a waste of money and time for all involved!
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Pretty Good Doc - Except for Voice-over
28 June 2015
I have enjoyed watching this doc with the different stories and interviews. some of the old stock footage doesn't really go with the material and looks choppy when paired with the newer footage. The biggest criticism I have is that the generic voice-over sounds like a computerized voice and is extremely annoying and takes away from the story. Couldn't these guys hire a real voice-over guy and not a computer!? Kind of ruined the overall experience and I fast forwarded through those spots- This could have been more of a higher quality doc if the editing and voice-over was more professional. I understand it probably was very low budget but some areas shouldn't have been overlooked.
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it is what i expected but not my favorite of my fav director, scorsese-
26 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
i saw this film at the 1st showing for Producer Guild members where they had a Q&A with the producers and it was a looooong film! it was difficult seeing this after work when i was tired anyway but i agree with other reviewers that the film was 1 hour too long.

acting was great and everybody did a good job but the character development was weak in that you didn't care about any of the characters- maybe because it was satire format. i do feel the sex/drugs was way over glorified and deemed - "try me, im fun"! not good for immature viewers who might take this more imitable-

the spoiler part which i must comment on is the part where jordan is "ironically" in a sinking ship and he sees a plane exploding in the air which just seems silly and comical but for the character "supposedly" it is a wake up call but as the audience you don't buy it because all the silliness and excess which is Scorsece's downfallin this film. I am of a German background and you will get nothing from me but the raw truth and that as a future female director and current producer in the biggest flaw in this film. i laughed at that scene and i don't think it was the intention.....

then at the end, it didn't seem that jordan has any remorse and again just to me not a satisfying finish for such a long film. i am not a fan of satirical films and would rather sit down and watch "the departed" instead. Still I greatly love and respect Scorsece for trying something out of the box for him but it didn't hit the mark for me-

i prob would not watch this again and i don't think it will win any academy awards especially the kind of films the academy recognizes which this is not one of them!
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Not fun or intriguing to watch as the previous two...
23 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
i am a fan of the previous series--- "before sunrise" - amazing.....and "before sunset" was OK not bad but this one ugh....a pain to watch. This couple turns into the bickering couple that they joked about on the train when they first met. There are no fun moments no connection or chemistry between these two anymore. it is like how they were talking about how they would be as older adults that became a self fulfilling prophecy.

I do not get the 8.1 rating on this film. Who is rating this!? The producers!? Because obviously the fans are not pleased. Whatever charm was in the first two films does not exist in this one. I found myself not even paying attention after a point when you become so bored....

the only really good moment is when they are watching the sun go down and say, "still there", "still there"....and then its gone. Nice cinematic moment but otherwise, nothing.....

I think they should make them break up and find themselves later as an elderly couple and fall back in love (and charm) again.... As a writer, yes this is what it needs. Right now it is dull as dishwater.... Please save this film series! Terrible and boring 3rd installment....
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Started off good, funny and original but the core message was a disappointment.
19 January 2012
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I would have given it a higher rating but after enjoying most of the movie and then getting to the end I was extremely disappointed that this was basically a "message" movie about dissing christians and the belief in the after-life.

Well to those that wrote this and believe that-believe me you'll get no mansion when the time comes! :) But I did enjoy at the beginning the banter back/forth of people saying to each other what they really feel and being a blunt/almost too honest person, i could relate to that kind of honesty. Definitely feel that this film could have had potential if only it didn't have to take on the atheist message and become such a liberal atheist message movie.
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Green Lantern (2011)
dumb dumb and dumber
18 June 2011
This for comic book fans is just atrocious. Flat storyline with just hyped up special effects and a loud sound base to cover up the fact that this is just a bad movie. Nothing memorable in this or original and the actors are just not up to par. Why they got Blake Lively for this movie is beyond me. She's a terrible actress and can't hold a picture like this. I think she should go for lifetime movies or something like that - that would better hold her um..."talent". Probably has this role because of her PR (joke) and that her mom is a manager but REALLY they should have gotten someone that could have least act!

Overall, just a waste of time, money and theater space. Not a movie even really to wait for on netflix, on demand or whatever that you use. I would say just pass on this in general and you'll be glad you didn't waste your couple of hours watching this turkey!
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Ice Castles (2010)
terrible remake (of course!)
14 February 2011
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if you've loved the original you're sure to hate the remake. i don't know why Hollywood wants to make remakes such as this because it's obviously never going to live up to the original.

the original is a lot more racey and real but it's got heart and soul and the remake has nothing. it's just a carbon wannabee copy that doesn't even come close!

the acting and especially chemistry is so stale - that you just want to walk away and go to the kitchen and get food or do something else. i'm a figure skater and i know the passion of real skating and this doesn't even come close!

stop Hollywood trying to do these remakes and hire writers like me that create new and original material that won't compare to it's former glory!
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Put me to sleep and I'm sorry i got it on demand!
24 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I don't get all the rave reviews because although the cast is top notch and the acting is decent the storyline to me was extremely confusing and boring!!! i didn't understand why the main male character was always so upset about his mother's death and how it tied into the plot. Kirsten Dunst is usually one of my favorite actors but for this movie, i just found her kind of dull as well. I got that the father wanted him to join into the family biz and that he wasn't too supportive of their marriage because he felt that his wife was "beneath him" and not high class enough or from the right family but so what?!?! i haven't finished watching the entire movie yet and i may not. i hate not finishing a movie i paid 5 bucks online to see but i really really was disappointed and bored with this feature!
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
American Airlines Commercial but otherwise a good movie.
13 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I rated this not as high as some people because i was a little annoyed at the constant American airlines plugs (as well as the Hilton) for this movie. I know that they got free stuff from them in exchange for advertising like for their production but still it's a little annoying. kind of reminds me of the Tom Hanks movie, Castaway which was a big Fedex commercial.

That aside, it was generally a good movie with an interesting message. Basically the message is if you have a no family or significant others than you have a no happiness and no life. Maybe that could be partly true but a lot of us out there just cannot find the right person so sue us if we are still alone with no family-

I wasn't clear on why vera farminga was nominated for awards on this film since her character was more of a minor character and while I like her as an actress in past films i don't see how her performance here is award worthy.

This is a timely film based on the recent economic downturn so I think it is a revalent film for many people who have actually gotten laid of and let go. It definitely makes you sit back and think about your own job and your loyalty and why you are doing it. I myself, am stuck in a 9-5 entertainment job which i would readily flush down the toilet if i was given a chance and if i was laid off i think i would probably celebrate.

so my review of this film is favorable but again i don't think the constant commercial plugs were necessary and took away from the storyline and purpose. I think it was a bit over- rated.
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Blood Diamond (2006)
Good movie - bad accent and some other notes:
23 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie and thought that the political message of it was important. The acting was decent especially by the main black character who played the father. He was completely believable in his emotions and focus on his son.

I did have issues with Leonardo's accent though since it really did not come across as authentic at all. Some of the beginning of his performance to me was a little weak and almost like he was posing for the camera half the time. Also, did he need to smoke that much for this character? I assume Dicaprio is a fond smoker himself given that he practically smoked in every scene of this movie! I really didn't understand why the smoking was so glamorized in this movie. Coming from losing a mother to lung cancer I guess I have a different perspective but i didn't see that it was necessary for the constant smoking in the scenes.

Towards the end however I feel that Dicaprio shined in his acting and in his change of heart towards his greediness in obtaining the big diamond. you could see his conflict within himself in wanting to help the father find/save the son and from his own greedy desires.

Overall, it was a really good film but if i compared it to "the constant gardener" I would have to say that this film is inferior to that level of a movie. Definitely worth a watch but could do without Dicaprio's fake accent and constant smoking!
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Married to a Stranger (1997 TV Movie)
good if you have nothing else to do-
20 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
this is a run of the mill lifetime movie of the week type of thing. it stars Jacqueline smith who is OK in this. we start off the movie seeing her bang her head on a cupboard (which i've done b/f btw...)! so then she gets some kind of weird amnesia where she thinks she's 16 and forgets anything past that age.

the best part of the movie is seeing her act kind of goofy like a teen and my fav scene is her rocking out to the song "2 tickets to paradise". she does this a few times while she's painting (a long forgotten but loved hobby) and it's funny her transformation with her hair in a bushy pony tail, etc... she's a little awkward trying to act like a teen and that makes it amusing somehow. also the line she says, "how am i going to go to school like this?!!!" after she sees her middle aged appearance in the mirror is funny.

i guess this is the kind of movie that is bad but good in the sense that the bad acting and plot make it funny to watch. in the end you just want her to dump her boring husband and go to italy to paint! i'm like why are you staying there?!!!
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The Victim (1972 TV Movie)
This is the movie that scared the @(("@ out of me when i was a toddler!
17 July 2008
i remember watching an elizabeth montgomery movie when i was maybe 5 years old (if that) and to this day i can remember this movie (in just bits and pieces). it was the movie i remembered all throughout my life because i was sooo scared. I think i remember the story part of it and the house constantly being dark. the main part that was the most freaky to me was Elizabeth walking around the house all dark and then there was someone in the field outside. At the time I thought i was an old witch but the memory of it is now way hazy so i can't really remember who it was but it was someone definitely in a field outside lurking...and that part is what freaked me out the most. i really wish i could see this movie again. if anyone knows how to get a copy please email me at
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The Guardian (I) (2006)
I want this movie's DOR!
25 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
OK first i want to say that one of my favorite movies of all time was "Officer and a Gentlemen". That being said, I had no clue before watching this on demand what kind of movie I was in for meaning I had no preconceived notions about it.

The fact that AOAAG is one of my all time favorite films probably didn't help me in liking this movie. It's like having Sushi at an expensive restaurant and then having sushi at say "71l". Absolutely no comparison...

The Guardian rips off OAAG so much that you wonder how they didn't get fined for plagiarism. We start out with Ashton's character who is the "know it all" that does everything so well and it all comes easily to him (all the tests, etc). Remember Gere and his going through the first running test/obstacle course and Foley saying, "Not bad for a "beginner". This is the same where we see Ashton's character breaking all the records and doing everything so easily.

Then we see the other student who has of course the one part where he can't seem to get through (the breaking of the guy's hold under water). So of course Mr. Zack Mayo rip-off comes to the rescue and basically does the "you walk that wall" sequence but in a jail cell this time.

Then there is also the cutesy nicknames that the instructor gives the conceited braggy pants which is "mayonnaise" in the original and "goldfish" in the ripoff.

Then we get the love scenario with the local girl that is supposed to stay "casual" and yata yata..."we'll just have a good time" thing. Although without the obvious chemistry that Gere and Winger had. In the original you actually care about them and what happens to their relationship but in this one you barely even notice what is going on between them and really don't care.

The biggest rip-off sequence comes in the pool where we see Costner spraying water (yes that's right water) at Ashton's character and demanding his "DOR". Omg...for a second I thought they had actually inserted a scene from OAAG in there. Totally an obvious blatant ripoff. (What were the director and writers thinking?!). I'm a screenwriter and I'm happy that people are so void of ideas these days that they have to steal a classic movie's plot. Makes it easier for me to sell a script! :) And of course we couldn't have them forget to rip off a local watering hole bar scene where Ashton gets in a fight except that they have Costner come back and wack the guy which of course Gere didn't need because he wasn't a wimp and a half like Ashton...

The only original part of the movie was the ending where Costner sacrifices his life for Ashton's but then we see such a ridiculous goofy ending with Ashton's character smiling and basically inferring that Costner is some "angel" still down in the ocean saving people. I guess we can see why they stuck mainly to ripping off an Officer and a Gentlemen! If you haven't seen OAAG then maybe you'd think this movie was good. Apparently so due to many of the "great movie" comments. But to a die-hard film lover like me, I'm not easily fooled...
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Thunderbirds (2004)
boring tripe about the thunderbirds
30 November 2006
ba ba ba boring...... this is next to battlefield earth in science fiction slumberness. genie francis (aka general hospital's laura) has a small role as a reporter and that in itself should tell you that this movie must be bad.... there is ben kingsley (an academy award winning actor) in this stinker and a few others decent actors. You have to wonder what possessed them to decide to do this awful movie. The music dramatically goes up and down like it's a major dramatic story. Even if you pay attention the plot is impossible to follow. The effects are mediocre as well and seem really dated. All of the actors speak in a monotone voice and have no realism to their dialogue. I could go on and on on how this is a bad movie. At least with Battlefield Earth it's so bad it's funny but this is just b o r i n g. Avoid unless you want to be lulled to sleep.
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Cold Justice (1991)
Best Movie of all Time
28 October 2004
If you're from another planet that is. Roger Daltrey has to be one of the worst actors that I've seen in all my living days. For that reason, Cold Justice is a laughable fun movie to watch with a pint of beer if you want to laugh at awful acting, and an awful movie in general with no kind of clear plot or direction. The other actors are also very boring. There is not one scene that sticks out memorable just Roger walking around limping and talking in his awful cockney accent. Roger Daltrey is currently starring in an infomercial about Time Life Classic Rock Music, "Now that's what I call a Bargain". Stay up and watch it--it's another laughable treat. ;) Cheers!
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