
5 Reviews
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The Professional Bridesmaid (2023 TV Movie)
More of the Same
11 April 2023
As usual, user reviews are somewhat split on this one...some like it, some don't. Personally I totally unimpressed. I've asked before (rhetorically of course) why every Hallmark movie I've ever watched was based on an outright lie, an identity concealment, or the invention of a goofy and mostly unbelievable line of work. I'll close with an opinion I'm sure will be very unpopular with some, but what writers keep creating leading men who are so dense, whiney and gullible! (no reflection on the actor). There doesn't seem to be many normal male characters lately...just men who are weak, misogynistic, not very bright, and/or bumbling idiots who behave as if they've never spoken to a woman before. Lol.
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Here We Go Again
6 November 2022
Let's see...a supposed semi-brilliant female lead with amazing sleuthing skills, a weenie and mostly unlikable male lead who just happens to be an attorney, an air-headed and screechy sidekick, a grumpy lead police investigator, a loveable father figure etc etc. Same tired recipe, just a different cake. I had hopes in the very early going something good might come of all this, but no such luck. Absolutely horrid acting by cast of totally forgettable actors. I also must agree with the earlier reviewer about so many simple and unnecessary mistakes. For one, in addition to the poor cleaning techniques already unsecured security room...gimme a break. I'm giving it a 3 star rating, but only because I also like the setting.
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Marry Go Round (2022 TV Movie)
A Total Dog
14 September 2022
Another Hallmark romance based on a ridiculous misunderstanding, a deception, or an out-and-out lie (you pick). I found the three main characters (Abby, Luke and Abby's mother) completely unlikable. Basically an interfering and/or dishonest mother; a female lead who is supposedly a successful and intelligent executive, but can't make the simplest decision or read people; and a whiney and needy male lead who is supposed to be lovable I guess, but just irritated me start to finish. Kudos to the supporting actors...a lovable and sweet sister/sister-in-law and niece combo, a kindly and calm father, and a likeable (finally) boyfriend/fiancee.

No obvious spoilers in this review...just an opinion...I did not like this movie.
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The Perfect Wedding Match (2021 TV Movie)
Waste of time.
15 June 2021
Not sure what I can add to the previous review, except to say I completely agree this movie was completely disappointing.
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Save the Wedding (2021 TV Movie)
Just plain awful.
15 June 2021
Apparently desperately reaching during a pandemic to bring new content to the screen, but at what cost? Admittedly I'm no actor or script writer, but I do know what I like, and this movie doesn't qualify.
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