
15 Reviews
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Anna (2021)
Dark tale of the world where only kids live
25 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After the virus kills all adults (yes, this plot was written before the covid), suddenly there are only kids alive. This series is based on the book of the innovative Italian writer\director Ammoniti (see his The Miracle - excellent show!). I found this dark and raw tale quite original, something unseen before. I would say it is a mix of Midsommar and the Lord of the Flies. Because the immagined world of uneducated kids is very cruel, full of mistery and fear mixed with desperate wish to live. Excellent acting and SUPERB production design (really incredible). The weak part is many goofs which make the story bit fake - like the girl has her arm cut by other kids, but she is ok without any serious treatment. And there are just TOO MANY flashbacks serving as the background story. I would prefer more linear story here. It would be more frightening and not so dotted. But anyways, a must see!!!
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Enforcement (2020)
A cousin to Les Miserables
11 March 2021
Yes yes, if you have seen the last years Oscar-nominated french movie Les Miserables, you'll find lots of things in common with this movie. I would say the French version of two policemen captured inside "ghetto" is much better, BUT also Shorta, the Danish film, is quite good. I just found that acting/directing was not at its heights, but the movie is saved by the ending, it has a superb ending idea.
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Secret Soviet crime brilliantly shown
26 November 2020
In the movie you can sense the whole crescendo of this Soviet secret crime fo 1962, by following a very eager communist woman , interpreted by director's wife Julija Visotskaya. At first we see her condemning all rebels and even saying that all should be killed. But...she also has a very young, adolescent daughter who is at the square when the shooting occurs... I was not expecting SUCH a good cinema, though. Love the movie, compliments to the team! The added value of the movie is the surreal REAL atmosphere of soviet union. Perfect music choice, almost moving!!! A must see!
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Miss Marx (2020)
Punk rock cuts the emotions
13 October 2020
Well, seems quite an interesting costume drama? Not be so sure! The italian director has made this movie original by mixing in very strange music, nothing less than something like punk rock. Nichiarelli kinda says that the free and very very modern spirit of Marx's daughter was kinda imprisoned in the 19th century's dogmas and especially patriarchal society, where women did not have even a half of freedoms as today. So there is tons of femminism in the movie. Oh yes, all femminists have to see it (seriously). I do understand this approach BUT...for me it did not function. On the contrary - it frightened me away. I could not connect with this drama. This rock music just cancelled any connection i would liked to have with the movie. And especially the ending, the finale. OMG. My big compliments, however, go to the production design - very good, of Alessandro Vannucci and Igor Gabriel. Also costume design - Massimo Parrini - 9 points.
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Dance of shadows
21 September 2020
This movie is a "remake" of a very famous Italian modern theatre play, author of which being Emma Dante, a Sicilian playwright and director. Very interesting point was the production design of the apartment of the sisters - very extravagant, seen as the 6th sister. The film is heavy, very very indie. For me it was practically a movie on the processing of mourning and enormous sense of guilt that has not been processed. The sisters kinda literally fall apart because of not getting over the tragic accident in their youth. I was not convinced by the cast of adult sisters, because together with costume and make up choices it seemed something surreal - three sisters live together for decades in a real decay, not only external, but also internal. The story of the "guilty" sister was also unclear. Her reading, her life, her story - without a clear meaning.
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Assandira (2020)
High quality film unnecessary turned dark
11 September 2020
This is a fifth movie of the Sardinian director Salvatore Mereu. Here, like in other of his works, he bases the story on a book Assandira by Giulio Angioni, a famous Sardinian writer. Basically, the subejct is the forced interaction between nature and business (or human cravings?). The story is told by an eldery shepherd Costantino who is destroyed by the immense grief of the death of his only son in a large fire of their commonly-run agritourism or holiday farm property. Step by step he tells the police investigator how and why everything happened. Everything started when his son and his son's wife, a foreigner (german), return to Sardinia and persuade Costantino to restructure his old farm house and make there a holiday farm for european tourists. Costantino initially does not want it as feels tourism being trivial to what really means a shepherd's hard life on the country. The story is rough, sensual (excellent german actress Anne Konig) and, apart from Sardinian specific shepherd culture, touches upon lots of general antrophological and social issues. For example, how humans misuse nature (not only as shown here, just think of all the million ways) and how trivial sometimes may be ideas for tourism not respecting the history and values of the territory. However, in the last half an hour the movie derails its gripping crime noir way and falls into a dark thriller with quite shocking ending you may not expect. I personally found this final part of the movie exaggerated and scary which by large part cancelled the very high quality noir lasting one hour and a half. I stress the very good casting, almost perfect. The lead actor, 81 years old Gavino Ledda, has really done a masterpiece. Another interesting thing is that a lot of actors you see in the movie are not professional. Some have done it for the first time.
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The Owners (2020)
What Maisie Williams is doing there???
4 September 2020
I was, of course, attracted to the movie by its poster, showing a global star Maisie who for a decade was one of the main protagonists in the best fantasy series ever. So, naturally, from the star of this level, I was expecting nothing else than at least a decent movie. However, what I saw was a disastrous movie. Bad casting (except Williams), superbad screenplay, especially the dialogues, soo shallow. The most part of the movie I was just waiting for it to end, there was not EVEN suspense, just the naked curiosity of the ending (still not believing the movie is SO bad). Just a big waste of time. Watch better Hereditary, The Lodge, Elie, Reliq...
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Le daim (2019)
A spectacular absurd movie - a cousin of Jack that built the house
2 March 2020
Hi folks! Usually, I just do not have enough time to leave my reviews, I just watch too many movies.:) However, just cannot agree with rather low rating of this spectacular superb quality aburd-style gem of a movie. I will certainly parallel it to Lars von Trier "Jack that built the house". I saw the same mental problematic, however, there are of course diverse ideas behind of each of the two movies. I wanted also to stress the superb quality of Dupieux of creating a slow crescendo that ends just right. It is by no doubts a "cousin" of great Lars. Pitty that Dupieux is not famous, otherwise this movie would at least won Sundance or Cannes or Berlinale.
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Oh My God! (2017)
A must see for every Christian and not
4 April 2018
I honestly thought it would be a comedy. That a guy with hidden cameras would make some jokes around. But it is not like that! It is...BETTER! A rather sad movie which makes you think a lot, a lot. Especially if you are a Christian, because you understand that you are not. That we are so full with hate, so angry inside. This is a story of Jesus came on Earth NOW. The same storyline of 2048 years ago. But with mobile phones and tablets.
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The Call Up (2016)
It is worth at least 6 stars if not 7
20 November 2017
As I am passionate about the stories of being lost in another world, looked for the movie with a thrill. However, was surprised by the low rating in the IMDb. And, after seeing the movie, even more surprised. It is a rather VERY good movie of being "lost" in the virtual reality. Yes, I certainly agree that the screenplay lacked deepness, the ending leaves you just thinking, "and so, what can I learn about it?". However, the dialogues were made very good, the actors are good and the directing is good. It is not a horror movie, I hate them. This one was intelligent, very very thrilling, with a lot of suspense. A great relax in the evening with friends. There are tons of other movies with more stars but much lower quality, dialogues and suspense. Recommended!
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An eccentric extravagant BEAUTIFUL project
17 November 2016
To tell the truth, when heard about the TV series of a young pope, I was absolutely sure it is a documentary one so I did not do any search beforehand. Well then, after I saw the first episode, I immediately wikipedied and googled PiusXIII, only to discover he has never existed (yet). To tell the truth again, I wanted to stop watching the series because usually i do not like something blown up out of the blue, like The Walking dead, f.e. But, captured of the very good quality of acting, nice music and extremely eccentric character of the Pope, I watched the second episode, then the third...and you know what? IT GOES better and better!!! I am fully immersed with my head and heart in these TV series. So far I am in love with 4th and 8th episode. Especially when the Pope gives his speech on peace. It is more than touching, it is perfect. On the whole, the project is fully in line with the Sorrentino's oscared movie "Grande Bellezza", touching music, knife-sharp changes in the editing pieces of the film, smart dialogues, and much that corruption of everyone, low or high, just goes in the background. Highly recommended!
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Amy (III) (2015)
Calm, no paparazzi
3 March 2016
Well, since I have read that Adele just cried for hours after seeing the movie, I decided to give it a go although I cannot consider myself a grand fan of hers. However, some of the singles I just adore. I must say that it is no surprise the film won Oscar because it is a high quality pic and there were no paparazzis and yellow stuff. I also must admit that it lacked a bit, some deeper insights in Amy's life, some shocking something...Otherwise I just knew all that. The movie is basically built on her songs, i.s., what she herself wanted to tell about herself. Maybe what I lacked as well was the subtle character of the badness of drugs and alcohol, it must have been stressed more somehow to impress new minds. It is a must for everyone who did not know Amy well. Or a high quality memory film for those for whom she is very dear.
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Good, BUT...
24 February 2016
Well, i have been a fan of Jurassics for a while now and could not wait until seeing the last one. I need to tell you that the overall script and performances are rather OK. However, a lot more had to be done to make it excellent. Apart that a lot of scenes are taking part in darkness in the second part of the movie, the performance of kids is not convincing. And the hair of the madam'Rex is just terrible, to say the least. Maybe the hairdresser went straight from the Jurassic era? :D I could praise a bit scriptwriters for the rather fun dialogues, at least they were not annoying. Then, why the last scene of the movie the creature appears totally "healthy"? Not even a drop of blood. So there are some thingies as credibility as well (apart from the sc-fi nature of the movie, of course!). The same goes for the rescue missions - where are tanks and heavy army machines? Why only men in shirts and bayonets? :))) Some bullets against the armour and size of dinos? Common.
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Checco has better films
22 January 2016
Hi there. I am not Italian living in Italy so thats why in English. Watched the movie after his ultimate success of Quo vado. Thats why dare to say that he has better movies in his dossier. This includes also Sole a Cattinelle. The movie we are speaking now has a very weak female character - all I remembered the day after was her teeth. SO she just smiled and made grimaces. And did it for unforgivable too many minutes of the film. The Checco itself plays good and his character is more consistent and vivid so thats fine. The first half of the movie is rather interesting but need some 1 liter or beer to keep being interested because rather weird scenes and events without sense takes place. And then you await the last 10 minutes waiting of something extraordinary to make for the annoying half an hour. But...oh no, the thing in the end with the building is just stupid. Why the woman did so I cant get. Because it has NO sense. Per fortuna, we have better and more interesting Checco films. Dixi
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Ahh, a weak comedy/thriller
20 December 2015
Well, until this year I really believed and trusted the IMDb top 250, however the last three years show me that the top changes too much depending on people who look only action and empty films or advertisers. The first sh° to see from the top was Mad Max Fury road. Mamma mia how awful a movie! And now this one. Yes, this was much higher in quality but all the screenplay was so empty and without sense...The only thing for which I can recommend to watch this if you really do not have other choices, is its rather comic scenes. This is my first review so I do not know yet how much spoilers I can write so I will not write none. IMDb, please, put some age limit or something, otherwise all the old marvelous movies will soon be gone outside the top and new comedies and cartoons will replace them...
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