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"Waiting for Godot" meets "The Mists of Avalon."
2 October 2022
'Lost in Avalon' is an intriguing tale of two women lost on an island. Written, directed, and produced by Luciana Lambert, the short film takes us along on a fascinating journey where Gwen, a queen, is stranded on the Avalon island. She is accompanied by her "sister" Margo who retains a cold and dark aura around her throughout the film. The most interesting rivalry and fiery exchanges between Gwen and Margo are sure to keep the audiences on the edge of their seats as they dig deep into the carefully crafted yet gradually revealed backstory of the two leading characters.

Gwen is a faithful, charming Christian woman who prays to God for forgiveness and desperately hopes for Divine help and intervention that could rescue them from the island. On the other hand, Margo appears to have a strikingly different personality and has her prayers are directed at the Goddess. The twenty-three minutes long film stars Luciana Lambert in the role of Gwen and Margo is played by Karen-Eileen Gordon. Both of them deliver an outstanding performance that keeps you not only hooked to the plot but also curious to discover how the story is going to end.

The film is set on a mesmerizing beach. It opens with a wide angle shot of the island and the scene is enhanced by a wonderful background score. The music creates an eerie atmosphere and sets the mysterious mood of this short film. The careful use of the splashing sounds of the waves adds just the right amount of tension to the dramatic plot. The darkness of the night is portrayed by a moonlit sky with floating clouds. The occasional shots of the daytime sky that has mostly taken a pinkish hue and is laden with grey clouds are eye-catching and enhance the overall cinematography of the film. Do not miss the chance to watch this intriguing ensemble of a tempting storyline and amazing performances that are fully complimented by breathtaking cinematography and an incredibly appealing sequence of background scores.

Review by Anni Enk. Originally published on the blog page of the Dewlight Productions website.
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A Must Watch
2 February 2019
I found this gem of a documentary that you all should see: "Generation Wealth" by Lauren Greenfield, a very well renowned photographer. In the 90s I lived in Brazil and once read a story on Marie Claire magazine, I'm pretty sure it had Lauren's pictures. I clearly remember one image of girls sniffing spray from a can in the bathroom and a rich little girl being raised at a luxury hotel as well as an image of a Bar Mitzvah with go-go girls. To my surprise, these are Lauren's work than you see as part of the documentary. It has been more than 20 years since I read that Marie Claire article but it is a vivid memory for me. I shared that piece with many friends at the time because it was so mesmerizing. Never before I had read such an eye-opening perspective about what excesses, especially from wealth, were doing to young people. Over the years I've often wondered what had happened to those kids. Well, the documentary shows them all at a present day. It's so touching to see how their lives evolved. And curiously enough, when I first heard about a certain Kardashian, even without knowing the connection, I remembered the story that stuck with me. To sum it up, Lauren shares her body of work and how it evolved focusing on excesses (wealth, consumerism and even a workaholic lifestyle). She interviews her subjects multiple times over the years and shows is a picture (literally and psychologically) of each one. She also shares her family's point of view when it comes to work ethics, choices and sacrifices.
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Great cast, bad story
27 November 2017
I liked all of the performances. How can you not? The actors are awarded household names. That said, the story is full on bad taste, beginning to end. I was not aware there was a book. I read a review saying the book is better and did not translate well onto the screen. Well, I can see that. If one would tell me the whole story of this movie one day, and if they were a good story teller, there is a chance I would find it a little amusing. To make matters worse, the movie starts a plot that grows into a crescendo that just does not pay off at the end. Without spoiling, I will say, I felt personally depressed by how poorly constructed and little grasp of reality the story takes a turn into so it can get finalized. To say something positive, the music is fun. The catchy song the kids perform saying that they should kill their parents is hilarious.
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Stoker (2013)
Amazing Performances
24 September 2017
This movie is art. Its pace is slow and dark, so if you are looking for excitement you may find it boring. However, if you are a performance actor, this is a must see. There are many precious moments with almost no speaking lines where the actors give you goose bumps. In addition, it is a psychological story line, so you have to dig deep into the characters. Nothing is superficial about this movie. I purchased a copy to watch it again and again, especially the monologue moments.
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