
22 Reviews
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Empty nonsense..
26 June 2022
It gets a 3 for me simply because of the beautiful shots and settings. Other then that...its just nothing. Empty, meaningless and deprived of all common sense.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
This is not Star Trek
9 February 2020
Shame on all involved! Especially the people involved in previous Star Trek series!

This simply is not Star Trek. It doesnt look like Star Trek, it doesnt sound like Star Trek and it doesnt feel like Star Trek, so it isnt Star Trek! I loved TNG, DS9, Voyager and most of Enterprise...but just like ST Discovery, ST Picard simply isnt Star Trek. It is woke agenda pushing, poorly written, in cohesive soap style garbage in a sci fi theme with the Star Trek logo put onto it. Jean Luc is a big push over and shouted and pounded at by EVERY female character in the series (men are bad okay!!). His legacy is gone and is actively being crushed! A trailer trash hippy calls him JL, an all female powered Star Fleet spit in his face and scenes dedicated in showing the fact that people do not know one of the biggest legacy captains the Star Trek universe has ever seen...only a couple of years earlier within the time line! In gods name...why? Why call a series Star Trek Picard and then both crap on Star Trek...and Picard.

There is simply too much wrong to mention here but as a life long Star Trek fan I feel highly disappointed. If you like a quick rush, shallow, sci fi themed soap opera, then this series is for you. If you are looking to once again feel like watching a Star Trek series like you use to (OST, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterpise), then stay miles away from this nonsense as it will only frustrate and disappoint you.

I say it again, shame on everyone involved!
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Messiah (2020)
Hallelujah yet another master series
12 January 2020
I love every bit of this new series so far. Good writing, good acting, good camera work and good locations. I was captured by it and left craving to know if there will be more and when. What else can we expect from a series? I highly recommend this series.
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Black and Blue (I) (2019)
Naomie Harris made it and broke it
10 January 2020
This movie is worth watching i think, its not a B movie its not an A movie, its somewhere in between. Most of the acting is ok, settings are ok, most of the scenes are ok. Heck even the sad shaky cams are not what really breaks this movie. The story is standard and nothing new. In that perspective this movie is just some light entertainment worthy of watching while ignoring the misplaced and ill performed corrupt cop agenda. Dont get me wrong, there really is a corrupt police story to tell in this world, this just isnt it and this just isnt the way to do it.

What breaks this movie for me is... sadly Naomie Harris. Its an odd sensation as she both makes and breaks this movie. She sometimes is down right acting great, while on other times she comes across so much out of place that it breaks the movie. I find her a beautiful strong woman but she just doesnt cut it for me. Even more so concerning her voice. Any volume higher then whispering just breaks her voice and makes almost every dialogue scene with her feel as if she is over reaching, as if she was shouting all weekend and now she dropped in to do the scene. It feels off, breaking tension and deducting from it. But that might just be me. I as well didnt like her in the James Bond, there as well she felt out of place.
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Thank you Rambo, it was a lovely ride together..
2 December 2019
Not all Rambo movies are "good" and one can argue about revenge action movies.. one can argue about Sylvester Stallone's acting abilities as well, but I for one have a love - hate relationship with Mr Stallone. Horrible dialogue abilities and a face only a mother can love.. but he has done it again LOL.. This last installment (and lets hope its the last!) is a very fitting ending of the franchise. He is in his 70s now and done a really good job in this movie. Its a classic Stallone action movie. Story is simple, not original and sometimes down right mediocre LOL.. but done right! The baddies pissed off John and John gloriously kills them all, the end! sniff.. the end.. "takes a moment to clear the tear in the corner of the eyes" . Thank you Rambo! It was a lovely ride.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
Left propaganda nonsense
29 October 2019
With a decent budget and decent a set.. how can it be THIS bad? Teen trash with a way way WAY too strong left propaganda force in it. There should be a new rating system done that warns parents about this horrid indoctrination that is going on. There should be much more control on what we and our kids are being exposed to!
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Sigh..age of the stupid
16 August 2019
CGI and monster battles are great and along with the deep available lore and even linked human ancient history that can be used, there was such a rich material to work with....and yet all they could come up with was a shallow and very poorly written story. Story wise nothing made sense, no logical sense sigh, it feels as if the script was written by a 6 year old...with social disabilities and mentally deficient. Written for the age of the stupid!

All human characters were extremely unrelatable and very shallow in reasoning and choices, it would have been bad even for a bad B movie. How is this possible with such a rich material to work with? With a solid cast? With so much money to spend? Even the lore and links to actual human history were done very poor and none caring. All that was left were the monsters and gloriously battle they did, but that does not fill 90+ minutes and that it didn't save the movie. Shame such garbage even made a profit as the makers should have been punished for it.. But what is scary, is the massive amount of positive reviews on this movie. Did they see a different movie? Or.. nah.. Anyhow, its very scary to think about it.

Milly Bobby Brown.. I do not know if it was just due to this movie and what was possible for her, but I found her really bad to even annoying.. which is a shame cause i just love her in Stranger Things. I hope and wish better for her in the future.

Aisha Hinds ... Colonel Diane Foster.. Why the heck was she a rampaging Colonel, while half of her sentences she shouted were..not comprehensible? Massively annoying..why was she chosen for a shouting role? Why was she even there? Because she is...a she? A beautiful black she? Sigh.. She is a good actress and i can imagine many roles good for her, this really was not one of them.
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Captain Vocal Fry
17 June 2019
They had the money, they had the writing team, they had the cast, they have the deep deep lore base of the franchise...including the following.. and yet the only thing they could come up with was...this? a mismatch of guardians of the galaxy meets men in black...meets electrified superwoman but without the humor, fun and depth

Nothing connected, shallow character writing, bad humor and a lead actress that failed to connect with this universe both on and off the screen. Her acting was mediocre at best, her facial expressions simply unlikable and her behavior of screen in interviews is just disgusting.

As well, can we please.. please.. stop with the "go girl power" forced perspective? Women are equal! Nobody in their right mind denies that. Women are strong, capable and beautiful! Now please let us go back to making good and epic movies again, without this deluded fake agenda.
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Donnybrook (2018)
What a nice treat
25 February 2019
People who grade this movie anything less then a 6 to me have something wrong with their entertainment value. Acting was good, story was good, sound was good, camera was good..and all that for and still there are people complaining. Maybe movies that are a 90 minutes action scene with "shaky cam" effect are for these people.

This is not an action movie, this is a gritty "real life" drama piece that feels good and solid. I really enjoyed it.

I would have given this movie an 8, but seeing that there are people giving 3's, i will compensate with a royal 10!
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Nice movie
22 February 2019
This will will not be an all time classic, but it is a decent, entertaining and enjoyable movie. For that reason it deserves an 8, especially for all the bad movies that have been produced over the last years and gotten good reviews. I would have given it a 10, but it has way too little of Kevin Spacey in the movie for that.
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21 February 2019
I will start off with Ellie Gall as Catherine.. She utterly destroyed the experience for me. It is not my intention to attack her personally, we all have qualities in life and I really suck at does she! She simply should not be in this industry. She didn't fit, her acting was really bad and her behavior was just annoying. I do not want to she her again, especially not in any Stargate productions.

Which brings me to this production. As a science fiction fan I liked this low budget movie. It was reasonable and despite of Ellie Gall I enjoyed it.

Though.. as a big time Stargate fan.. i really didn't like this for what it stands for. It stands for a REBOOT of the franchise, it stands for corrupting, changing and even destroying what has been created so far. The lore and duration of the franchise so far has been so very much successful and has such a big following that this nonsense really is not needed. Just continue with the universe as it is, there is so much that can be done with it..

Quite some people were not able to enjoy Stargate universe for example and for those the general opinion is that it was too slow, to emotional to dramatic. With some simple and fun changes that can be dealt with! Re-open that extremely cool concept, make it a bit more faster, keeps some drama but keep it lighter but the keep the rich lore of the existing universe intact! The ancients and the journey through the universe can be written so well. Anyhow, that is just my 2 cents on the subject.

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Beautiful to see but lacking depth and seems to push little agenda's
3 January 2019
I love documentaries and i love that the last decade the quality of the images and animations have progressed so much. It makes this documentary beautiful. Having that said, the informatoin shared lacked depth and sophistication while the images flashed by way too quick.

Flying over our beautiful earth it would have been nice to just hover over an area for a while so the scenery could be taken in. It felt rushed and made for an audience that the creators judged to be in a hurry and not capable of more then a 3 second attention span. This was a real shame.

What was a shame as well is that little "agenda's" had to be pushed.. border agenda's, ideology agenda's, climate agenda's. Dont get me wrong, each and every subject of those agenda's are worthy of public awareness and debate, but not in this shallow, narrow and single sided way. Do it propper and fully or do not do it at all.

Which brings me to my closing of my review.. I really like Jennifer Lawrence, love most of her movies and can really enjoy and laugh at her interviews. Though she really lacks the voice tone and capability to do an interesting narration and for me it brought a disruptive element that lessened the experience. Money wise she doesnt need to do these kind of things and results wise she shouldnt so I hope her support team will protect her from these things in the future.
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The Nun (2018)
What were the makers thinking?
2 November 2018
When you have such a solid and darned good foundation coming from the two Conjuring movies...then how the HECK can you "creatively" come up with The Nun? I am sure its all about the money and somewhere, somehow, someone has determined that this type of nonsense, that is The Nun, will bring in much more money as the simpleton masses will gobble it up like sweet buns.

The fans who just love the scary suspence horrors that are The Conjuring movies done in great story telling, wonderful acting and great camera work...should stay away from this movie and hope this is just a failed abomination and not a perspective of what the future of this franchise will bring.

For those who enjoy empty VERY predictable forced (failing) jump scares..without decent story telling. The Nun is for you!

Personally I was left stunned..and highly dissapointed that this garbage was produced for this amazing franchise.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Do writers really think viewers are this dumb?
16 April 2018
I dont care about the PC discussion and i dont care about the changes made compared to the original(s). I can enjoy the character development, i can understand and live into most of the family relations and I can even live with the lower range of acting quality...

but what I can NOT live with is bad writing.. clear plot holes that just make no sense. Either the writers think the audience is that stupid or in fact..the writers are that stupid and/or lost!

On top of that SciFi always has a merrit into real science and this series just ignores it way to often! Water freezing inside out and without crushing what is within while the EXTREME temperatures that would cause it does not harm the people on the surface and even allows for rain to fall. Makes zero sense! And this is sadly just one example.. Every episode so far and prompted me at least once to unvoluntarily roll my eyes at something so blatantly unrealistic.

I am at episode 7 and i have replacement shame for the missed oppertunity of such a great license and history. There simply is no need for it! Nor excuse..

I am as well bothered by the clear blind upvoting by...(whom?), people that upvote merely to point out how sad people must be to not like the in excess PC we see on tv these days OR how sad a person must be to be dissapointed in how much their beloved original was changed so much that it ruined it for them. You can read review after review of people merely upvoting (10/10!!!!!) to point out that people need to get a grip and that it is apparently a flawless series..why else would you give a 10/10?. I find that really disturbing.

This series is a 6/10 at best! and that is if you can ignore the bad writing parts and the disconnect with science. 4/10 from me!
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Are the scores on IMDb really this broken?
28 June 2017
How this movie only gets a 5.4 as a rating is absolutely a mystery to me.. This movie is worth a watch for anyone that loves the genre, has an attention span bigger then 3 seconds and can appreciate a real movie with human reasoning. This is not your 90 minutes of 1 big action scene Hollywood blockbuster that cost 250.000.000 USD leaving you on a confusion high towards reality.. This movie is a real movie! Entertaining, interesting, meaningful, makes you think about aspects of life and about the characters life's and at the end of it it leaves you perhaps even something to talk about or ponder about. I will bring no spoilers cause there aren't any.. there is no plot, no 30 second trailer that can spoil the whole movie. I can tell you half the story and still not spoil it. So again, if you have more then half a brain, your attention span wasn't ruined and you like watching a movie for the intent, characters and story..then this is a movie you must watch! an easy 8/10!
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Re-Kill (2015)
Shake cam overkill
11 March 2016
How to ruin a movie. Have a nice enjoyable spin on an abused genre such as zombies. Have a nice cast of actors. Have a good doze of violence and gore. Have good sound and camera positioning / scenes.. And then COMPLETELY RUIN IT WITH AN OVERKILL AND OVERDO OF SHAKE CAM / CAMERA MOTION!

What a waste of resources and potential. I physically could not sit through this movie because i got a headache and motion sickness because someone thought it was a good idea to ruin a perfectly decent movie with an over-usage of shake cam.

This is not a debate about love or hate about camera motion. This is about the notion that there now is a whole ARMY of simpletons out there that think it is good viewing to overkill on camera motion.

Camera motion when done the right way (not to much degree of motion and not to much zoomed in) is actually very enjoyable and can add tense, action etc to scene.

Shamefully in this movie it completely ruined what could have been a solid good movie.
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Close Range (2015)
Damn waste of resources, while they had everything going for them
22 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason I give it a 3 is because there are moments things are acceptable. Those are the moment the camera work and angles are on par and the scenery and colors are actually quite nice! Chunks of the fighting action can even be called decent as well.

What ruins a movie for me is when things that shouldn't cost additional (or much more) budget money to make it much better. Things such bad scripting in which things are added in (at cost!!) that just puts down any form of IQ higher then 85..

When a movie starts zooming in on the faces with a 'shaky' effect added, it is time to start the 'i give this 2 minutes to get better' timer. Whom ever invented the notion that 'shaky' cam effect adds to a shot should actually be SHOT and so should the people who keep it going.

Then you get (again at cost!) a completely USELESS intro of the Mexican cartel driving in three cars. I think like 8 people are being introduced, by very original nicknames i must add (sigh), as if we are about to watch a Quintin Tarantino master piece in which we need to get to know the characters...while in fact by the time you see the fourth face and name you already forgot about the previous ones.

Bad scripting, dumb story, bad framing, bad directing and producing.

I will stop my review here as it simply is not worth more effort. This is simply yet another movie of SO MANY nowadays that is just ruined by poor management of resources and by assuming the general population has the development of a 12 year old and the IQ of 85 or lower. They had the budget, they had decent actors, they had GORGEOUS scenery and they had GREAT equipment / camera / sound. You must simply suck at what you do to end up with a production such as this.
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Are people getting dumber?
5 November 2015
What a shame.. what a waste.

More and more movies with decent budgets are released with bad stuff, ruining stuff in them that wouldn't have cost more money to resolve. So why is it happening you may ask yourself? I really don't know but I start to wonder if the movie makers think people are getting dumber with each generation. Perhaps they are right..

Anyhow, it could actually have been a decent, proper "The Thing" spin off. Most of the actors are actually decent with a couple of good ones. The camera work is solid. The effect that I have seen are acceptable to decent.. but they had to go an ruin it with idiocy written into or allowed to exist with the story itself.. Something that could have been eliminated.

Does it really take idiocy in a story (e.g. stupid mistakes, idiotic reasoning etc) to create a horror setting? I mean come on people.. A story can be anything the writers can come up with and yet they choose to write in ruining idiocy to start the horror and keep it going.

I don't want to write any spoilers for people, so go out and see it yourself and see if you feel the same. But it completely RUINED the movie for me and I couldn't continue watching it past 1/3 because of it. The lead female character had an ignorant, spoiled, clueless annoying look on her face from the opening scene on, but soon after I just couldn't look at her anymore because of this poor ruining story writing. I guess she became the focus point of my annoyance of this film being ruined by the writers.
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Preservation (2014)
Shamefully bad!
29 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't get why makers of films such as these simply ruin it.. Its clear that this is a low budget movie but it had good camera work and decent actors so why ruin it with really bad character building and dialogue and then completely ruin it with completely implausible story events??? I really don't get..sigh!! It was simply ruined by something that normally could make a low budget film shine.. the story and characters!

I will give you an example (and i will just ignore all the ridiculous impurities before or after) ..the main characters are supposedly completely lost in a nature park and when the couple (husband and wife) get their first contact (in a rangers cabin) with one of the psychos and at this point they don't know the dog was killed and hung, that the brother was killed nor if they are dealing with murderous psychos or just a bunch of kids that pulled a "lets steal their camping gear" prank on them. So the logic conclusion for them is to say farewell as the husband does the honorable and goes out of the front door to distract the psycho and the wife goes on a supposedly very veryyy veryyy long hike out of that park (they got lost remember?) and climb a treacherous steep cliff to reach the car (for which she just got a 2 second speed course in hot-wiring)..

So the event is set in motion. Wife out the back window on her life changing track and husband out of the front door. Some scenes later of husband running and hiding and wife climbing we get to that conclusion.

The husband is killed in really stupid conditions and the wife triumphantly reaches the end of her mount everest climb (which was well performed by the way!!) and lays down to have the final and last talk with her husband who speaks his final words.. We then for the first time see that it is actually 3 psychos on bikes and they of course go after her (this is all in continuity)...but what happens? Not even 30 seconds later the three bikers reach the location of the wife and manage to bike up the cliff and reach the wife.. ... ....? Huh? So the way out of the park is a 30 second bike ride on a very clear wide sand road? and this ladies and gentlemen sums up what ruins the movie as the whole movie is like this.

Good camera work! Decent Actors! Horrid, HORRIDLY DUMB, script and story... what a shame! and what a waste!
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Assassin (2015 Video)
Not worth your time
13 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I went for this movie due to the IMDb rating at that time. It was around a 6-7 and I thought to myself, lets give it a go.

I wont give out any spoilers but this movie was just bad. I don't understand how any producer, actor etc can go through this process and think YESSS lets bring this out..

The acting was appalling, the sound and music was that of a bad soft-porn flick, the character build up was none existing and the storyline simple, dumb and frustrating.

Its just a shame.. I was not anticipating on a great movie, but perhaps just something entertaining and OK would have been more then fine.. sadly it was just a waste of time.
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Pacific Rim (2013)
Goldfish syndrome
24 October 2013
This movie is the proof that there is a massive group of viewers out there who have the attention span of a goldfish and can only enjoy a continuous stream of action and tension. Leave this out for 30 seconds and you lost them as an audience.

I so much wanted to really like this movie. I so much was anticipating a great time and wonderful movie. But for me, for my opinion, this movie is just mediocre.

It lacked cohesion, sensibility, character building etc and was just endless stream of ongoing action.... Like a Saturday morning children's action cartoon of 5 minutes that makes no common sense, is pew bam POW and a lot of happy colors and effects. but in this case a whole adult movie of it.

There should be a new rating category for these type of movies. I would like to suggest the GS category ;) with an explicit warning to viewers with an attention span longer then 30 seconds and the emotional development higher then that of a 10 year old.

Ah in case this is rubbing some people the wrong way, just remember. Its just my opinion ;)
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After Earth (2013)
Haters with goldfish syndrome
24 October 2013
I honestly do not agree with all the haters on here who heavily underrate this movie and express so much disliking and even hate.. Im not going to put any spoilers in this little review. I merely want to express my disliking to the haters amongst the reviewers of this title.

Review: A solid movie with good acting a good story and good characters. Well done to the Smith duo and of course to the rest of the cast and creators.

To the haters: More and more with a lot of new movies I am left with a bitter tingle on the mind after watching some mayor block busting and loved titles. Movies that get great reviews and a massive loving fan base, while I watched these movies with a growing sense of disbelieve and dis-spare.

It seems that a lot of viewers these days are only happy when a movie is a flipping 90+ minutes of 1 pure action scene, during which good acting, character building, cohesion and things like taste and sensibility are poorly provided. In the same sense often trailers of movies are displayed, A minute filled of action, power and tension.

I am starting to fear that the media industry has generated a whole population of movie lovers who have been brain-tweaked into only being able to cope with a constant stream of such tension and action. And so it seems that anything not complying with that is just hated out as boring, uninteresting and flawed.

I for one from here on will stigmatize these kind of viewers as being down with the goldfish syndrome. A 30 second attention span with the emotional and emphatic development of that of a child. May this hype be short lived!
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