
2 Reviews
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Walk Away and I Stumble (2005 TV Movie)
Great stuff!
23 November 2005
There have been mixed reviews about Walk Away and I stumble, but I have to say that I enjoyed it.

The first part was a bit fast paced, moving the story along too quickly, and there was no chemistry between Claire and Andy. But, the concluding part made up for all of that! It was a heartbreaking story and you end up having sympathy for all the characters. I had tears strolling down my face at the end. There are no bad guys in this, and thats what makes it different to other dramas... Fantastic acting all round, especially the two leading ladies; Tamzin Outhwaite and Julie Graham, when they were together. Kate Bush's song 'This Woman's Work' was a good touch too, it fit in perfectly with Claire's situation.

It was a nice dedication to Tamzin's younger cousin, James Balwdin, who passed away with Cancer earlier in the year.
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Frances Tuesday (2004 TV Movie)
Brilliant! SPOILERS!!!
6 October 2004
Warning: Spoilers
What an absolutely fantastic 2 part drama. The cast were excellent, especially Tamzin Outhwaite. The storyline was realistic and believable. Frances' reaction to her friend Shaun's severed head (well i'm guessing that's what it was, it was left to our imaginations) gift wrapped in that box was brilliant - well acted. Lucas was pure evil and I felt so sorry for Frances being wrapped up in his "business" and having to give up her daughter and of course her identity and looks to protect herself from him and his mob.

The first half saw Tamzin as her gorgeous, glamorous self, and then the second half with a brown wig, fake nose and false teeth, Tamzin was un-recognizable. I loved Frances in the second part, the way she'd do anything to get her daughter back. I was on the edge of my seat when she caught up with Terry and Lucas, and when she went on a "date" with Lucas at his house I thought he'd recognise her by her voice or something for sure! The ending was great, i'm so glad it was a happy one with Frances managing to get her daughter back. And I was backing her all the way when she shot evil Lucas!

I love Tamzin's work, she is a fantastic actress. I look forward to her next project.

I give Frances Tuesday 10/10.
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