
8 Reviews
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Set my expectations low, was left disappointed
29 December 2020
Wasn't a fan of the first film but Covid has made me desperate.

Turns out I'm not that desperate. Clichéd plot, ham acting straight out of an 80s action movie and unnecessarily on the noise moral lecturing.

Every step of this films creation seems to have done by school kids.
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My life is poorer for having seen this.
1 September 2020
Watched this in stunned silence except for one brief, lonely titter.

Given what an abomination 2020 has been, this film perfectly sums up the year - crap, lifeless and leaving you in desperate need of a hug.
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Watchmen (2019)
It's Alan Moore I feel sorry for
27 October 2019
Firstly, let's get this out of the way. This is not Watchmen, the sequel.

Lots of people have said what it is - woke etc. etc.

My issue with it is that you've got the good guys, and and there's no ambiguity about this - they are the good guys, committing torture and carrying out extrajudicial killings. Seriously, WTF?
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: He Said, She Said (2019)
Season 6, Episode 8
All the subtlety of a piss soaked vagrant
1 March 2019
Brooklyn 99 has been tackling sexism for the last 5 seasons. Who's the toughest cop? Rosa. Who's the smartest cop? Amy. Who are two of the most likeable and most rounded characters? Rosa and Amy.

So when it came to an episode jumping on the back of the #metoo movement the matter was dealt with with all the finesse and subtlety of meth amphetamine crazed hippo.
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Ocean's Eight (2018)
It's like they didn't see the originals
13 January 2019
Lots of films are bad and that's ok, not everything is going to be Oscar worthy but....

When you're rebooting a classic film (Ocean's 11) whilst trying to ride the coattails of modern feminism you have to, have to, have to make it as good as the original. This had none of the wit, charm, character richness, suspense or action of the original. It was dull, teetering on tedious, and an insult to women.

More than anything, what this film screams is that an all-female cast simply cannot achieve what an all-Male one can. In attempting to cash in on things like #metoo movement it's actually put a big dent in the arguments that female actors deserve the same recognition as men.

Not just a bad film but an odious one to boot.
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The most important documentary you'll ever see
11 November 2018
100 years on from the Great War we cannot pretend to know what life was like serving in the trenches. This incredible film brings us as close to experiencing it as we are ever going to get.

It is harrowing, it is poignant, it is funny. Above all else this film is heartbreaking. No punch is pulled, no attempt is made to hide the brutality of war or the hardship of the common soldier.

Quite simply this amazing documentary should be made compulsory viewing in all schools and for every soapbox, warmongering politician that would send our youth into hell.
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Disney doing what Disney do best - ruined a franchise
19 December 2017
Where to begin with this mess of a film? Weak plot, weak writing, confusing story arcs, poor and confusing direction, poor acting - this film has it all. I saw it in a packed cinema and the audience were quiet all the way through. No laughs, no ooohs and aaahs, nothing, just a lot of quiet people trundling out at the end.

They've done a proper character assassination on Luke Skywalker, and on Snoke who was threatening as Janice in Human Resources. The feminists will love it because all the female protagonists were good and heroic whereas the men were all flawed and/or evil. But for any fan of Star Wars this is a massive let down. Most damning of all..... it was boring. The set pieces were tedious, they didn't make use of 3D to enhance the fight scenes, It was long, it was ponderous, a lot of it was unnecessary and at the end of it all you realise that you haven't seen a film, you've just seen a set up for the next film in the series.
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The Judge (2014)
A return to when films told stories
25 January 2015
I like films that have explosions, I like Robert Downey Jr. I like Robert Downey Jr. in films that have explosions.

But that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy films with Robert Downey Jr. in that don't involve the destruction of vast tracts of real estate. I mention this because it seems to be a sticking point with some of the other user reviews that were perhaps expecting Iron Man in a judges' robe or at least for the bad guy to get fried by beams coming out of RDJ's hands. Also the length of the film - it's over two hours, which for people with ADHD maybe a problem.

But if you want a film that will at times make you smile, will make you reminisce about your own childhood and home town, the relationship with your family and friends and maybe shed a tear or two then you will love this film.

It's a story driven movie that doesn't need CGI or the U.S. armed forces to sell it. It just tells a simple story very, very well and whilst I may have enjoyed the Marvel films, I couldn't tell one from the other. This film on the other hand is one that will stay with you for a long time to come.

Just don't watch it if you thought that Transformers: Age of Extinction had a complex plot.
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