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Polaris (2014)
Far out there
14 October 2014
I looked Polaris up because of Torrance Coombs. I've only been able to see two different clips of this but it's enough to keep me fascinated to see how it both begins and ends. Torrance plays Milo, a scientist on a craft called Galaxis. It had some trouble and is a bit crippled and in need of help. Milo is all alone on this mission with the exception of an AI named Donna. At one point, Milo considers the worst but Donna will not allow him to act upon his wish. Then along comes company. Are they with good intentions or bad? They need something Milo has. Donna suggests Milo go with them to escape. He seems hesitant. We don't know much else. I very much wish to see the rest. This is very interesting and mysterious. Hope it comes out on YouTube, IMDb, Amazon.com...whatever so many more can enjoy this. If you like SCI FI, you will like this. Torrance Coombs, currently playing Sebastian on the really great show REIGN, is a very talented actor. He's excellent.
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Reign (2013–2017)
This show Reigns Supreme!
25 May 2014
It's fresh and fun and adventurously exciting. If you love going to the Renaissance Pleasure Faire, watch The Tudors, or catch those old movies made in the past about real people and their struggles during some ghastly times, then Reign is for you. The episodes are so well written. All the characters are superb...especially Sebastian, Kenna, Queen Catherine, and Mary and Francis. I can't hardly wait for new episodes. Torrence Coombs is such a hottie. This is a great show and we need more like it. Reign needs to be on a night when it can be appreciated. I'm not sure Thursdays at nine pm is a great night to showcase this. I will take it any night as long as it remains on TV and not come on too late to view. Stick those vampires at the late hour instead.
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This is an Awesome Ride
23 February 2014
From beginning to middle to end, 3 Days to Kill is really a joyride! The team that delivered this is first rate at knowing how to develop a great story. It has shades of The Bodyguard, romance as touching as Message In A Bottle, relationship problems with kids like in The War---so many great aspects and elements that I can't begin to name them all. The one thing I do know is that Kevin Costner is one great and talented actor. Every scene he is just amazing in. He delivers lines with gentleness or gusto, gruff or tender. He knows how to call it every time. Critics do not understand what he is all about. You have to see every movie he's done and you will understand what a good and awesome actor can do and does achieve. If you are bad at what you do, you don't last. Kevin Costner will last and be legendary forever. Amber Heard was given a lot of flack over this too, but she is beautiful and quite the dominatrix and makes a perfect heroine and in no way need of rescuing. Hailey Steinfeld is going to go very far in the biz. She's beautiful and extremely talented. She was amazing in her scenes with Kevin. I just can't rave about this movie enough. I loved Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, but this is ten times better. Don't be put out by somebody saying negative things about this. They're wrong---like they usually are.
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Man of Steel (2013)
The best 21st Century Superman ever
12 July 2013
This is an amazing step in the most exciting direction a Superman movie could ever go. I saw the Christopher Reeve version. I liked it. I didn't love it. But this new twist is extraordinary. Henry Cavill is perfect in the role. I love Kevin Costner in anything and I only wish he had more screen scenes with Henry. Amy Adams was good too. I think I would have cast Kerry Russell as Lois, but AA was good. The important fact is this wasn't the same old rehash of something already done. It was fresh and new. I would have liked to have seen a baby Clark maybe bending the bars of his crib or hoisting a coffee table over his head. I wish there was a little less battle and more interaction with the Kents. Perhaps in the sequel more scenes that were cut out with the Kents can be added. We can only hope so. Otherwise, I was very pleased and in awe of the entire thing. Very well done!
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Excellent Thriller
19 May 2010
Just watched this yesterday and I'm very pleased with the entire movie. The acting is great; very natural reactions. The children are wonderful, the little boy especially. This story keeps you on the edge of your seat and jumping unexpectedly, which was the purpose of it in the first place. I don't understand how people who sit through other horror-thriller movies like Saw and so many others out there, can criticize this movie. They're so quick to judge the main star: Kevin Costner. When will they learn that he is very versatile? He has played soldiers, doctors, lawyers, cops, criminals, serial killers, comedy, drama, baseball players, historical figures...you name it. And he did so with depth and skill and a great talent. My advice is to watch a movie that interests you. Save your opinions for that movie. If you're not a fan of Kevin Costner movies, then why do you bother? It's not fair to the man or his fans to hear your put-downs and insults. In conclusion, The New Daughter is most worthy to watch and I would do so at Halloween---which is when it should've come out in the first place.
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Corrections, if you please
3 September 2009
I had to laugh at the remarks of several saying "the cabin was built in one day". That is as ridiculous as the remarks were. The cabin was built over several weeks, those weeks not filmed. The oldest son went with the mountain man to get supplies. It took much longer in those days to get to places. They had no corner markets, 7-11s, etc. Come on. Common sense teaches you that much. What else did they have to do but work on the cabin from sun up to sun down? They sure didn't have a TV to sit and watch. The era they represented was done so accordingly. Do not be critical of this tale. Perhaps a lot more footage was left off. We do not know. I wish the DVD had the extra stuff in it, but it does not.
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Tombstone (1993)
Not Very Good
9 February 2009
I cannot believe people actually compare Tombstone to Wyatt Earp and I doubt many people know that Tombstone was offered to Kevin Costner first (Entertainment Weekly magazine article). He was obligated to go with the Kasdan version because he was already committed. So what happens? The Tombstone version was rushed at movie viewers faster than the buffalo ran in Dances With Wolves! How many people want to see two different versions, one much longer than the other? Me, for one. I think Tombstone is bad, and not in a good way. The performances are comical at times. Kurt Russell does OK in the role. Val Kilmer is terrible as Doc Holliday. Dennis Quaid nailed that role to perfection. Joanna Going is a beautiful Josie Earp and Dana Delaney is just OK. The entire cast of Wyatt Earp are so good and believable, you actually feel like you're in the room with them and seeing history play out before your eyes. Maybe some truths were stretched. Unless you were actually right by the real Wyatt Earp's side to know this, you can't say for sure. Bottom line is Tombstone is only a five for me while Wyatt Earp earns the full ten points.
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Swing Vote (2008)
Such A Gem, Don't Miss This For Anything!
5 August 2008
I looked forward to this movie for so long and when I went on Saturday with a friend, I wasn't let down at all. If you thought Kevin Costner was a down on his luck charmer in Tin Cup, you will really be delighted by his excellent portrayal of that once again, only much better. This isn't a story about politics, really. It's a father-daughter journey. The little girl, Madelaine Carroll, is one heck of a little actress. She could out act any other child actress in films today. I really didn't care about the political aspect of this because it really doesn't matter. I know who I will vote for, who I will not, and the same goes for Mr. Bud Johnson. I am quite upset the studios thoughtlessly pitted this against other movies with strong showings week after week. But keep in mind, the real stars of those other movies are just the special effects. If that's what it takes to get a movie audience, that is really sad. That means they dismiss the actors and tell them they don't matter. I am disgusted with both movie critics and movie goers. They judge things simply by a trailer or word of mouth. The only other thing I don't like in any movie is the bad language. You can write a story without it most effectively. But I love this movie and I will go see it as many times as I can.
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Robin Hood Oh So Good
15 February 2007
This movie is my sentimental Kevin Costner favorite. It was the very first one of his I ever saw at the theater. I returned three more times to enjoy it and savor each moment with my new favorite actor. So much is critiqued and criticized about the accents or lack of them in this portrayal of the man who robbed the rich to give to the poor. That is so trivial really. You sit back for a couple of hours, are transported back to the century it took place in, and you have a great time. You cheer the hero, boo the villain just as you're supposed to. Everyone who partakes in this film is great. Some wish to constantly banter that one is better than the rest. Excuse me, that's simply your opinion. You have a right to you thoughts about it, but do not pretend to tell me how I should feel. The cinematography is outstanding. The story is fresh for a Robin Hood tale. It veers a little bit off the old standby version, but I like the way the writers took it. Kevin Costner is so handsome and dashing in this and Maid Marion beautiful. It is romantic and adventurous to the hilt. Sit and enjoy it on a rainy afternoon. Great film that has endured for all these years and for many more to come.
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Wyatt Earp (1994)
A Masterpiece
2 December 2006
I much prefer this version of the true life Wyatt Earp than the way overblown Tombstone version. Kevin Costner is the perfect Wyatt Earp lawman. Dennis Quaid is exactly right for Doc Holliday. The way the movie takes its good old sweet time to tell about the man himself is what I like. I enjoy the long, leisurely version. I like knowing the details of Wyatt Earp's courtship with Urilla, her tragic dying while pregnant with their child, his troubles with the law, and his next encounter with the other women in his life. I love the soundtrack to this epic tale. It's catchy and you find yourself humming along with it. I think the cinematography in this picture is some of the best ever. Each real-life personality was perfectly cast. Lawrence Kasdan did an outstanding job along with all involved. I truly wish this had been a front runner in the Oscars. Had it been more appreciated, it would've took top honors, I'm sure. I think it's sad that this movie was so ignored by critics and viewers alike. They sure missed out on something spectacular...and a real masterpiece. I give it two thumbs up and a ten plus. Wish there was a sequel.
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