
13 Reviews
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The Shannara Chronicles (2016–2017)
Chronicles of ...Meh
3 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up reading Terry Brooks and he was my stepping stone into other great authors such as Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson, and John Gwynne. However, after watching this show, I am severely disappointed that Mr. Brooks would sell his life's work so that MTV could make a cheesy, under budget, pseudo-fantasy show that seems to have the same budget as Xena: Warrior Princess did back in the 90s.

Most of the show is different from the books...and I'm assuming that's due to budget more than trying to sell the story. The dialogue is modern, which could be believable since the story takes place 3000 years after Earth is nearly wiped clean by nuclear war. However, the use of language is too now to be believable.

Apparently, in 3000 years time, MTV believes that the post apocalyptic residents of the Four Lands will dress like hipsters. The costuming, for the most part, is laughable. Skinny jeans, hiking boots, a knit cap, and a hoodie with the tag cut out is how they dress our hero. The women are, of course, in skin tight pleather with lots of cleavage...because let's face can't survive in the wilderness, or save the world unless your chesticles are poking out.

As far as acting, I'd say mediocre at best. A lot of the time the actors themselves aren't feeling the dialogue, and it affects entire scenes. The saddest part about this is that Terry Brooks had a great dialogue already, and there was no reason to change it...another than for MTV to make it into their own crappy version of the story.

All in all...I'd suggest avoiding the show...and pick up any title by Terry Brooks instead. You'll be doing yourself a favor.
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5 to 7 (2014)
Not Your Typical Love Story...
28 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The writing, acting, dialogue and cinematography of 5 to 7 are all nearly perfect. There isn't really anything negative to point out, however there is definitely one thing that makes this story come alive...Anton Yelchin.

This film is about a struggling writer, who meets and has an affair with a woman married to a French diplomat. They meet from 5pm-7pm, the time after work, but before returning home for the evening. It's a French thing...

This is not another Nicholas Sparks adaptation, but a genuine story of love and morality. Much of the film shows the inner conflict of a man torn between his feelings for a woman and his own moral and ethical convictions. It's definitely worth a watch.

I would highly recommend ANY movie that Anton Yelchin is in. He was not only a great actor, but he really breathed life into every film he worked on. If you have not seen his films, you should definitely try them. Not all are serious (Fright Night), but all are entertaining and manage to draw you in (Charlie Bartlett).
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Worst Historical Adaptation...
27 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
USS Indianapolis: Men of Courage is supposed to be an adaptation about the sinking of the USS Indianapolis after delivering the atomic bombs that are to be dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. What it turned out to be was a laughable representation of a catastrophic event where nearly 1200 sailors lost their lives.

The script is extremely choppy, and really gives no background on any of the principals. The dialogue is forced and very unnatural, and the language is not accurate for the WWII era. It's an elementary attempt at a story that could have been monumental.

Cinematography...WTF is that!? Scenes aboard ship are laughable and the exterior shots, which are CGI, look like they came out of a video game. Once the crew is in the water, it's basically a cross between Titanic and Sharknado...with really bad CGI.

I have seen a few reviews saying that the proper shark species weren't used. This isn't really relevant to the story, but this is one part that the movie gets right. Great Whites, Mako, Blue Sharks, and various reef sharks are all found in that part of the world and most make an appearance in this film.

Now the Nauseating part...the love story. It's cliché, overdone, and completely predictable.

I've seen a couple comments about the racial tension being inaccurate, but this is another part of the movie that is close, but doesn't go far enough. You have to remember this story takes place in 1945, before the civil rights movement, and stories of sailors banding together, regardless of race is not cliché actually happened. I heard several stories about this exact subject from my Grandfather, who was a helmsman aboard in a navy ship during WWII.

Overall, I would recommend watching a History Channel documentary rather than wasting two hours watching this terrible movie.
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A Classic Unmatched By Any Other
17 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw Les Mes at 12 years old, and it changed my life instilled in me a passion for music and singing. Since then I have seen various shows, including Broadway and earlier movies. However, none of them compare to this release.

Twenty-One years after seeing Les Mes for the first time, I was awestruck by this film. I did not get a chance to see it in theaters, but bought the Blu Ray the day it came out. One thing is for sure...after not hearing any of the music in several years, I still knew every word by heart...that is the kind of effect this movie will have on you.

The cast in this film is nothing short of amazing. Hugh Jackman's performance was a huge surprise for me, as I am not usually a fan of his movies. Anne Hathaway once again shows us another side of her talent in her emotional, heart ripping, role as Fantine. Russel Crowe gave us yet another top notch performance as the merciless, and obsessed Javert.

Eddie Redmayne was the surprise to me in this film. I saw him in Hick and was impressed by his ability to command a scene. This film was no different, as he portrays the lovestruck Marius. As I understand it, he was also the only actor not classically trained in singing, though he sings one of the saddest pieces in the entire story..."Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" Since I don't have room to go over the entire cast, I'll just say that for once, not a single character disappointed me...even Sacha Baron Cohen impressed me in this.

Tom Hooper turned an amazing story into a true work of cinematic art. It's apparent in this film that the story was more important than a paycheck, which is a rarity in today's film industry. It really shows that he put not only his mind, but his heart into Les Mes.

It is my deepest hope that Tom Hooper will decide to do another musical...personally...I'd like to see his vision of Phantom of The Opera.
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A Must See
16 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Once again Sean Penn immerses himself in his character. He's known for staying in character for the entire filming, and this is what happens when an actor really takes on the persona of a character.

His role as "Cheyenne", a retired rock star is nothing short of amazing. He find out his father is deathly ill and travels from his home in Dublin, Ireland back to US to arrive too late. His father left behind some journals detailing his experiences in a Nazi concentration camp, and focuses on one guard in particular. After reading the journals, Cheyenne sets out to find and confront the former Nazi. Along the way he finds not only the old man's estranged relatives, but himself as well.

The cinematography in this movie is amazing, as is the direction. The story itself will hold you in place, and you will be sucked in. The movie does start off a bit slow, as the characters are being developed, but it quickly gets into the story and you will be entranced as it reaches it's climax.

I gave this film ten stars because I could not find a flaw in the acting, cinematography, direction, or storyline. It's one of very few movies you will ever see that has this kind of quality and depth.
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Act of Valor (2012)
I've read enough "it's not realistic" reviews.
10 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First off, all of the scenes where the lead characters are shooting, they're using live rounds. The first op, during the extraction...the miniguns and M240s shooting over the actor's's live fire. Even shooting the moving truck with an AT-4 rocket in that scene is a real AT-4 being fired at a moving truck. The "actors" refused to do any scene that was not real.

My next peeve is that all of this happened...period. Some of the details were changed like this: the scene where Rorke is hit in the chest with an RPG that does not did happen...just not like that...and not to Rorke. The SEAL that was hit did survive, but the RPG was lodged in this ribcage. And by the way, RPGs do not move at 600MPH...more along the lines of 80-100MPH...and not even close to that at such a close range.

The acting in the film is not acting at all...these are real SEALs...this is how they are in real life. The point was to give the general population a look into what SEALs do.

But most of all, it's about what these guys are willing to give to do their jobs. No recognition, minimal pay, and a job that keeps them away for up to 18 months at a time. The only recognition these guys get is when they die and their family is given a flag, and the SEAL emblem, the Eagle and Trident...but never an explanation as to how or where.

If you want a glimpse into the real lives of the most elite counter-terrorism group in the world, then this is a must see.
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Ferris Beuller's Day Off = My Day Off!
10 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I originally saw this movie shortly after it was released in 1986. Being a six year old at the time, I started taking Ferris' advice on how to fake an illness to get out of going to school....I owe so much to John Hughes. From first grade through my senior year of high school...same tactics and it worked every time.

The writing in this film is classic John Hughes, but this time it's the popular kid who's the focus. It also contains several things that make this movie an enjoyable watch: A classic Ferrari, a musical number (or two), an over zealous principal, and Matthew Broderick.

It's a must watch, as it is, and always will be a classic.
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This movie got me kicked out of Target
10 May 2013
I first saw this film in 1993 when I was 13 years old, but recently saw it again for the first time in 20 years. I was actually removed from a Target store after putting on a pair of skates and skating around the store. No, it wasn't recently.

The film itself is yet another awesome movie from John Hughes. The story flows well, and it's written well enough that you're not exactly sure what's going to happen.

From the aspect of comedy, this film is hilarious, unless you lack a sense of humor. And if you don't have a sense of humor, Jennifer Connelly spends the majority of the movie in spandex and a very tight tanks top.
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Ironclad (2011)
Blood, gore...history?
9 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Ironclad is set in 1215, mere months after King John is forced to sign the Magna Carta. With the help of a hired army of Danish mercenaries, King John plunders the southern coast of England on his way north. So far, we're still in the realm of history...

King John has an abbot killed, since the Church was source of the Magna Carta. And the bloodshed begins... Thomas Marshal, our hero and a member of the Knights Templar breaks his vow of silence, chastity, and obedience....this is where the fantasy comes in...

Along side Baron Albany (Brian Cox) Marshal and a rag tag group of brigands, thieves, and mercenaries decide to hold off King John at Rochester, a key fortress on the way north, to London... More bloodshed...

Our group of seven men, along with eleven guards at Rochester, attempt to hold Rochester Castle until the French can come to their aid... Riveting...

All in all the movie is actually very good. The story is loosely based on history, and the outcome is the opposite of what actually happened...but's a movie made to entertain...and it does.

The fight sequences are bloody, gory, and historically accurate for the fighting styles used back then. One of our crazy seven actually beats a man to death with a severed arm. Though it sounds fantastical, there are historical records claiming that soldiers did just that in the heat of battle, so who are we to argue? I highly recommend this movie to anyone who loves a good medieval story, with lots of action...and lots of entrails.
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Compliance (2012)
Not sure what to think
8 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Compliance is a film about a girl who is victimized by her coworkers when a guy calls the fast foot joint she works in claims to be a cop. I've read dozens of other reviews where they mentioned people walking out of the theater. I can see why.

This film is more a documentary on how ignorant people can be. How could you not know that even a cop cannot strip search a suspect on the scene. Cavity searches aren't done until the suspect is being booked.

This just shows how ignorant people can be. At first, I didn't believe that this was a recreation of an actual event, but after doing the research, it is 100% true. This is disturbing and makes me wonder what the educational requirements for a fast food manager are.

All in all the film is decent. It made me want to continually slap the manager, and her fiancé should have been charged for rape after what he did. A person on the phone says that they're a cop, and they want you spank a 19 year old girl, then rape her....should've thrown up some red flags....if the "strip search her in the office" didn't.
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Good, but not best ever.
24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The majority of reviews that I read claim best horror movie ever...sorry, not even close. Though the acting in this movie is good, the story just doesn't make sense.

Of course, it's an ancient deity from Babylonian times....had one of those things bugging me last week...weak story.

The way the 8mm films were done in this movie was great. 8mm films are creepy anyway, but here, we get a look at the murders actually happening. Though, a lot of it was obvious, it was still a good way to present the murders.

The demon here, is not true to it's ancient roots, whether actual myth or just made up for the movie. As soon as the movie was over I looked up Slipknot online and found a picture that had almost the same exact mask as the one used in this movie...I was severely disappointed in that.

My only real gripe is that the demon is unoriginal. Though it's the premise of most modern horror flicks these days to have some ancient demon start preying on modern America, it's getting old. Give us something to scream about.

Out of 5 scary faces...I'd give this flick a 2. Good movie, but not nearly as scary as people claim.
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Better Than The Actual Paranormal Activity Movies
24 February 2013
Let's face it, the Paranormal Activity movies were terrible. The worst part is they won't stop making them. This movie gives some relief to those of us who were forced by spouses or friends to sit through four terrible, badly made Paranormal Activity movies.

The attempts at spoofing other movies like "The Devil Inside, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, and Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter, were weak at best. I'm guessing it took the writer about 10 minutes to complete the entire script here.

Though this movie does have some funny scenes with the "Manny," it just oozes with envy of other great parodies. Unfortunately, for the world, there is only one Mel Brooks.
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End of Watch (2012)
Finally a cop movie worth seeing.
24 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say that I actually enjoyed this movie. There have been a lot of negative reviews on IMDb about this film, though most of them are unfounded.

Most of the complaints I've seen are of the "gangsters" and their continual dropping of the "F" bomb every other word. I grew up around gangs, and believe me, that's the way they talk. Do you expect them to be portrayed as educated and well cultured, when most gang members never finish middle school, much less higher education.

Second, police have the power of discretion, meaning that they can write you a ticket, or let you go. Same goes with cops in LA. You would be surprised how many cops use their discretion and choose alternate means of intervention. (the fight at the beginning) As far as the movie goes, Jake, as always, gives another intense performance. This movie is based on storyline, not explosions as most cop movies these days are.

The only "unrealistic" part of this movie is at the end where the gang bangers have the two cops cornered. Two AK-47s and a .45 that's 67 rounds...and Jake's character isn't hit...even though his partner takes several to the back while leaning over Jake's character. Other than that one part...very realistic, and well written.
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