4 Reviews
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2nd place to "The Room" as worst film ever made
4 November 2021
I don't normally write reviews, but this is one of the worst films I have ever seen and I feel compelled say something. It's almost worth watching just to see how terrible it is and question how can you make something so bad and who thought this scene and dialog was a good idea, and then decided not to leave it on the cutting room floor?

Every issue in this film comes down to the terrible script. The acting was cheesy and wooden, but what do you expect with terrible dialog and story line?

There are whole scenes that are just pointless, and you can tell the actors had no idea how to act it.

Robots that shoot worse than the A-Team.

Film cliché's that died out in the 80's, they're all back in this film!

That final part of film production where you cut out everything not needed to tell the storyline, not in this film, you're getting the whole lot!

I am impressed they actually managed to get this film over the line and released, it's truly diabolical.

It's such a train wreck I think I'd actually enjoy watching a documentary on how they managed to make such a terrible movie.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
30 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Opening sequence the seals appear out of a swimming pool with rifles completely ruined by the water, but not before shooting and killing someone in the room from below the water lol.

Then they shout "fire in the hole" as you do when throwing a grenade, but no grenade.

Then they escape in a covert helicopter with bright blue, green and red lighting all over it. This is all within the first 2 minutes.

The Russian in the car with petrol on it can't escape, but the door easily opens from outside.

The commander is a woman... OK I can make an exception for a great tough female actor, but no she didn't look tough in the slightest and can't act at all?

I thought the filming and sets were top class, shame it was wasted on a this garbage.
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Ed Stafford Sells Out
27 April 2021
In every episode of season 1&2 they both finish on the same day with a race to the finish line. They hunt food pointlessly every episode spending more calories than they gain. Everytime an attempt is made to kill an animal with a trap or weapon that has been made it is successful on the third attempt. This happens every episode. They don't even bother to hide how fake it is.

If we give them the benefit of the doubt, maybe they were told to spend 4 days out doing entertainment, then race on the 5th day. I think that maybe generous.

I don't blame Ed for selling out, he has a family now. The realistic Ed wasn't very profitable.
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Kids have watched this 100 times
19 April 2021
My 3 and 5 year old love this mini film. The songs are great, we all sing along. It's just the right length for their attention span.
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