
2 Reviews
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I loved it!
24 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this review is copied from my DeviantART page-- so it may not sound too professional so to speak. Additionally, this review has a few very MINOR spoilers. But there's nothing that would ruin the movie for you.

I thought the movie was great! Despite what a few people are saying about the "robotic animation," I thought the animation was fantastic. The characters all moved smoothly and the facial expressions and such had the same variety as on the TV series. I loved the character designs as well. People complain that the girls all had the same body type and all that. But I don't agree with that complaint. I mean, don't most of the female characters have the same body type in the TV show too? People also complain about how skinny they were, but I think they just want something to complain about. It's a cartoon, people! Who cares if the characters are skinny or not?!

Judging by the trailer, I was fairly skeptical about the whole love scenario with Twilight's romance with Flash. But it turned out the movie didn't stress this too much, and it stuck to the point of the magic of friendship. So don't worry, Twilight's relationship with Flash was just a tiny part of the plot line. But a little thing that bothered me was that Flash didn't really have that much of a personality. But I have to say, him and Twilight did have some adorable moments.

The villain, Sunset Shimmers was pretty awesome. I really liked her. She was quite evil and not just a mean high school girl who wanted to be popular. Her goal was actually to take the crown so she could rule the world-- not just because she wanted everyone to like her.

The comedy in this movie is great. It's still very slapstick and has a lot of jokes. The characters also still have the same personalities in the human world. Pinkie Pie is still just as hyper, and IMO she has some of the best jokes in the film. Applejack is still the honest country girl and is still the most mature. Rarity is still just as proper and obsessed with fashion. Fluttershy still loves animals, in the human world, to the point of which she sneaks her pets to school in her backpack because she doesn't want to leave them at home. And of course, Rainbow Dash is still awesome, athletic, and tomboyish. So the characters don't change. The songs were really good as well. They were very catchy and the movements and dances to them were really nice.

I'm not a huge fan of Spike. But in the movie I really liked how loyal he was to Twilight, to the point of which he jumped into the portal after her-- even though Celestia had told them that Twilight was to go alone. Plus, he really helps her throughout the movie, and is there for her the whole time. Who cares if he's a dog!?

Another thing I really liked was the opening theme. It was just really awesome and well made, even though I could barley hear it (due to me watching the film on YouTube.) Also, in the credits, there is a big surprise at the end. *cough* Derpy. So that was pretty awesome. I also really enjoyed seeing characters like Trixie, Big Macintosh, Berry Punch, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and Photo Finish all having small roles throughout the movie.

There were a few things I didn't like though. They were very small and really didn't matter, but I'll point them out anyways. First of all, Vice Principal Luna did not look a thing like her pony counterpart. Her hair looked totally different, and her and Principal Celestia's clothes did not match the characters at all. Also, as I mentioned earlier, Flash doesn't seem to have that much of a personality. But he is shown very little in the film anyways, so it didn't really hurt the movie any. Another thing was that they were in high school and not young adults like they are in the show. But this didn't bother or confuse me that much. It was just a bit strange to me.

Over all, the movie was great. I would give it a 9.5/10.
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Didn't love it. Didn't hate it.
2 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie today. Let's just say, the trailer made it look a lot better than it is. First of all, the effects were mostly good. But some of them were kind of choppy. Such as, when the good witch and the wicked witch are fighting towards the end. Or when Oz is flying through the tornado and stuff is coming at him. But the overall scenery and lighting of the movie was beautiful. The plot line was slightly boring and predictable. But it wasn't terrible. There just wasn't really anything memorable about the plot. The acting wasn't bad ether. Personally I think the worst part of the movie was that it tried too hard to be funny. All the jokes were really lame. But the people at the theater seamed to find it pretty funny. I didn't really dislike the movie. I just didn't like it.

That's my review.
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