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Full Length Adult Swim Informercial
21 September 2024
If you remember and loved those crazy Adult Swim Informercials like "Too Many Cooks" then strap in because this movie turns those shorts into a full length film.

Just watched this last night and I'm still thinking about it. I knew the premise going into this movie but I had no idea how weird it was going to get.

I loved it. It goes beyond the already bizarre premise of teenagers finding out they are in a horror movie.

What happens when a character walks off camera? They vanish and teleport to the next scene, leaving another character utterly alone even though they only took a few steps away.

Can a character hallucinate a previous movie that the actor playing that character was in?

If you had a dark memory of childhood abuse but you didn't know you had that memory until someone read that memory out loud to you while reading a script, what would that do to your mind?

I mean, the whole movie asks, and answers, these mind bending questions and I didn't expect that it would go this meta. I really enjoyed it. The biggest downside is the low budget. I don't care about that but I know a lot of people do so I'm addressing it.

Overall, this is one of the most inventive films I've seen in a long time and I search for the craziest stuff. Check it out.
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They Reach (2020)
So Forgettable I Almost Watched It Twice
20 January 2024
I just put this movie on and got about 15 minutes into when the corn dog girl showed up. I thought 'huh, this scene looks really familiar." I distinctly remembered corn dog girl and realized I had watched this movie a few years ago. The fact that it is so unremarkable I could completely forget watching it within two years should tell you something about it.

Even now, I barely remember it and I am trying really hard. All I can remember is this trio of kids trying to stop a demonically possessed tape recorder. Will they save the town? Will an unlikely relationship develop between Boy Who Is A Friend or Douchebag Boy who has a car but looks 13? Will he win class president? Will Corn Dog Girl eat more corn dogs? Who knows, I surely don't I've already seen it.
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Fantastic Film
31 December 2022
I just watched "The Girl In The Crawlspace" and it was really good. In the beginning, it looked really cheap. It did. But I love indie films so that's not an instant strike. So I kept watching.

It's a solid thriller, but also works as a weird sort of drama. You meet this cast of characters that really have nothing to do with the film. 20 percent of the movie is about a RPG group. But while these characters don't have anything to do with the plot, they build up the backstory of the main characters when they interact. The drug addict boyfriend can't find an NA meeting (or doesn't really want to), so he just games all day long. It's weird and wacky and it works.

Overall, it's a well done thriller and I recommend giving it a watch.
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He's Watching (2022)
Fantastic Indie Gem
21 October 2022
I'm a huge fan of low budget and no budget horror movies. I've seen a lot and most of them are garbage. But every so often you come across one like "RWD," "There Are Monsters," "Raccoon Valley," "Resolution," or "Interior" that just shocks you with what you can do with a small budget

I went into this one with very low expectations but "He's Watching" has blown me away. A truly creepy film and yes, it does get really weird. I see in other reviews that has turned people off. But the weirdness works. The two leads are fantastic and that's another anamoly: the family of the filmmaker can actually act!

I really enjoyed this film. It was creepy, entertaining, and will stick with me. I will never look at a hammer in a bath tub the same way again.
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Zombies 3 (2022)
Best of the series
17 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Look, I'd give it a 10 but then my review would just look like a paid shill. Zombies 3 was a huge improvement over the 2nd one. The songs are some of the best of the series. "Exceptional Zed" was fantastic and if you look through the reviews, even the bad ones, they mention this standout song.

"Alien Invasion" actually made me think about how scary that event would be. Lifelong lover of sci films but that opening song really sold the terror of such a life changing event.

And let's talk about. "Ain't No Doubt About It." Not only was the song fantastic, the dance where they aren't worried about anything while they were constantly in danger . . .just fantastic stuff. And I don't think that bulldozer dance was safe!

Addison finally gets a true solo in the series with "I'm Finally Me." Disney would be dumb if they didn't try releasing that as a single, or at least play it non-stop on Disney Radio.

The plot is pretty rough, there is no bad guy, threats and deadlines come and go, the movie structure is super weird. It seemed like they had a whole season of episodes and crammed it together into one movie. It's not hard to follow it's just odd. They mention Bonzo failed his driver's license test in the beginning, and at the end he is driving the Moonstone to the Mothership and someone says "Yay, Bonzo got his license!" lol that was a plot point? Why even include any of that?

But the music is amazing, head and shoulders above 2's lackluster soundtrack. I loved it. It was, in a word, exceptional.
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Bad Actress (2011)
Fun Movie With A Surprise Gift
29 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was a fun ride chronicling a backstabbing family and their thirst for power, greed, revenge, and justice. Each character has their own set of motivations and they are constantly trying to get to the top.

Over all, I'd say this movie is a 7 out of 10. But with a surprise sex scene featuring a topless Beth Broderick, this movie gets a 10 out of 10.
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Spooky, Realistic zombie short
5 March 2021
I just saw this on "Ultimate Zombie Feast" and it was the stand out film in the collection. If fast zombies were real, it would be like this: long moments of mundane activity punctuated by sheer terror when they show up. A great short.
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Overall disappointing, but there were some gems
5 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, a message to all sound editors: Stop using the Wilhelm Scream. It immediately take people out of the story.

"Ultimate Zombie Feast" is a collection of short zombie films and of course, it's a mixed bag. Most of them were just OK but "Skin Of Our Teeth" was great. Very haunting zombie movie. "Bitten" was good as well.

The rest were not terrible but also not memorable. And the first one, "Zombie and Cigarettes" makes the mortal sin that zombie/monster movies have been doing lately: Starting off with the ending. It completely takes away all suspense if you know the boy and girl, and no one else in the group, makes it.
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23 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A movie doesn't need an explosion every 10 minutes, but it does need something to happen. Act 1 is pretty listless, Act 2 is somehow even more boring, and then Act 3 builds up to an unexplained ending because (according to the writers) life itself is unexplained!

Maybe. And life can also be boring. But your movie shouldn't be.
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