2 Reviews
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A Round of Applause (2024– )
A Round of Applause to the Director
9 March 2024
Have you ever experienced the disappointment of investing your time in a TV series only to be let down by the third episode? I certainly have, and I must say that my recent encounter with a certain show has left me feeling disheartened.

The director, Berkin Oya, seemed more interested in criticizing things sequence by sequence rather than telling a cohesive story. The show was didactic and absurd, with no clear plot or character development. It felt like the director was trying to mock sitcoms, but instead, he ended up creating a convoluted mess that left me feeling confused and unsatisfied. Despite the lack of coherence, the director seemed to be successful in keeping me hooked for a while. However, as the episodes progressed, it became apparent that nothing was making sense. It was like watching the Truman Show, but with dozens of different writers and directors, each working independently without any coordination. It was frustrating to watch, and I couldn't help but wonder how anyone could find any entertainment value in it.

To make matters worse, Ilker Canikligil, a prominent figure in the industry, once said that "scripts are not important." Well, Mr. Canikligil, I respectfully disagree. Good writing is the backbone of any successful show, and without it, you end up with a mess like the one I just described.

Despite my disappointment, I must give credit where credit is due. The director managed to make money from this project, which is no small feat. However, I believe that he could have done better. Instead, it's a missed opportunity that left me feeling let down.
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Utterly Authentic Movie, Unexpectedly From a Marvel Movie
8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
James Gunn made the best of he can in this movie, I see no hold backs. It's surprising, it's a blockbuster at the end, and era of author directors like Kubrick was long gone.

The story is powerful. It accepts and shows everything. Story of Guardians is the same with the story of this movie's production. When James Gunn fired from this movie earlier, crew hold his back without a doubt. Story of this movie is also story we saw in this movie.

The character, Rocket Racoon has matched in my eye with James Gunn. I guess, in the same time he told us his experiences in life. He must felt awful when he made a lot of companies richer, but rejected just because the way who he is. It's not easy to accept normality of self when feeling so broken inside. I felt deeply emphatic. We see mind and past of James Gunn, nothing holded back, glamor 60's futuristic view, Toxic Avenger type mutilations. Movie doesn't try to gave a us message or persuade us. Little funky details are just to be there and there's no effort to persuade, like brain chemicals, organic and futuristic systems, they are just to be there and it's beautiful.

The movie is not perfect, but it doesn't tries to be. Movie is utterly honest about everything. A story about all humanity. You can find relations with every event has been happened till now. There is loss and gain, many people died in Counter Earth, but many saved like every major war. Movie gave me message of, making the right decision is not about saving all, but saving all that you can and you don't need to feel shameful about it. We are here now, many major tragedies happened and will happen again, but all this leads to now and will lead to future. There's no reason to not to DANCE! A true honest and authentic view of humanity.

I felt no one else couldn't achieve to make this movie. No one, but James Gunn.
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