
19 Reviews
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10 August 2021
This just wasn't funny, period. I was expecting an outrageous, raunchy, purposely over-the-top comedy. I wasn't expecting anything particularly witty or clever, just ridiculous and FUN, as the title led me to believe.

If this is what you're hoping for, you've been warned.

I maybe half-smiled once or laughs.

Solid cast with zilch to work with. Bummer.
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I'll take it
3 August 2021
I don't know that I've ever seen a "perfect" depiction in a movie as far as how things really work in police investigations and in the courtroom.

Sometimes there are errors so blatant and ridiculous that it ruins the film. But with Presumed Innocent, I was able to quickly overlook things I felt were maybe questionable, because the plot and twists and acting were engaging enough to overcome these minor shortcomings.

Overall, this was an engrossing film which kept me engaged for the entire two hours, and I would recommend it.
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Same old
18 July 2021
This is basically like a long dateline. Nothing new or especially great here if you know the story. If you don't, there's nothing perplexing if you like crazy plot twists and a good whodunnit. Emotionally it has its moments but overall was lacking. Hearing from the survivor (the British woman) was really the only aspect which affected me greatly.
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Let Him Go (2020)
Move aside
16 July 2021
There aren't many moving parts here, but there are moving parts. This will move you. I have moved you. Now move along.
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Welcome Home (I) (2018)
Nothing unique in this formulaic film
26 June 2021
This is a simple formula here, where you know in general what is coming, so success relies upon execution and clever twists and turns.

This movie has neither. The buildup was blah, and it was hard to really care about this broken relationship. The end had a minor twist which was neither shocking nor impressive. And the very last scene, which I will not give away, was such a haphazardly thrown in "cautionary tale" type of message that was so unneeded and out of place.
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Stealing Cars (2015)
What happened???
25 June 2021
After a promising first half, the second half felt like the writer and/or director quit and was replaced by someone who filled the movie with clichés in what amounted to a mess filled with continuity issues.

Emory Cohen was great and carried this movie. I watched this movie for him and he did not disappoint.

The cop's actions in the final act? C'mon man.....
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Monster (II) (2018)
More ASAP Rocky please
25 June 2021
Not enough was said about the peer pressure involved in this culture. Where was this in the defense? While I could feel for the main character, it wasn't even clear as to what really went down in this crime.

ASAP ROCKY was great. Without him I would have enjoyed this movie even less.
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Tumbledown (2015)
Tumbled down
18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Started at a 7 for me...then maybe 6....then definitely a 5 with how it ended.

I know she was grieving but Hall's character was tedious to watch. Not her fault, good acting, but I could not feel sympathetic.

But my main issue for how (and why??) this turned into a cheesy love story. As for the how, the chemistry was not there between these two characters for me to believe, but into it. It also happened so quickly at the end, so contrived, not natural at all. As for the why, this movie didn't NEED to fall into that trap. It was an interesting enough premise from the beginning that did not need to go down that route. It had the potential to be something so much more original. I was thinking it was coming, but really hoping it wouldn't, then sure enough it did. Went from pretty decent to just ok, something different to something we've seen a million times. A bummer in the end.
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8 June 2021
I'm a real sucker for this kind of movie. There's nothing new here in the plot, I didn't expect there to be, but these movies just move me, make me appreciate life. This had the potential just as all the others do, but it delivered nothingggg! I didn't shed a tear, I didn't feel for the characters, other than the girlfriend who was an angel. So devoid of emotion. I was waiting, waiting, waiting, for some kind of turning point, but it never came. So many better selections out there if you enjoy this genre.
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The Bachelors (2017)
Do you like cheese?
8 June 2021
Ok there is some cheesiness here, and predictability, but it's all mozzarella, cheddar, American, cheese that I like! Cheese isn't my favorite food, maybe a 6/10 on the food scale, hence my rating. And hey, with JK Simmons you can never go totally wrong.

You may not love this, though maybe you will, but it's doubtful you'll hate it. This is a decent, very watchable movie that has its moments, no better and no worse.
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Forgive me RZA
7 June 2021
I love RZA but this is a perfect example of a movie with great ambitions that could not be organized and tempered to what could have been something great. A lot of fluff and little substance, and went on way too long. Nothing exceptional here, in writing, drama, action, acting (solid performance from T. I. though). The conception just did not materialize here.
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More like the whole ridiculous truth
6 June 2021
I didn't see it coming but the ending was so contrived I wasn't like "oh wow" surprised, more like seriously....?

And it was unsatisfying both emotionally and as far as storytelling/the element of surprise and a good mystery

Up until then some sharp courtroom banter and legal dialogue. And Keanu is solid, as the role fits him perfectly for requiring acting with emotion and excitement necessitating no more than say a 2/10.

Aside from that, worth the watch but you'll quickly forget it as I will. I'll stick to Dateline.
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Shot Caller (2017)
Pulls no punches
6 June 2021
Doesn't rival my favorite prison/crime movies but if you want to see what prison can do to a man, well they pulled that off here.

Entertaining enough, a bit too long if you ask me, and finally if you realllllly liked this I recommend you watch the series Oz on HBO, you'll love it.
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Wish Man (2019)
Lacked continuity and SAM ROCKWELL
6 June 2021
Where was the lead character's black eye after the motorcycle accident that he had before it? Unforgivable. Yet this film did stir up some raw emotion and brought out a few tears. A pleasant viewing experience but not a great or even good movie overall.

Also, I couldn't help wish they made this a bigger budget film with Sam Rockwell as the lead!!!! Right?!! Maybe because they resembled one another a bit, and the character reminded me a bit of Sam's in 3 Billboards.
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Pearl (II) (2020)
More like a scummy rock than a pearl
6 June 2021
Anthony LaPaglia was solid throughout, that's the only real positive I have here. Otherwise, this movie, with so much potential for emotion in its subject matter, seriously lacked a punch. I love indies and finding hidden gems but this was very amateurish in execution and dialogue, and failed to move me emotionally. Skip this one.
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Drunk Wedding (2015)
Way better options out there
6 June 2021
Nothing profound here...a simple plot where we expect outrageous behavior/situations and uproarious/crude humor. That's all I expected and hoped for. There were a few good laughs but not enough for what this movie was supposed to be, as I just described. I did like the character of Phil, he was amusing throughout. But among this genre there are endless better options. The Hangover this is not...
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Evergreen (I) (2020)
Middle of the road...
6 June 2021
I love road trip films. This was very middle of the road as far as those go. Some interesting characters encountered along the way, decent dialogue at times but not throughout.

But my main issue...I just could NOT buy into the compatibility/connection between the two leads. I tried, I really wanted to, but they just did not click for me romantically whatsoever. I couldn't BELIEVE. It made for moments that could otherwise have been touching so cringeworthy for me.
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Undeserved (2016)
6 June 2021
The only thing undeserved here is the torture I just went through watching this garbage.

I would say the typical "this looks like it was made by a second year film student," but that would be insulting to film students.
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Lemonheads (2020)
Not a classic, but entertaining
6 June 2021
I know this film doesn't have many ratings, but I'm surprised to see it at a 5.3 I agree with the reviewer who recommends seeing Requiem for a Dream or Trainspotting if you're looking for something that nails the depiction of addiction and you're not into indies.

But my main takeaways...excellent lead performance. Also, this film went from one scene/situation to the next and each introduced one crazy/interesting character after another. This and the general flow kept me engaged. Yes, I questioned some things (they couldn't have carried out what they did in full-blown withdrawal), but I don't think this was meant to be a harrowing, pinpoint depiction of addiction, although it DID show the desperation addicts go through in their struggle.

Not a classic, I wouldn't watch it again, but a solid 7 for entertainment value.
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